Cold, quiet and queesy

Today was one of those typical Colorado weather days. Wait five minutes and the weather will change. We’ve had snow, sun and wind in various combinations all day. Oh, and Cold! My fingers nearly froze trying to get my resume ready this morning. I applied for a secretarial job out in La Veta today. Took Pauline with me so that we could catch up on each other’s lives. Turned into a nice girl’s day out.

We went to lunch out at the Rambler, and then went to a couple of shops. One of them being Collection Corners. Lots of antiques. I was so good. Looked and didn’t buy anything! I dropped her off around 5pm and came home. Dan had a meeting to go to and I decided to just curl up with my cup of mint tea and the computer. My lunch didn’t set very well. uggghh….

Sunday Dan and I took Blanca and Brandy to Pueblo and Petsmart. We needed to get her a body harness as Brandy keeps escaping the yard. We figured that fitting one would be better than just guessing. So, off we went. Blanca was very good. In fact, she was better than I thought she’d be. Brandy was good, but she yammered ala coyote at the other dogs and scared some of them. I teased Dan that there was a language barrier. Dog vs Coyote. Maybe I wasn’t so far off.

However, the girls had a good time.

So far, I have three resumes out. One to the local hospital, one to La Veta high school and one out to a gentleman wanting data entry work done. Now for the wait. sigh…..

I think I’ll go to bed.

Then Hell froze over…

You see, yesterday was my last day of work. I resigned on the 12th. Finally had enough of the board breaking the law. I can say stuff now that I am no longer employed. Wheeeee!!!!

In case you the audience hadn’t guessed, they screwed up big time. Broke the Sunshine Law, various state and federal tax laws and various state and federal labor laws. Oh, and had the audacity to say that they didn’t have to follow the laws like other boards do. My biggest concern was how to bring them to justice… I didn’t want to sue them.  I don’t want their little businesses. However, I really want them to understand just how badly they screwed up in the best way I can.

I hmmmed and hawwed for a month. Then it came to my attention that not only hadn’t they paid all of the taxes correctly, but that they had totally missed the Unemployment and Workmen’s Comp stuff. I tested the waters of that illegality on two of the people who work for WorkForce, the “jobs” people. Their reaction was pretty impressive. That whole OMGS!!! type thing. So, later today I will be calling Labor Standards and filing a complaint.

Dan, who is the treasurer at the moment will be resigning too. As his lawyer told him, 27 different violations that she counted, so get the hell out! It will be interesting.

Between sitting on my hands and doing nothing in the name of the Chamber, I applied for two jobs and did a bunch of writing. Some of it will be up on my wordwytch blog. Other bits…. who knows. 😛 I attended a lot of meetings about gardening too. :>

Now, about that hell freezing over… Our standard phrase around the office when someone decided to not choose us is “Either you pick us, or you made a mistake.” It started out as a joke and then we realized that most times it was true. Especially when we have had to redo work because some idiot charged less and screwed up badly. Well, in this case, it was one of “you had the best and threw it away.”

We have had beautiful weather. Nice, warm springtime stuff. Yesterday, we were under a winter storm warning. 1-2 feet type storm. I got up yesterday, and while it was cool, there was no snow. Went to work and around noon, a few flakes fell and then melted. Some storm. 2pm- quitting time! We packed things up and delivered them to my “supervisor”, the one who did nothing this entire last two weeks. Dan said that he’d take me to lunch. I said fine, and as the weather still hadn’t hit, we went to the bank and then headed towards Pueblo.

