On Friday, it was Beth’s birthday. It was also Independence Day. Having a birthday then is like being born on Yule or Leap Day. We had cake with her and then Dan and I headed out to a barbecue that was more business than party. Pauline is living out with Mike and Gloria in the back of beyond in Huerfano County. Mike and Dan talked business while Pauline showed off the gardens and we “ladies” chatted about the “guys”. Got home around 9pm.
Next morning, we got up early and headed over to the San Luis Valley. This was suppose to be a day off to just relax. However, it turned into a tower spotting exercise. We found the one tower outside of San Luis.

We then headed across the southern half of the valley. I was reminded of the Extremadura in Spain. Interesting in that many of the first settlers of the valley came from that area. As we entered Antonito, Dan realized that there was a Steam Train! The Cumbres Toltec Scenic Railroad. We drove around the yard and then headed towards Chama. We climbed La Manga Pass. Not too steep, but beautiful, and just in time to catch the train as it crossed the highway.

Dan was excited. We took pictures and then headed down the road until the next time the train crossed the road. Dan walked down the embankment and got some good pictures of the train on the tracks.

After the train went by, Dan realized that a spark had started a small fire and stomped it out. We kept leaping ahead of the train to take more pictures.

We followed it all the way to Chama. I’ve always loved this train. Now Dan does too, and he hasn’t even ridden it.
Next on our wee jont… Pagosa Springs. Hadn’t intended to go that far, but… Oh well. Wolf CreekPass was the site of another tower, but we couldn’t gain access. Instead, we drove down the mountain until we found a place to eat our lunch. Right next to Wolf Creek. Hard boiled eggs, cheese, bread and salami. Yummmm….. Memories of family picnics. We got home around 9pm. It was a good relaxing day.
Sunday, we re-arranged the house at 520. Moved the bedroom from the front to the back. Oiled the floor and it looks so nice. We have a bookcase to build and then we can move the last of the stuff. Wheee….. Finished the evening off with a couple of episodes of Babylon 5.