My mom and dad were here for three days. They bought a house which they are fixing up for when they move home from the Grand Canyon. So, I spent time taking mom shopping in Colorado Springs, visiting with them and enjoying their company!
Hot pockets, knitting blogs and code monkeys
It’s been a long and busy day. Normally on a Friday, I get to sleep in just a little. No bus run to Badito. (16 miles one way) Our school district operates on a four day week. (m-th) However, the local school district moved the calendar around so that everyone could have a whole week off for Thanksgiving. Part of that adjustment meant that the kids went to school today.
So, Morgan and Matt got up at the usual 5:45am and started getting ready for school. They did a One Room School House event which is usually held the last day before T-day. Gardner school does this every year to commemorate the old fashioned schools. It is a really neat event with people dressing up in old fashioned clothes and the kids learning modern lessons in old fashioned style. I got to call Daniel off of school, because on Fridays since there normally isn’t school, he works a double shift at Alys’ Fireside Cafe. At one time or another, everyone in the family has worked there.
After I got back from Badito, I laid down for a few minutes to relax. (ahahaha!) 8am rolled around and Dan was up to code the website that he has promised to Brian and Gretchen Orr. They are the owners of the Huerfano Journal, the newspaper that is starting up in about a week. This meant that my free time was up, and I needed to get going in the office at 520 Penn. Dan mumbled something akin to thanks when hot tea appeared under his nose and actually stopped typing long enough to eat some scrambled eggs. Then it was back to coding. He wouldn’t be doing this website, except that G&B hired this French computer firm that promised them the moon and sort of handed them a slice of green cheese. The website should have been up over two weeks earlier and we happened to walk in with an article for Brian about the time he was pulling out his hair. So, Dan promised that we (Raton Basin Technologies) could put up a placeholder website for him. (see Dan. See Dan promise. See Dan write code till 2am.)
So, while Dan wrote code, I got a few chores done in my office. It is a mess.
I got some of it tidy, but there are still spots where I probably aught to use a bulldozer. I have a speaker system to add to my desk as well. :>
Then we went down to the Huerfano Journal to talk to B&G about the website and some options. We also gave the software to build the site to John Viel, who hosts their site. It was a good meeting, and afterwards we grabbed lunch. Dan went back to coding, and I decided to play with Ravelry and take photos of my projects and yarn. I played with Flickr too! I got that done in time to go pick up the kids at Badito.
I dropped the kids off at the house, threw laundry into the washer and then grabbed a few things and headed to the library. John’s hardhat had arrived and I wanted to give it to him. Oh was he surprised! It fits too! The one the construction company gave to him looked like an apple sitting on top of a watermelon. The library is turning the old high school into the new library. I found a new book to read and then after kisses and hugs, headed out the door.
Ten seconds down the road, I stopped at Erin and Morgan’s house. I had candy for them. English candy! Erin was in heaven, and little Logan loved his chocolate buttons.
Then it was off to Safeway. I grabbed milk, Dr. Pepper, iced tea and hot pockets. Must feed the code monkey! I dropped the milk off at the house and headed back to the office. Dan was so funny too, when he realized that I had brought him caffeine and hot pockets! He grabbed a soda and went back to coding. The website is looking beautiful.
Now it is my turn to relax. Playing on the web, eating hot pockets and looking forward to finishing up a sock! (Yule prezzie!)
A warm Sunday
Sitting here in my office, I am basking in the warmth of the sun coming through the window. Hard to believe it is November and we are still having days up in the 70’s. It’s warm enough to make me sleepy in fact. Not the best as I have plenty to do today.
After I got this blog set up yesterday, I decided I aught to learn a bit about widgets and CSS. So, I found a tutor on CSS online. Granted, there was a lot of cut and paste technology… (ahem), but I actually understood what I was doing! Can’t promise that I could do so off the top of my head this morning, but…… I have the pages saved and know I can go back to them. Huzzah!!! This is a good thing as Dan has been programing all night long to set up a website place holder for my cousin’s newspaper. They contracted with some French programmers and got bloody sod all for the money they have put out so far. Granted, that doesn’t mean that they won’t get their act together, but they have yet to show anything. sigh….. Getting back to Dan’s effort… Which was beautiful and to my cousin by 10pm last night. :> I at least understand a bit more of what he is doing now. Hell, I even dreamed of programming last night! Darned if I didn’t wake up before it booted! Oh well…
My parents are coming to town on Tuesday. Mom and I will be heading to Pueblo to get fabric for curtains. They are trying to get their house ready for Dad to retire. Matt, Jimmor and Bill worked on the house yesterday. Morgan helped Matt mow the lawn and get it all tidy as well.
I’m going to edit one of my stories today as well as get caught up on some house work. What I’d really like to do is get some stuff done around the office. However, that will just have to wait. Oh well…
Here I go again!
Well, I am going to try this whole blog thing yet again. It’s a new year, both birth wise and seasonally, so, I figured it was time to learn something new. I figure this blog will give me a chance to learn a few more computer skills or at least attempt to learn some. Those new skills of course will tie in nicely with working for Raton Basin Technologies, writing articles for the Huerfano Journal and trying to keep up with the kids.
Yesterday, I turned 48. Wow….. had a lovely day with friends and family. We went out for lunch as well as dinner. Andy’s is a barbecue place which we enjoy. Dan and the kids were in a crazy mood. More like having three kids there than just two. We had the waitress laughing at their antics. Barbecue sauce kisses, candy bombs and ice cube drops…
After lunch, I went shopping at one of the local stores, Armida’s. She has the most beautiful clothing. I was torn between getting something rather loud and impractical and something elegant and useful. I went for the latter. I got a lovely beaded and lacy black sweater and a lavender chenile tweedy sweater with black and white flecks. I also got a teeshirt from one of my favorite collections. It is a fairy. (ok, yet another fairy teeshirt)
Later at dinner, the kids had to put on their best manners. Granted, we had to explain the use of all the silverware, but… when you go to Alys’ Fireside Cafe, you have to deal with that. It was fun trying to explain why Dan eats in Germanic style while I eat English style. Morgan and Matt both decided to try English style. (fork in left hand, knife in right) They did pretty good. Hardest part was trying not to act like they did at lunch.
As it was my birthday, I had lots of congratulations, kisses and hugs as well. Daniel works there, and so he came out to eat with us for a few minutes. He has moved up from dishwasher to prep-chef. Pretty good job! I’m proud of my youngest son. Now if I can just get him to act as adult 100% of the time.
We came home, had cups of tea and watched a movie. The Core. Not the world’s best science, but a nice “suspend your senses” movie. Afterwards, we went to bed and had a nice sleep in.
Which of course brings me back to today. Now that I’ve gotten this far, I get to go figure out tags, and all the other bits. Aieeeee-ya!