2:30pm. All the work done and we headed out. Five miles out of town, the flakes of snow started to fall. The road went from wet to slushy. Nothing we couldn’t handle. The snow got heavier and so did the wind. We stopped at Colorado City for gas and decided that we were not going to make it to Pueblo. So, we at lunch at Max’s. Nice little place. As the wind howled and the snow fell, I started to giggle. I had to explain that it looked like Hell was freezing over, and perhaps that was rather appropo considering it was my last day at work. Dan, the waitress and the other customers in the place all giggled. There was some good natured teasing about it being all my fault. 🙂

Then we drove home. Oh gods was it snowy! We got back to the highway and our first suspision that something was wrong was the fact that while there were plows on the Northbound side, there were none on the Southbound side. Dan was plowing the road. The wind was blowing harder and it was difficult to drive.

It took us 45 minutes to drive home 23 miles.  It was an adventure. The girls were happy to see us. They’d been outside! oops!!! I missed a lady I was suppose to go check on a garden with, but I would have reguardless because of the snow.

 Snow overhanging the roof
Snow overhanging the roof
Budding shrubs covered in snow
Budding shrubs covered in snow

Today it is still snowing. We have at least a foot in places where it didn’t melt on impact.  The dogs are enjoying the stuff. I slid and plowed my way to Safeway this morning for soymilk and eggs. Wheeee……

Brandy in the back yard
Brandy in the back yard

Now I’m going to catch up on my journals, read my book and clean up my computer. Right after I call Labor Standards.

A Fractured Fairy Tale, Part 2

The woman worked hard to deal with the rules of the Synod. It was very frustrating in that she could only do part of the work she normally did. It was frustrating that she couldn’t explain what was going on to those of her friends that were concerned about her. She still had no voice.

The man and his friend worked hard to make things right, but the monster Jejune was very clever. It hopped from one person to the next to spread the poison of boredom and hatred.

The Synod met a week later and made even more rules than before. All the woman could do is sit and listen and do her job. It hurt. All of their work compounded the spell, which still affected the woman. The man had tried to make her stay home and heal, but she was honor bound to abide by the rules the Synod had put in place. She couldn’t afford to just quit. She couldn’t quit because the Synod would only do this to another person if she couldn’t figure out how to stop the nasty hateful spell or the monster.

Then disaster struck the Conservatory. The monster, Jejune, dripped nastiness and made people lazy. It made them not care about their work. Workers dealing with the plumbing in the Conservatory didn’t check everything and water flooded part of the Conservatory. The man discovered the problem, and raced to tell people who could fix it. He had a terrible time of it because people wanted forms filled out in triplicate before they’d do anything. He finally yelled loud enough that someone heard and sent the same workers back over to fix the problem.

Meanwhile, the woman got all the work ready to be moved out of the Conservatory. She knew it wouldn’t be safe to work there. All the power was turned off. So, after packing up all the work she could, she went home and went to bed.

A few days later, the Synod wanted her to go back to work. She was responsible for finding a place to work. She and the man asked in all the government offices in the city. No one had room for them. They kept looking, and finally asked a scholar who helped the farmers and ranchers in town deal with the kingdom to the North. He said he had a place for her to work. He gave her an office in the corner of his great hall. The man helped the woman move all of her stuff into the new office. It was a quiet place most days with just the scholar’s housekeeper for company.

On occasion, a member of the Synod would come by to see what the woman was doing. She always made sure to make herself look busy, even if she wasn’t. It wasn’t her fault that there was nothing to do. However, she didn’t want to get yelled at because she wasn’t doing anything. It was very tiresome.

The woman began to realize that there was very little she could do to hurt the monster. She needed the people to wake up and fight it themselves. However, she didn’t give up.

The man and his friend worked hard to make the Synod understand how wrong they were, especially when it came to how they treated their friend. She was doing her job, and would never have done things without permission. However, the member of the Synod that liked to yell, kept setting traps for the woman. She dodged most of them, but on occasion, she tripped up. Then the man who yelled would be gleeful.

The workers didn’t do a good job of cleaning up. In fact, they just shut the doors and left the Conservatory to mold. This was horrid as the woman wanted to be back in her office. She realized that if the Conservatory didn’t get cleaned up, that she might never get back in there. The Synod said that they cared, but they just stood by and let Jejune delay the workers and confuse the people testing the Conservatory into believing it was better to keep it shut up tight. Instead of mouldering on the outside like a tomato or a loaf of bread, the Conservatory was mouldering from the inside out.

