Autumn heading our way

We had the first snow on the peaks about a week ago. Brrrr!!!!


It had been rainy and cold in town, but when the clouds moved off, there was the snow. It made me a bit nervous as we were due to go up into the Upper Huerfano to pick rosehips and such the next day. Luckily for us, it was just cool. We got lots of rosehips and chokecherries. I’m making jelly out of the chokecherries.

Morgan had a birthday on the 10th. She had a volleyball game the day before and I sent cupcakes up for her birthday.

Yesterday was Dan’s birthday. He’s 46 now. LOL…. I tease him and call him Old Man. 🙂

Dan and Morgan
Dan and Morgan

Morgan had a volleyball game yesterday too, and after the game we all went to Taco Bell where the whole team sang Happy Birthday to him. Oh the glow on his face!!!! It was a riot.

Today we went to do some work at the Catholic Church, ran errands around town, went to Morgan’s conferences and found out that she is doing well. Figured out some strategies for her expanding education. 🙂 If she can pull it off, and turn in her work with good grades, they may skip her to the 8th grade mid year. She was very happy about that.

After that, we came home had dinner and called my Dad to wish him happy birthday.

Rainforests, classes and computers

It has been busy in other ways around here. The Monsoon season kicked in early and is still going strong. I think we have had more rain storms than we did snow storms last winter. Nice, but frustrating when you try to dry laundry.

I’ve been working hard this last month on my math and english comp classes. Math has been a booger trying to remember things I learned 32 years ago. However, in spite of my fears, I am actually getting some of this! Dan put this poster up on my wall behind the computer that reads What yould you attempt if you knew you would succeed? I look at it every day. I admit that there are days when I want to curl up and cry, and others when I just get so frustrated that I walk away from the computer. Last test was a 90% though!!!

Then there is my english class… I am suppose to be in it to learn APA formating, even though it is an english class. However, I am peeved about being in a 101 class and still not learning APA style! Grrrr….. I write for a living!!! sigh….. As it is, I am teaching 3 other students how to write because they don’t get what the teacher is trying to do.

Last Thursday, we got a call that the library had finally gotten their computers from Tech for All. 25 of them. Dan and I went down and started helping Rose Keating, from Tech for All, to set them up, etc. 12 hours later, we still weren’t done. The contract tech worker and Rose went round and round. He choked the network and delayed us on end. Grrrr….. Not happy. However, we are going back today to finish up some stuff. Then, we will be able to have compute classes at the library! Wheeee!!!!

Dan went hiking with Dad yesterday. They had a good time. Half way up one of the Spanish Peaks. They came down because of the rainstorm headed in. On top of the peaks is not a good place to be in a thunderstorm. Mom and I went to lunch at George’s. Yummm.. It has become our date when the guys go hiking.

Stop the bus, I’m all funned out!

This last week has been “oh my gods” busy. After the birth of the kittens, life did not slow down. Instead, it got busier. Why? Well, because it was the week of the Grand Opening for the Spanish Peaks Public Library. It was an all hands on deck event. Dan, Beth and John were at the library every day from dawn to way after dark. The only reason that I wasn’t there helping was a nasty chest cold. The last thing I wanted to do was give anyone that cold.

Thursday was the opening event. A Gala Party…… Lots of dignitaries of one kind or another and plenty of people in fancy clothes.

The Huerfano Winds
The Huerfano Winds

The Huerfano Winds played during the party which was wonderful.

Dan, Deva and Beth
Dan, Deva and Beth

We had lots of lovely food and it was a good evening.

Me in my beaded dress
Me in my beaded dress

I even got all dressed up.

Then there was Friday and Saturday. Friday was the big ribbon cutting ceremony with all the speakers and state dignitaries.

John and I.
John and I.
Gene Hainer, Colorado State Librarian
Gene Hainer, Colorado State Librarian
Dan and Kayla
Dan and Kayla
And the ceremonial sissors go snip!
And the ceremonial sissors go snip!
the stacks
the stacks
The view into the children's library
The view into the children's library
The front entrance
The front entrance
John and Dan at the Children's Library check out desk
John and Dan at the Children's Library check out desk
The quiet reading area
The quiet reading area
Weavers guild in the Conference room
Weavers guild in the Conference room
Susan Tweit, author, reading to the children
Susan Tweit, author, reading to the children
Sons of the Conquistadores
Sons of the Conquistadores
John and Dad getting ready for Dad's program on Saturday morning
John and Dad getting ready for Dad's program on Saturday morning
The book sculpture and Monica in the center of the library.
The book sculpture and Monica in the center of the library.
The Archive/Colorado Room
The Archive/Colorado Room
The Donations wall of fame
The Donations wall of fame
The quiet room and the fireplace made of old school slateboards.
The quiet room and the fireplace made of old school slateboards.


