Rock Garden

About ten minutes after I posted about it being cool and cloudy, the skies opened up and it poured rain for at least twenty minutes. 🙂 Ahhhhhh, delightful! After the rain, I took some pictures of the rocks in the front garden, Redtom our feral friendly neighborhood cat and my herbs. 🙂

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A Mouse!!!!

Not that mice are any real news, but today they were a focus for laughter. This winter had been very mouse-ful! We’ve had traps in the kitchen, mice mess to clean up as they’ve found bits of food and occasionally, we’ve had a mouse run across the counters. Not really a problem, but just one of those things.

However, today I was cleaning house. We had a heatwave of 67 degrees, and we opened all the doors to let in the warm air. It was marvelous. Of course, the two feral cats I feed, took full advantage of the open doors to come see if there was any extra food just waiting to be eaten. Red Tom walked through and left. Black Tom, aka the Luuuuuv Sponge, decided to visit Dan and I and then follow me where ever I went in the house just in case I might have a bit of a snack for him. As I was taking the trash out, I moved a bag on the back porch which had been there for a couple of days. Two wee mice shot out from under the bag. One went left and the other went out the back door. Black Tom shot out the door to grab the mouse. Around the rosebush he ran and bingo! He had the mouse.

I realized he was running for the house and tried to stop him. No such luck, as he dived past me. I stood there giggling and went to see if he had gotten all the way through the house and out the front door. Oh no! He got as far as the big chair and decided to play with his food. He dropped it and chased it, recapturing it just before it got under the chair. I’m laughing and Dan is wondering what is going on, just as Black Tom drops the mouse again, right at his feet. He bats it around and catches it again.

By this time, we are both laughing. Black Tom does the release and catch thing one more time and then tears out the front door with mouse in jaws for a lunch. Of course, Red Tom is standing on the front porch with a look of confusion on his face. It was a riot!

Once we finally stopped laughing, we cleaned up the back porch, hauled all the scrap metal in the back yard to the front for the guy to pick up tomorrow and then had dinner. It was a warm wonderful day! A very Mouserful day!


We got about 6 inches of the stuff by morning. Morgan was disappointed that school was not canceled. She had great hopes of watching Babylon 5. Oh well.

Here are some pictures. The cat is one of the ferals we call Red Tom. The rest were taken from the top of the stairs or on the sidewalk.Dan of course is doing the shovel work.

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Where did this week go?

    I’m not sure, but it went by fast! Monday after the kids learned that they had the day off, I started getting some work done around the office. Dan, Karen and Carlos went off to Colorado Springs and Pueblo. Around 5, I headed out to a set of back to back accountability meetings at the high school. Wheee….. sorta. I think I scared them with the laptop. :>

Tuesday, Carlos left for New Orleans and warmer weather. Dan and I had a client come by for some computer work who looked like Santa! Complete with belly, beard and white curls on his shoulders. Very sweet man. He left, and we started out the door when we got distracted by deer!


Earlier, they had been being stalked by the little orange tomcat that lives next door. He had been doing the “I’m a sabor tooth on my grandma’s side!”. They finally got tired of him and headbutted him off to one side. It was a riot.

Tuesday night, Dan and I went to Trinidad to do the Ostara shopping. We also got the kids some clothes as they both said that they were being squished by their undies, etc. It was a riot watching the little old ladies watch Dan and I shop for Little Morgan’s bras.

Wednesday, the Ostara Bunny came for the kids with candies. Wednesday afternoon, we went to go talk to the City about a contract for wireless connections in town. Whee… Plus, Logan got sick and his parents ended up taking him all the way to Colorado Springs to be told that he had some sort of infectin and a bottle of amoxicillan.

Thursday, we got bits and pieces done around the office. Daniel came by and worked on the yard, so it would be Oscar or Brandy proof. He fixed two gates and started on the third. Then we headed out to Gardner School for parent teacher conferences. Matt is doing alright, but not the best. He needs to apply himself to his work. Oh, and turn it in.  Morgan is doing very well, especially since she started applying herself better. She is very happy with herself and it shows in her work. Afterwards, we went to Andy’s for dinner. It was a small riot as Dan was being as big a cut-up as the kids. After we dropped the kids off, we were off to Carl Holzhauer’s to do some computer work. He is an older gentleman who has computer troubles as well as just wanting company. So, he really enjoys Dan’s company. We were out there for about 3 hours. I had a nice chat with his wife while Dan did the work. Even got invited out for dinner. :>  By the time I got home though, I had the headache from hell. I crawled into bed and slept till nearly 8am.

Today has been a series of small bursts of productivity. I was a bubble head this morning from the aftermath of the headache. We went out to Mike’s house to see if we could put a tower out there for Wireless service. We saw some good spots, but need to plot them on the maps. Then it was lunch and back to the office to work on the city proposal. Wheee…..

Tomorrow won’t be much better, as we have to go work on the NOC in Aguilar in the morning and wire Aguilar Town Hall in the afternoon.  Wheeeeeeee………… gads… When are we going to get a day off???