At that point, the woman realized that she would never be able to do the work she should be doing. She would never get back in her building. The Synod was making more rules that were just stupid. Jejune had done such a good job that the woman realized that the only way to fix the Synod and the people poisoned by Jejune was to let them totally break. She couldn’t fix them because they didn’t want to be fixed. They had been broken for so long that they didn’t know any other way to live.

They had broken the laws. The woman realized that they had broken lots of laws, and the best way to deal with that was to no longer work for the Synod. This was a very hard decision. Another friend of her’s had given her information on how to tell the Kingdom in the North of the laws broken and she intended to do so. She knew that she would have to look for a new job. However, anything was better than this half life she’d dealt with for the last month.

With the help of her friend, they devised a plan. So that the Synod or Jejune would not suspect nor try to stop her, they stopped working together. The man and his friend took their swords out and practised until they were very good. The woman worked as she could and tried to make everything look normal. In truth, she was figuring the best way to quit.

The Synod had a meeting. They couldn’t hold it in the Conservatory. It was too moldy. Instead, they had it at a cafe where there wasn’t a lot of seating. This meant that there wouldn’t be many people at the meeting. This was fine with the woman. She was ready. She had crafted a spell of her own. Not a big one, but a very clean one.

During the meeting, the two men kept their hands on their swords to be ready in case Jejune showed up or the other members of the Synod decided to be cruel or stupid. They drew them twice when things got rough. People settled down quickly when they saw that the two friends had no trouble standing up for themselves.

When the meeting was almost over and the Synod had re-written the rules yet again, the woman stood up to present some information. While she started to talk, the man who liked to yell began to work a spell. He was waiting for the woman to finish so that he could cast it. The man saw what he was starting to do and nodded to his friend. Both men put their hands to their swords.

The woman got to the last of her information and then cast her spell. It struck the Synod perfectly. The two men were safe because the woman had crafted it very cleverly. Everyone else was struck dumb. While trying not to smile, the woman sat back down and waited for the end of the meeting. They had no choice but to listen to the woman and her request to work for a fortnight as was the right of her agreement with them. They had no choice but to finish the meeting. Most of all, the man who had the spell in his hand wiped it off quickly as it burned him. All of his plans had come to naught.

That night, the man, his friend and the woman talked of what had been wrought. They weren’t sure if it would hold, but it was the honourable way to end this travesty. The Synod could rot in their own little nastiness. The woman had two places to look for work and although she was scared, she knew she had done the right thing.

When she went to bed, she didn’t cry herself to sleep. She snuggled deep in the covers and slept well. She knew she could live with whatever the Synod or Jejune tried to do to her over the next fortnight. The woman had done what was honourable and right. Letting the rot kill the Synod or Jejune was the best revenge.

The topsoil is blowin’ in the Wind!

And today, it is actually mild compared to what is to come later this week. Last week we had more than one day when the winds were between 30 and 44 miles per hour. Todays are a breezy 20mph with gusts up to 35mph. Tomorrow is 20-35mph winds with gusts up to 50 mph. Gads! Honestly, I think that I’m going to have to scrape all the soil off the fence and put it back in the yard at this rate. We have places in our backyard where the loose soil is just gone and all you see is the hard stuff with lots of rocks in it. Not good for gardening. sigh…

I think that what I may do is turn the front porch into a greenhouse. Plant a bunch of stuff in pots, get them going on the front porch which is sort of a big cold frame at the moment and go from there. By the time the stuff is too big to be in the pots, I’ll have the back yard ready. I hope.