Quiet at the end of the day
Quiet at the end of the day

These photos cover three days of chaos and beautiful fun.

The Perils of outdoor offices

Yesterday, we’d had enough. After the marathon of phonecalls over the new baby, we just couldn’t cope with the phone. So, when lunchtime came around, Dan and I grabbed waterbottles, apples. pen and paper. Off we went to Lathrop Park. It’s only 3 miles down the road, and we have a park pass. So, we drove out and climbed up on our favourite rocks.

Lathrop Park
Lathrop Park

We worked for a bit and then climbed around on the rocks for a while. There are all sorts of bowls and hollows carved by wind and water. In one of them was an area big enough to lay down. We were looking at that when Dan suddenly said, “Jaye, Don’t look!” Too late. I saw the snake. ::::shudder:::: However, Dan looked again and said that it was only a bull snake. It was about 7ft long. Not that this made my jitters much better, but it helped. I went around to another section of rocks while Dan took pictures.


We went back to working for a while, ate lunch and while we were eating, we heard someone coming up the trail. By the time we looked, the hiker was about 50 yards away heading up the hill. It was Dad!

me at "the office"
me at "the office"

We finished about as much as we could do without computers and headed back to the car. Dan saw this cactus which was blooming.

cactus blossoms
cactus blossoms

We walked down by the amphitheater and onto the road heading to the parking lot. Now, after one snake sighting, I’m looking for them. I Don’t Like Snakes. I’m looking from side to side. No snakes,… no snakes…no… OH! MY! GODS! RATTLESNAKE!!!!!!!! just to the right of me. I must have jumped 3ft in the air and 3ft to the left all at the same time. Nearly landed on Dan who was in the left hand rut. Dan of course went back to look at the snake which was rattling for all he was worth.

Bush and edge of road
Bush and edge of road

He was one pissed off snake. Dan was afraid to leave him that close to the road, so he got a branch and moved him up under a treel. That snake was really pissed then. Once Dan was done, we walked back to the car and headed to the ranger station to tell them that there was a snake that close to the campers area. Lathrop has LOTS of rattlers, but that is a very public place and not a good spot to have a peeved snake.


We went home after that, and as my brain was good for nothing, we headed to Pueblo to do some of the grocery shopping.

Hunting the elusive LoboSavvy…

We are Finally getting the website online! Wheeeee!!!


Dan is working hard on the engineering side of things like making the buttons and mouse overs while I get to write the text. No, we don’t want Dan’s engineering brain which is thinking more Auf Deutsche then in English to start the “sentences and paragraphs writing!” Not unless we want all the verbs at the end of the sentences. 🙂

Now what to write! Oh yeah…. the IT support company…. You have a problem, we’ll come up with a solution… Or something along those lines. We are working on being a business that supports business from the hardware and software sides. To find solutions that won’t break the bank, etc. If the company is invested in closed source software, we will let them know about open source stuff, etc. We aren’t going to be able to do this very well in Walsenburg, but hope to expand this to Pueblo and Springs.

Now to figure out what to write…. (see Jaye.. see Jaye thump head against desk…)

Meanwhile on the family front… We take my Dad up to Springs tomorrow for surgery. Nothing too invasive. Sort of a roto-rooter job on his bladder. Too much muscle can be a bad thing. We will bring him home on Wednesday.

I’m still looking for work. Put out another resume today. Oh, and I have a few hours worth of work down at Web Coast-to-Coast. Filing for my friend Erin. :> I will probably hit the job fair stuff later in the week to see if there are any secretary jobs. argh….

There are days…

Life flows. You get into habits. Or, you get into bad habits. Comfy habits. Then things change. The job, lifestyle, something.  That Cosmic Clue X 4 swings your way. You try to organize. You try to get life in order so that things just work. Anything to avoid that whiffling noise followed by the resounding crrrrrrack up side the head.

Well, Dan and I have been hearing that whiffle bat headeing our way.  We are both still out of work. Not for lack of trying, but just circumstance. On my part, there must have been a ton of unemployed secretaries  out there because every job I have tried for I have gotten the “nice letter”. sigh. Dan’s computer job in Springs turned out to be a wash. A scam. The company has a habit of courting techs, having them do some “try-out” work and then dumps them under the guise that “things just don’t really work out. The company gets the work done and no one gets paid. Dan was So Very Unhappy about that. At this point, we are probably going for the jobs at Safeway or 7-11, etc. yuck.

