March Madness

I could have entitled this post Yet one more snow storm… but I didn’t. On Mach 8th, we had more snow. 14 inches all total. Brandy was not a happy dog.

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Then on the 15th, Dan went to La Junta to pick up our daughter, Morgan. It is spring break for her. On Sunday, we drove to the Sand Dunes NP. We had a long drive over all, as we went all the way up to Crestone and to the Karma Thegsum Tashi Gomang  It had just started to snow when we headed up the road to the Stupa.  By the time we got up to it, it was snowing very hard, so instead of getting out and looking around, we headed back down the mountain. In less than 20 minutes, there had been over 2 inches of snowfall.

On our way back to the Sand Dunes, we saw over 100 Sand Hill Cranes. It was really neat. The rest of our animal count that day was two hawks flying and about 45 prong horn antelope.

The Sand Dunes also got a dusting of snow. The moisture made the walking easier. Morgan climbed up to the second highest dune and rolled down it twice. Plus she hiked about twice the distance that Dan and I did. I walked the creek bed of Medano Creek. It wasn’t very far down the dunes yet, and there was a lot of fire debris from the forest fire two years ago. Overall, we had a really good time and came home exhausted.

The rest of the week has been spent relaxing. Morgan has had naps with her naps. 🙂 I’ve been writing and doing hand crafts. I’ve been carving Nalbinding needles. They fit in with my Viking persona in the SCA. I may be good enough to actually show it off come time for Battlemoor.

Nalbinding needles.16Oh, and just in case Colorado thought that it might give us a week off, there is more snow due on Saturday. sigh..



Sun, Sand, and Snow!

Or, just another week in April in Colorado.

Tuesday, Dan’s divorce was final. We were really busy with class and meetings, so on Wednesday, we went to the Sand Dunes! Got up early, drove to the dunes and cooked breakfast. Granted, the stove didn’t want to work, but… we managed. Then it was off to the dunes. While Dan and Morgan climbed the highest dune, Ian and I waded up the river to my favorite spot. We played in the mud, water and sand for a couple of hours. Afterwards, we went to the visitors center and then drove home.

Thursday was weird and wonderful. I tried to drive Morgan to school, but the car died half a mile from the turn onto HWY 69. (yeah, it really is numbered that!)  Jolene took Morgan to school and Dan and Daniel towed the car home. Half way home, we hit a bump just right I guess and the car started working right. sigh… However, that meant that I could still do everything else I’d planned for the day.

First, bake a cake…. I was going to KnitWits and wanted to provide a treat. Once that was done, Ian and I piled into the car. I paid the water bill and then we headed to Colorado City. KnitWits was quiet, but we had a good time. Around 2pm, we headed to Pueblo. Ian was going to spend the day with Jillian and go to a concert with her that evening. I went to the library, did a little shopping and had dinner. I spent most of the evening reading. Ian met me around 10pm, and we drove home.

Dan of course had spent the whole day sick in bed. He had gotten the same stomach bug Ian had had earlier. Yuck!!!

We headed to bed around 1am, just as the thunder/electric storm from hell started. A lightning bolt hit a transformer somewhere and we lost all power. So, we went to bed. It had started to rain really hard. Then it turned to hail which covered the ground in about an inch of ice. The lights came back around 4am. Yawn!!! When we finally did get up, there was nearly 4 inches of snow on the ground!!!! BRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrr!!! The whole day has been cold and clammy.

Dan is feeling better. I got two papers written and had to argue with my professor, because he gave me a poor grade. Why? Because he didn’t read my paper!!!!! I was pissed! However, he regraded it. Went from a C+ to a B+. Still…… grrr……

Tomorrow, I don’t think I have anything to do except write what I want to write!!!!