Meanwhile, I am still camping in the offices of the CSU Extension office. The Chamber is still out of the building and doesn’t look to be going back in any time soon. sigh….. Very frustrating. Oh well.  Plus, I’m putting my name in for other secretarial jobs that pop up. We will see. Still no apologies after all that dreck.

I got my taxes filed and am nearly caught up on other things. So, this afternoon, I am going to work on my writing! Wheeee!! I have two stories in my head that I need to get started on before they go the way of my topsoil!

Grandpuppy came to Visit

In the midst of everything this week, Daniel turned 19 on the 2nd. I babysat the puppy for him. Oh, and took lots of pictures.

Puppy attacking the wood pile
Puppy attacking the wood pile
Puppy attacking Brandy's bed
Puppy attacking Brandy's bed
Shhhh! Sleeping puppy!
Shhhh! Sleeping puppy!
"Yes, he's cute" says Dan.
"Yes, he's cute" says Dan.

Next time the puppy comes to visit, I hope that Daniel would have named him. He will also get to play with Brandy and Blanca next time.

Wildlife adventures

Life has been interesting around here. We’ve had deer so close that Dan has smacked them on the butt to get them out of the stairwell. Dan took these pictures without using the telephoto setting.  This buck was less than 8ft from our house.

Buck next to the house
Buck next to the house
The rest of the herd
The rest of the herd

Then there is the big cat that was in the backyard last night. Not sure if it was a bobcat or a lynx, but it was not a housecat! The dogs wouldn’t even go outside. Oh, and the skunks have been trying to mate under the house. Ugggghhhh!

Finally, we have been having issues with our one dog, Brandy. She is a mixed breed. German shepard and ??? We figure coyote. Why? Just look at the pictures and see. Our biggest problem is keeping a collar on her! Even the local animal control officer thought she was a coyote. sigh… Oh, and she howls and chatters just like one too!


I’ve got a new Grand….

Puppy.  I know you thought I was going to say baby, but Bryan and Katie’s baby isn’t due until June. However, Daniel got an early birthday present. An 8 week old purebreed pitbull.

Daniel called and said that he wanted to show me something. I said ok, and that I was at 520. The basement had flooded at work after the city crew put a water meter in yesterday. Not sure what failed, but the basement was FULL of water. The city crew started pumping water, San Isabel turned off the electricity and then the city turned off the water and gas as soon as they could. Meanwhile, I realized I couldn’t do any work and took a day off using up some of my comp time. Wheeee….

So, Dan and I waited. Dan said that Daniel had a new dog. I said, nah, it couldn’t be. Twenty minutes later, Daniel got to the house. He walked in with his coat all curled up and all I could think was oh gods! What now? Dan gave me that “I told you so!” look. Daniel opened his coat and set this little wrinkley 8 week old puppy on the bed. I tried so hard not to think it was cute. Really. I did! sigh…..

image528He doesn’t have a name yet. I’m lobbying for Buster.

image532Of course the minute I picked him up, he went to sleep. Dan teasing me about Nana’s magic lap…

Daniel wanted to go get him a collar. He’d already had his shots and weighs a whole 5 pounds, 1 ounce. So, cradling my new grandpuppy, we headed off to Safeway. No luck. Dan suggested that we go to Petsmart in Pueblo. None of us had to be anywhere soon, so off we went.

Divot, my car decided to have lots of issues. It took us forever to get to Pueblo. We had lunch at Taco Bell, and then headed to Petsmart. We found a collar, toys, a book and a magazine on pit bulls for Daniel and a new water bowl for our two dogs. Blanca is constantly knocking the one we have over and I am tired of wet floors.

We then went to the Mall and Daniel bought Brianna a prezzie. A necklace and matching earrings. He even got a Wedgewood box to put them in. Very pretty! After that, we headed back to Taco Bell for dinner. Daniel’s request.

We drove home and then got to deal with jealous dogs when we got home. They could smell the puppy all over us, but couldn’t figure out where I had hidden it. LOL!

