If I had to characterize the last ten days it would snow, sun, snow, power breakfasts and snow. It has snowed almost every other day. Some of it wet and slushy, others of it freezing cold and icy shards. Then the next day it would be 65 degrees! Gads!!! On Easter Sunday, we woke to snow falling. In fact, it snowed for 12-13 hours. And yes, it was gone the next day.
I had the grandpuppy over to play. He weighs about 20 pounds now.

On Thursday, we went up to Pueblo and attended the BBB Power Breakfast. We got to see a different business and see a friend we hadn’t seen in a few months. Debora Hood. We had a great time talking to her and Zella and then we met Debora again at Barnes & Noble where we talked for nearly 3 hours. It was great. We talked business, kids, and employers.
Saturday and Suday we tried to do the stay at home and relax thing. Didn’t work too well. Lots of running around.
Monday, we re-arranged the office area again. I cooked a big breakfast for Dan, Matt and I. Moving the furniture totally confused the dogs. Also ran to Pueblo for dog food.
Yesterday, we picked up little Morgan and went to Pizza Hut for dinner. She had one of those book-it coupons.
Today we took my mom to Pueblo so she could do her shopping. Dad is still having trouble with muscle spasms, so he didn’t want to drive. She picked us up at 8:30am and off we went. It was a really good day, and we finished it off by eating lunch at Romeros. Yummmm!
After we got home, Dan went off to pick up little Morgan and I puttered around on my computer. Erin, Morgan and Logan came by to visit. Logan ate enough gingersnaps to stuff a small ursine.

They left, I made dinner and Erin showed back up to talk to Dan. As he got ready to leave, we saw the deer! They are half a block away!!

We figure that this is the same herd we saw yesterday up at the high school. So Cool! Not more than 15 minutes later, they were on the front lawn, causing the dogs to go nuts. It was too dark for our cameras to get photos. Drat!