Meanwhile, on an upbeat note, we had another meeting with Debora Hood. She is a busiiness solutions consultant that we met at the BBB Power Breakfasts. Very neat lady. She has been helping us figure out how to set up LoboSavvy. (coming soon to your computers….… The Place to go to for Comouter Tech Support for your business or home.)

So, back to getting organized. All last week, everywhere I turned, I was running into articles about cleaning up, organizing, getting your life in line. You name it, the stuff kept popping up. Even in my fortune cookie!!! So, I took the hint and decided that it was time to get our asses in gear.

Do you know how HARD it is to convince someone who is normally very organized that he needs to get organized? Gads!!! However, I had a captive audience yesterday. In our desire to get home Thursday night, we forgot to pick up dog food. Normally, I would just have grabbed any old dog food. However, we have these two dogs that just don’t do well on the low protein stuff. So, it was off to Pueblo for dog food. While we were driving, I brought the subject up. We got a little bit of extra time to talk about it because the car decided to have a snit fit. So, as we sat on the side of the road waiting for it to cool off, we talked about how we need to get organized. Business wise and personally.I think the personal side will be harder than the business.

This means of course that we are starting today. Yarggggggghhh….. I know that I am just as bad, especially about sleeping in, but oh gods the alarm went off early on a Saturday. Plus, this week will not be a typical week as we have my parents to deal with and construction work on the house. Such fun. Closets and drywall and mud oh my!!!

Cold, quiet and queesy

Today was one of those typical Colorado weather days. Wait five minutes and the weather will change. We’ve had snow, sun and wind in various combinations all day. Oh, and Cold! My fingers nearly froze trying to get my resume ready this morning. I applied for a secretarial job out in La Veta today. Took Pauline with me so that we could catch up on each other’s lives. Turned into a nice girl’s day out.

We went to lunch out at the Rambler, and then went to a couple of shops. One of them being Collection Corners. Lots of antiques. I was so good. Looked and didn’t buy anything! I dropped her off around 5pm and came home. Dan had a meeting to go to and I decided to just curl up with my cup of mint tea and the computer. My lunch didn’t set very well. uggghh….

Sunday Dan and I took Blanca and Brandy to Pueblo and Petsmart. We needed to get her a body harness as Brandy keeps escaping the yard. We figured that fitting one would be better than just guessing. So, off we went. Blanca was very good. In fact, she was better than I thought she’d be. Brandy was good, but she yammered ala coyote at the other dogs and scared some of them. I teased Dan that there was a language barrier. Dog vs Coyote. Maybe I wasn’t so far off.

However, the girls had a good time.

So far, I have three resumes out. One to the local hospital, one to La Veta high school and one out to a gentleman wanting data entry work done. Now for the wait. sigh…..

I think I’ll go to bed.

Then Hell froze over…

You see, yesterday was my last day of work. I resigned on the 12th. Finally had enough of the board breaking the law. I can say stuff now that I am no longer employed. Wheeeee!!!!

In case you the audience hadn’t guessed, they screwed up big time. Broke the Sunshine Law, various state and federal tax laws and various state and federal labor laws. Oh, and had the audacity to say that they didn’t have to follow the laws like other boards do. My biggest concern was how to bring them to justice… I didn’t want to sue them.  I don’t want their little businesses. However, I really want them to understand just how badly they screwed up in the best way I can.

I hmmmed and hawwed for a month. Then it came to my attention that not only hadn’t they paid all of the taxes correctly, but that they had totally missed the Unemployment and Workmen’s Comp stuff. I tested the waters of that illegality on two of the people who work for WorkForce, the “jobs” people. Their reaction was pretty impressive. That whole OMGS!!! type thing. So, later today I will be calling Labor Standards and filing a complaint.

Dan, who is the treasurer at the moment will be resigning too. As his lawyer told him, 27 different violations that she counted, so get the hell out! It will be interesting.

Between sitting on my hands and doing nothing in the name of the Chamber, I applied for two jobs and did a bunch of writing. Some of it will be up on my wordwytch blog. Other bits…. who knows. 😛 I attended a lot of meetings about gardening too. :>

Now, about that hell freezing over… Our standard phrase around the office when someone decided to not choose us is “Either you pick us, or you made a mistake.” It started out as a joke and then we realized that most times it was true. Especially when we have had to redo work because some idiot charged less and screwed up badly. Well, in this case, it was one of “you had the best and threw it away.”

