Where I’m From

A blog thing I got from Diana! She found it here:


So, here’s my attempt!

I am from the book shelves looking out on the mountains, from Fig Newtons and endless cups of tea.

I am from the house on the hill with crazy gardens of stones, twisted paths and fragrant herbs warming in the sun.

I am from the junipers swaying in the wind, the mountains covered in snow.

I am from adventurers and hard working strong women, from Grandma Pauline Sudar, and Grandma Ruth Lee, and Nanny Ridge.

I am from the bunch who can’t wait to see what’s over the next ridge and enjoy the beauty of the mountains we live in.

From “Can’t you get out of the puddles, there’s Lightning!” and “Don’t forget how to get back to camp for dinner!”.

I am from a family that believes in G.O.D. Which means the Great Out Doors, and I do love the mountains that I live near, loving the beauty they sing in my heart.

I’m from Denver, Colorado, a mix of Croatian, Swede, English, Irish, Scots Welsh and German. Yet green chile and home made tortillas are my comfort foods!

From the cold snowy April fields of the Ludlow Massacre where a young family hid next to the “Dinosaur” for four days in the cold, the girl who rode her bicycle out to Rattlesnake Buttes to find fossils and wasn’t afraid of the snakes, and the man who went from nearly being swept away down the Orinoco River to being a park ranger at the Grand Canyon.

I am from the cedar chest filled with memories, the hard drives full of photos and stores, the envelopes with pictures in grainy gray and black. From the men and women willing to take risks in the new world and from the earth which gave them such beauty to look at.

I am from my family that loves me, my travels around the earth and my soul that soars with the love and beauty of those around me.


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