A Sunny Doggy Day

Work has been quiet, and as soon as I got done, Dan and I headed to 520 to pack up the light camel packs and grab the dogs for a walk. It has been unseasonably warm. I think the high was 64 today. Gads! So, we headed to the park. Lathrop State Park is only three miles outside of town.  Blanca and Brandy have never been there. They really aren’t sure of the whole traveling in cars in the first place. Ah well.

I got our parks pass and then we headed off to one of the campsites. Dan has a new GPS toy. (Garmen Etrex Vista) He says it is smarter than he is. Probably right. It would help if he RTM! teeheehee….. He marked the “spot” with a handkerchief and off we went. Brandy wanted to run and Blanca wasn’t too sure about this whole dirt/cactus/rocks thing.

img_0040Here is Dan and Brandy going cross country. My camera’s shutter keeps sticking. Hence the snazzy black slices in the corners. Blanca wasn’t too sure where Mama was going and told me so.

img_0042She kept doing that whole “Mama! they’re Over There!” and didn’t want to walk alone. So, we caught up with Dan and Brandy. Went down by the lake and walked the shoreline. Brandy tried to attack the waves and was biting at them. Then she fell in. Dan and I were laughing so hard that we could barely stay out of the lake ourselves. Blanca was not going near the lake.  We walked a bit more and then headed up towards the rocks. Brandy was pretty good, but Blanca was not happy. She backed out of her collar at one point and she and I played ring around the pinon pines. Finally got her collar back on and headed to the car. Dan and Brandy were headed back out because we’d been so long.

All in all we managed about a three mile walk. The dogs were tired. We were tired. However, I managed not to have an asthma attack! Huzzah!!!! After weeks of being sick and every little thing making me wheeze, it was really nice not to have to sit and think “Breathe!”.  The laundry room at 203 jsut rips me up at the moment. sigh…

We got back just  about sunset. Oh the girls were tired.

img_0043Blanca was too tired to wag her tail. hpim1610Brandy fell asleep snuggling the sheep.

hpim1612Blanca flopped in the chair. Poor tired doggies….

Now of course I have to get my tired arse out of this chair long enough to go make dinner. Yawwwn….

A fractured Fairy Tale.

Once upon a time there was a small town in the back of beyond . The town was a sleepy little place that didn’t try to do to much. It didn’t want to grow. It didn’t want to change. It wanted to stay asleep. However, on occasion, new people moved into town. Some of them had never been there before. Others returned because they had family that had lived there for a very long time. It was very difficult for the town to change, because there wasn’t a lot of money or desire to do so. Or, when people did try to change it, the dreaded monster Jejune reared it’s uggggly head. It would thwart the growth or the ambitions. Or, it would make progress move very slowly. All in all, it was very hard to make changes.

Now, some people saw this as good. Dogs could sleep in the streets, no one locked doors, and people were friendly. Yet, some of the same qualities that made it a good place to live made it a difficult place to live. There weren’t many shops. There weren’t a lot of jobs. The schools weren’t as good as they could be and that made some people unhappy. These people decided to band together to challenge the monster, Jejune.

Pretty soon, there was more than just a few people trying to get the monster to let go of the the town and let people change. Little by little, there was headway made. Old buildings were saved from being torn down just because they were old. Other groups worked to bring more money into the town. People planned new shops and some even decided to look into how the town was run. This of course made the monster very unhappy. The sad part was that the monster could move from group to group or people to people. It was never in the same place twice, which made it very hard to kill.

Now, in the town, there was a group of people who were suppose to represent the interests of others in town. Some ran shops, while others worked in shops or for the town. Some of them just lived in the town and wanted to help any way they could. They got together and called themselves the Synod. The Synod was a mixed bunch of people. Some of them thought of the monster as an old friend and didn’t want to hurt him. Others knew that the monster was dangerous and felt that it was time for change. Over the years, the Synod met in a hall, called the Conservatory. They got together and talked about how to change things and what to do. Sometimes they did great things and raised money to help the town. Other times, they did a really bad job of it and they would get discouraged and go back to sleep. For a while, there were some bad people on the Synod that worked for the monster. The monster encouraged them to be mean to other people on the Synod and at the same time make them think that they were being nice to them. Unfortunately, it worked.