We have had beautiful weather. Nice, warm springtime stuff. Yesterday, we were under a winter storm warning. 1-2 feet type storm. I got up yesterday, and while it was cool, there was no snow. Went to work and around noon, a few flakes fell and then melted. Some storm. 2pm- quitting time! We packed things up and delivered them to my “supervisor”, the one who did nothing this entire last two weeks. Dan said that he’d take me to lunch. I said fine, and as the weather still hadn’t hit, we went to the bank and then headed towards Pueblo.

2:30pm. All the work done and we headed out. Five miles out of town, the flakes of snow started to fall. The road went from wet to slushy. Nothing we couldn’t handle. The snow got heavier and so did the wind. We stopped at Colorado City for gas and decided that we were not going to make it to Pueblo. So, we at lunch at Max’s. Nice little place. As the wind howled and the snow fell, I started to giggle. I had to explain that it looked like Hell was freezing over, and perhaps that was rather appropo considering it was my last day at work. Dan, the waitress and the other customers in the place all giggled. There was some good natured teasing about it being all my fault. 🙂

Then we drove home. Oh gods was it snowy! We got back to the highway and our first suspision that something was wrong was the fact that while there were plows on the Northbound side, there were none on the Southbound side. Dan was plowing the road. The wind was blowing harder and it was difficult to drive.

It took us 45 minutes to drive home 23 miles.  It was an adventure. The girls were happy to see us. They’d been outside! oops!!! I missed a lady I was suppose to go check on a garden with, but I would have reguardless because of the snow.

 Snow overhanging the roof
Snow overhanging the roof
Budding shrubs covered in snow
Budding shrubs covered in snow

Today it is still snowing. We have at least a foot in places where it didn’t melt on impact.  The dogs are enjoying the stuff. I slid and plowed my way to Safeway this morning for soymilk and eggs. Wheeee……

Brandy in the back yard
Brandy in the back yard

Now I’m going to catch up on my journals, read my book and clean up my computer. Right after I call Labor Standards.

A Fractured Fairy Tale, Part 2

The woman worked hard to deal with the rules of the Synod. It was very frustrating in that she could only do part of the work she normally did. It was frustrating that she couldn’t explain what was going on to those of her friends that were concerned about her. She still had no voice.

The man and his friend worked hard to make things right, but the monster Jejune was very clever. It hopped from one person to the next to spread the poison of boredom and hatred.

The Synod met a week later and made even more rules than before. All the woman could do is sit and listen and do her job. It hurt. All of their work compounded the spell, which still affected the woman. The man had tried to make her stay home and heal, but she was honor bound to abide by the rules the Synod had put in place. She couldn’t afford to just quit. She couldn’t quit because the Synod would only do this to another person if she couldn’t figure out how to stop the nasty hateful spell or the monster.

Then disaster struck the Conservatory. The monster, Jejune, dripped nastiness and made people lazy. It made them not care about their work. Workers dealing with the plumbing in the Conservatory didn’t check everything and water flooded part of the Conservatory. The man discovered the problem, and raced to tell people who could fix it. He had a terrible time of it because people wanted forms filled out in triplicate before they’d do anything. He finally yelled loud enough that someone heard and sent the same workers back over to fix the problem.

Meanwhile, the woman got all the work ready to be moved out of the Conservatory. She knew it wouldn’t be safe to work there. All the power was turned off. So, after packing up all the work she could, she went home and went to bed.

A few days later, the Synod wanted her to go back to work. She was responsible for finding a place to work. She and the man asked in all the government offices in the city. No one had room for them. They kept looking, and finally asked a scholar who helped the farmers and ranchers in town deal with the kingdom to the North. He said he had a place for her to work. He gave her an office in the corner of his great hall. The man helped the woman move all of her stuff into the new office. It was a quiet place most days with just the scholar’s housekeeper for company.

On occasion, a member of the Synod would come by to see what the woman was doing. She always made sure to make herself look busy, even if she wasn’t. It wasn’t her fault that there was nothing to do. However, she didn’t want to get yelled at because she wasn’t doing anything. It was very tiresome.

The woman began to realize that there was very little she could do to hurt the monster. She needed the people to wake up and fight it themselves. However, she didn’t give up.

The man and his friend worked hard to make the Synod understand how wrong they were, especially when it came to how they treated their friend. She was doing her job, and would never have done things without permission. However, the member of the Synod that liked to yell, kept setting traps for the woman. She dodged most of them, but on occasion, she tripped up. Then the man who yelled would be gleeful.

