Or how life got really hectic at La Plaza.
We had a busy lunch. That was both good and bad. Good because we had lots of people. Bad because we ran out of stuff and trying to prep to catch up killed us. It was a learning experience to say the least. We have some things we need to improve on and will need to work out so that we don’t have such delays again.
I have tomorrow off!!!! Wheee! We are having my Aunt Toni here for dinner. 🙂 I thought that chicken curry sounded good and made a batch of tomato apple chutney to go with dinner. It came out fantastically. Tomorrow I plan to work on classwork for college, do some sewing and clean house! I should go do laundry, but that isn’t going to happen tomorrow. Maybe on Friday. I have enough work clothes and the guys are fine.
We still have Kayla as a houseguest. She came down for the Relay for Life, a cancer walk thing in La Veta. That was on Saturday. She goes home on Thursday. Morgan is with us this week too!!! I do love her so much. I’m just glad that I have another ‘daughter of the heart’ in my life. Speaking of which, Natalie is going to Nigera with Medics Sans Frontiers any day now. Geeeppppp!!!!
We had the most awesome thunderstorm this afternoon too. I was really glad that I had gotten home before the storm hit. Thunder and lightning and buckets of rain for probably 30 minutes. At least it helped wash the skunk stink off the front porch and off of Spike.
Oh, and I’m going to bed early tonight!!! Wheee…. or is it sad that I look forward to going to bed early? A commentary of the fact that I get up way too early most days? That I work hard, or that I just stay up to late most nights. Hm…. Okay, all of them. LOL!