Battlemoor V… Last Photos and a tale

Yes, a tale. You made it through all those photos… So you deserve a giggle.

The porta potties are placed in various spots around camp. Those closest to us were on a bit of an incline. Enough that you worried about falling out…

Dan got up in the middle of the night over the weekend after consuming about a gallon of liquid. He’d not drunk enough, so ‘stocked up’ during dinner and just before bed. Predictable results… He had to visit the porta potties. It was late at night. He was Very Sleepy.

As luck would have it, he climbed into the most tilted one. He thought he locked the door. As he relaxed and relieved himself, he rested his head against the door. He hadn’t locked the door, and rolled out of the porta pottie and into the “street”. As luck would have it, no one was around. No one saw him hit the dirt.

So, he got up, dusted off his butt, pulled up his trews, finished the ‘job’, and came back to bed. He didn’t tell me until morning. Moral of this story… Always lock the loo door!



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