The workers didn’t do a good job of cleaning up. In fact, they just shut the doors and left the Conservatory to mold. This was horrid as the woman wanted to be back in her office. She realized that if the Conservatory didn’t get cleaned up, that she might never get back in there. The Synod said that they cared, but they just stood by and let Jejune delay the workers and confuse the people testing the Conservatory into believing it was better to keep it shut up tight. Instead of mouldering on the outside like a tomato or a loaf of bread, the Conservatory was mouldering from the inside out.

At that point, the woman realized that she would never be able to do the work she should be doing. She would never get back in her building. The Synod was making more rules that were just stupid. Jejune had done such a good job that the woman realized that the only way to fix the Synod and the people poisoned by Jejune was to let them totally break. She couldn’t fix them because they didn’t want to be fixed. They had been broken for so long that they didn’t know any other way to live.

They had broken the laws. The woman realized that they had broken lots of laws, and the best way to deal with that was to no longer work for the Synod. This was a very hard decision. Another friend of her’s had given her information on how to tell the Kingdom in the North of the laws broken and she intended to do so. She knew that she would have to look for a new job. However, anything was better than this half life she’d dealt with for the last month.

With the help of her friend, they devised a plan. So that the Synod or Jejune would not suspect nor try to stop her, they stopped working together. The man and his friend took their swords out and practised until they were very good. The woman worked as she could and tried to make everything look normal. In truth, she was figuring the best way to quit.

The Synod had a meeting. They couldn’t hold it in the Conservatory. It was too moldy. Instead, they had it at a cafe where there wasn’t a lot of seating. This meant that there wouldn’t be many people at the meeting. This was fine with the woman. She was ready. She had crafted a spell of her own. Not a big one, but a very clean one.

During the meeting, the two men kept their hands on their swords to be ready in case Jejune showed up or the other members of the Synod decided to be cruel or stupid. They drew them twice when things got rough. People settled down quickly when they saw that the two friends had no trouble standing up for themselves.

When the meeting was almost over and the Synod had re-written the rules yet again, the woman stood up to present some information. While she started to talk, the man who liked to yell began to work a spell. He was waiting for the woman to finish so that he could cast it. The man saw what he was starting to do and nodded to his friend. Both men put their hands to their swords.

The woman got to the last of her information and then cast her spell. It struck the Synod perfectly. The two men were safe because the woman had crafted it very cleverly. Everyone else was struck dumb. While trying not to smile, the woman sat back down and waited for the end of the meeting. They had no choice but to listen to the woman and her request to work for a fortnight as was the right of her agreement with them. They had no choice but to finish the meeting. Most of all, the man who had the spell in his hand wiped it off quickly as it burned him. All of his plans had come to naught.

That night, the man, his friend and the woman talked of what had been wrought. They weren’t sure if it would hold, but it was the honourable way to end this travesty. The Synod could rot in their own little nastiness. The woman had two places to look for work and although she was scared, she knew she had done the right thing.

When she went to bed, she didn’t cry herself to sleep. She snuggled deep in the covers and slept well. She knew she could live with whatever the Synod or Jejune tried to do to her over the next fortnight. The woman had done what was honourable and right. Letting the rot kill the Synod or Jejune was the best revenge.

The topsoil is blowin’ in the Wind!

And today, it is actually mild compared to what is to come later this week. Last week we had more than one day when the winds were between 30 and 44 miles per hour. Todays are a breezy 20mph with gusts up to 35mph. Tomorrow is 20-35mph winds with gusts up to 50 mph. Gads! Honestly, I think that I’m going to have to scrape all the soil off the fence and put it back in the yard at this rate. We have places in our backyard where the loose soil is just gone and all you see is the hard stuff with lots of rocks in it. Not good for gardening. sigh…

I think that what I may do is turn the front porch into a greenhouse. Plant a bunch of stuff in pots, get them going on the front porch which is sort of a big cold frame at the moment and go from there. By the time the stuff is too big to be in the pots, I’ll have the back yard ready. I hope.

Meanwhile, I am still camping in the offices of the CSU Extension office. The Chamber is still out of the building and doesn’t look to be going back in any time soon. sigh….. Very frustrating. Oh well.  Plus, I’m putting my name in for other secretarial jobs that pop up. We will see. Still no apologies after all that dreck.

I got my taxes filed and am nearly caught up on other things. So, this afternoon, I am going to work on my writing! Wheeee!! I have two stories in my head that I need to get started on before they go the way of my topsoil!