The Synod got sick, and tried to go to sleep. Some of the new people in town were unhappy with that but not exactly sure what they should do. Then the Synod got the idea that if they had a person working in the Conservatory, that maybe things would go better for them. The Synod wanted someone to do all the jobs that they had no time to do themselves. They hired someone and it didn’t work out. They tried again and that didn’t work either. The people they hired wanted to sleep as much as the monster. Then, one afternoon, a woman came in looking for a job. Her family was grown, and she was looking for something to do other than cook and clean all day. She was very smart and not afraid of the monster, Jejune.

She took her job seriously. At first she had to clean and sort all kinds of messes left by the other people. She had to make sense of piles of papers and boxes of stuff that had never been properly sorted. However, she worked hard. Her neighbor came to help move the heavy stuff. He too was not afraid of the monster and wanted to see things change. Together, they worked on fixing up the Conservatory to make it work better. They found newer machines to make the work go faster. The man was very talented with machines and with some of his friends had figured out new ways to do things that worked better than the old ways. It was also cheaper. The woman was very happy. She had a lovely job, a good friend, and really felt that she was doing things to make the Town better.

She went to meetings, met with people and tried to find better ways to do her work. New people joined the Synod and it was looking like the monster was going to have to let loose his grip on the town. Even if it was just a little. The man joined the Synod as did his friend who was also good with machines. Together they sharpened their swords and their pens to defeat the monster.

Little by little, people around the Town could see the change going on at the Conservatory. One old granny at a meeting said how proud she was to see the change. It had been too long that the monster, Jejune, had been ruling the land. Other people noticed the change and were happy. Things were looking good.

Meanwhile, the sick people on the Synod were getting upset with all the change. Even though they had told the woman to do much of what she had done or hadn’t told her not to do some of the stuff, they were getting upset. One of the people let the monster slide into his soul, and when the woman was least expecting it, he’d yell at her. Jejune was clever enough to do this when no one else was around. This was very upsetting, because the woman really hadn’t done anything wrong. It was just that the monster was upset and used people to try and put things back to sleep.

The woman turned to her friends and some of the other people on the Synod to talk about this. It wasn’t right. They were making progress. Things were getting better in the Town. New laws were fairer. People were happy with the changes. Groups were getting together and talking more than they had in many years. People wanted to challenge the monster and it was beginning to look like the town might actually wake up more than it had in years.

Jejune was stronger than any of them thought, and took over the souls of many on the Synod, especially the man who liked to yell. They were sick, and didn’t even know it. Some of them weren’t very strong, so when the really bad ones came to them, they sided with those infected by the monster. They were afraid of being hurt. Together, they worked a nasty spell. It was created with lies, hate, malice and ugly thoughts. It broke all kinds of laws in this land and they didn’t care. Some of the people said that this was wrong. It didn’t stop them because they didn’t care. They wanted to hurt the woman who was defeating the monster. They wanted to hurt her friends too. Most of all, they wanted things to go back to sleep.

At a big meeting in the Conservatory, with lots of people attending, the Synod waited. They waited until the woman’s friend spoke and said nasty things about him. None of them were true, but they said them because the monster had poisoned their souls. Jejune wanted the man to fail, because if he failed, it would hurt his friend, the woman. It didn’t work as well as they thought, so they went on with their plan, and threw the spell of nastiness at the woman. Now, being a clever woman, she wasn’t totally defenseless. However, the spell burned. It upset her and took much of her voice away. She found it very hard to explain that she had done no wrong. She didn’t lie. She hadn’t said the things that they were accusing her of doing. The woman tried to explain that it was others as well as members of the Synod who were infected by the monster that were in the wrong.

One of her friends who was in the Synod tried to help her and the man. He tried to make it right. The spell made it hard for the people to hear what he was saying. Two people that the woman thought were her friends attacked her and upset her very badly. The woman knew that they had broken the laws put out by the Sunny Kingdom to the north. She understood that she was within her rights to have things done a certain way. However, the Synod didn’t want to listen. People in the audience got upset and left. Others were struck dumb by the stupidity of the Synod who were sick and barking at the woman like mad dogs.

In the end, she realized she couldn’t win the fight. She threw the spell back at them the best she could and with the help of the man and their friend worked a small spell that made the sick people think they won. She would work just like they wanted her to for a short time. Meanwhile, the two men would work on a better counter spell to make the sick people on the Synod to see just how wrong they had been.

When the meeting broke up, friends of the woman helped her clean up the Conservatory. They tried to calm her down and let her know that they would wield their swords and work to set things right. The man took the woman back to her house and sat with her while she cried and cried. She crawled under her quilt and tried to settle down. He got her water when the remains of the spell tried to choke her and eventually fell asleep on the chair.

Before long, the sun came up and the woman had to go to the Conservatory and work. It was a very difficult day. The man came with her and helped her change the Conservatory to look more like it had before all of the good things started happening. It was very frustrating to have to remove all the helpful machines. Yet, they didn’t want the monster Jejune to encourage the sick people on the Synod to damage the machines.

The man and his friend who were on the Synod sharpened their pens and began to write letters to those people upset by the meeting. They also began to check on all the laws that had been broken during the meeting. There were a lot of them. It would take a great deal of hard work to stop the damage done at the meeting.

The man checked on the woman to make sure she was okay. Her burnt lungs and voice were healing slowly. She still coughed and had trouble breathing. She cried at times because she was upset. All she had wanted to do was make the town better. She couldn’t understand how people could let the monster run their lives. Her frustrations made the man angry. He polished his sword and sharpened his pen. They were the best weapons to use against the monster. What he didn’t know how to heal was her broken heart.

So, as the woman healed and learned to work with the counter spell the men had worked during the meeting, the men prepared to do battle with the monster Jejune. After all, they could do nothing less.

Blink…Clouds…Blink…a few flakes…Blink…SNOW!

Yes, it is snowing. One minute we coud see the houses across the tracks at the Depot, next thing it was like looking through a thick lace curtain.  No idea of how much we are suppose to get. However, if it is too deal, Dan will be driving Morgan to school, or she will be staying home for the day. We will just have to see.

Work was fun. I woke up with no voice. By 10am, I had a croaky voice. Now I just have that “sexy” husky tone. sigh,… The dogs think I’m barking at them. Granted, they keep giving me this “mom! your sick! get in bed!!!” look. sigh… Maybe I will in a bit. Right now I’m trying to sip down 32 oz. of the Wellness tea. Oh, and write in my poor neglected blog!

Everyone else is at work. John and Beth at the library. Dan at Huerfano County Youth Services fixing the phones. The wiring there is “special” to say the least. I won’t even go into the mess we found there a few months back. gads. I’d have been embarrassed to do a job like that and charge that much money. Oh well… We are getting it fixed.

Work has been interesting. Some of our members are a little odd. They think that a chamber of commerce should be able to run without contact from the outside world. sigh…. Meanwhile we have other members that want us to be everywhere Now! I”m a bit of that camp. I figure that we have to have a physical presence if we want to get anything done. sigh… We shall see if things get worked out.

We are also revving up for our big fundraiser, the Black Diamond Jubilee. A black diamond is a piece of coal. We are a coal mining area. So, it fits. It is a big event with vendors, street fair stuff, etc. in June. Wheeeee…… and here we are just getting over the Groundhog Breakfast.
