Wheeeee!!!! it’s Wednesday!

The middle of a crazy week too. I went to work this morning and figured that I’d be sewing on my dresses for the trip by the afternoon. Nope! Almost first thing today at work, and Karen, the boss asks if I’d drive her friend Anne to the airport in Colorado Springs. Her car, paid etc. I said yes! So, had to call Dan and tell him to rearrange the day.

After I got off work, we drove up to Gardner and registered Morgan for school. While Dan filled out the paperwork, Morgan got her school physical. Now she can play sports. Wheee!!!!
Then we drove home and dropped her off. We got to the restaurant with about 15 minutes to spare. Then it was off to Colorado Springs.

We dropped Anne off and headed to Pueblo. Petco, Chilie’s for lunch, Sam’s for supplies for the restaurant, and then to the Mall. Gads, it is such a tiny mall, but it is all we have. I went to JoAnne’s… We finally have one in Pueblo again, and I am so happy!!! I got stuff for the dresses and drooled over fabric. Then it was off to find sandals. Payless had nothing. Unless I wanted itty bitty strappy things with a 4 inch heel. Nope, not this girl. So, we headed over to the high priced sensible cool shoe shop. I found a pair I liked. A little expensive, but these will last for a couple of years. Plus, they are nice looking and will do for dressy occasions. They have about a 2 inch heel. Funny to feel so tall!

Then we drove home, dropped the stuff at the restaurant and Ian picked us up. Wheeee… Now for bed as I have to be into work at 8am again. It was a busy night at the restaurant, so I will be doing lots of baking. ๐Ÿ™‚

A drippy Monday

Well, it was warm and sunny when I started out this morning. In to work at 8am, and done by 11am. Sort of short hours, but at least it is a job.

Then, ๏ปฟDan and I went to the bank and the community garden to check on the squash bed. Got two squash!ย  Then it was off to lunch and a quick trip to the library. I picked up two books and Dan talked to John about the classes tomorrow. It was pouring rain by the time we got home. Brrr!!!

I have tomorrow off, and hope to get some stuff done. wheee…..

I got to talk to Stefan today too. He is 26 today. ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy Birthday Stefan!


It’s Friday!

The B&B was hopping this morning. All 15 guests came down at once for breakfast. I helped Karen plate food and get it served.ย  Then it was time to bake bread, make pies-coconut cream- and get stuff ready for lunch.ย  I was out the door, with paycheck in hand by 12:45pm. I normally work about 4 hours. Sort of wish it was more. Then again, unless I’m working the lunch hour, baking only takes about 4 hours. It does leave me time for other things. Plus, I know that the schedules will change again mid August. I’m just happy to have a job!!!!

I’m almost done with my first class at Ashford as well. So far, so good. It was an easy get to know the University style class, which is fine. Next up is statistics. Has me a little nervous.

We’ve been getting the LoboSavvy site updated. Much better than it was. Dan is working on AlphaDogtechs.com now. That is the sister site to LoboSavvy.com. We are still using the paw print, only ADT will have a surround. I’ll post it when we have it up.ย  I just got a peek at the first page, and it is pretty!!! Probably shouldn’t say pretty, as it is a computer services website, but thenย  I’m a geek, and seeing techy things is pretty.

Dan gets to update the La Plaza website. We are thinking of asking Dad to take the pictures as he has a better camera and ‘eye’ for these things.

We did some shopping after I got paid, which was a good thing. We needed a few groceries. I’m spending the rest of my day relaxing, doing a bit of laundry and then writing. I have one story half done!!! Plus, two or three more begging to be written. ๐Ÿ™‚

Someday, Sun day

Well, it was suppose to be my day off. However, Karen called around 10pm to see if I could come in to bake bread on Sunday morning. They had a good night at the restaurant, and had gone through 7 of the 8 loaves I’d baked. I said yes.

So, I woke this morning to cool cloudy skies. It was so cool, that I had to shut the door to the kitchen to get the bread to raise! It rained. The peaks were shrouded in these very cool cloud strands. I baked bread and came home. Whee….

However, I didn’t get the stuff done that I wanted to. There were too many people in the house, and I couldn’t concentrate on school work. So, Dan and I took a drive. Daniel had been nice enough to let me borrow his car, so we drove up to Cuchara and had lunch at the Dog Bar. Yum!!! It wasn’t a long drive or a long lunch, but it was good enough to refresh me.

Dan had a gig to go to in La Veta with David Enke tonight, so Ian and Morgan went with him. Ian will go hang out with friends and Morgan will help her Dad. They dropped Kayla off at 203, so I’d have time to get my school work done without interruption. Kayla has been staying with us since the 16th, which is a long time. Her parents are picking her up around 11pm! Gads. I don’t understand why they are coming down so late.

I have all my school work done now and can relax a bit. Wheeeeeee!!!!! All I need to get done now is a skirt or two for work and some dinner. Maybe a story written too. I have this idea in my head…

Trying Tuesday

Or how life got really hectic at La Plaza.

We had a busy lunch. That was both good and bad. Good because we had lots of people. Bad because we ran out of stuff and trying to prep to catch up killed us. It was a learning experience to say the least. We have some things we need to improve on and will need to work out so that we don’t have such delays again.

I have tomorrow off!!!! Wheee! We are having my Aunt Toni here for dinner. ๐Ÿ™‚ I thought that chicken curry sounded good and made a batch of tomato apple chutney to go with dinner. It came out fantastically. Tomorrow I plan to work on classwork for college, do some sewing and clean house! I should go do laundry, but that isn’t going to happen tomorrow. Maybe on Friday. I have enough work clothes and the guys are fine.

We still have Kayla as a houseguest. She came down for the Relay for Life, a cancer walk thing in La Veta. That was on Saturday. She goes home on Thursday. Morgan is with us this week too!!! I do love her so much. I’m just glad that I have another ‘daughter of the heart’ in my life. Speaking of which, Natalie is going to Nigera with Medics Sans Frontiers any day now. Geeeppppp!!!!

We had the most awesome thunderstorm this afternoon too. I was really glad that I had gotten home before the storm hit. Thunder and lightning and buckets of rain for probably 30 minutes. At least it helped wash the skunk stink off the front porch and off of Spike.

Oh, and I’m going to bed early tonight!!! Wheee….ย  or is it sad that I look forward to going to bed early? A commentary of the fact that I get up way too early most days? That I work hard, or that I just stay up to late most nights. Hm…. Okay, all of them. LOL!

La Plaza Inn opens!!!

For lunch and dinner… It has been a really busy week. We did a soft opening on Monday and Tuesday. We are now open for lunch and dinner every day now. Wheeee!!! It has been busy and dead, and no rhyme or reason other than it is the first week. I am exhausted. A good kind of exhausted though.

I am baking breads, desserts and cooking lunch and dinner. Slowly, I will become the lunch chef and baker. The Wilson’s are working hard to run the hotel and the restaurant. So far, so good. I have two chefs working with me, Gordon and Tony. They are fun guys to work with, and we all work well together. Phew!!!

Now we have to get into a routine with scheduling and remembering what we are cooking. No one except Karen are use to the menu. So, life is a bit hectic as we try to remember what we are cooking or how we are plating something.

Must go! Spike just got skunked…. awgh~


Last week I went to a new SCA eveent being held in Huerfano County for the very first time. It was Battlemoor, the Mountain Crusades. Dan, my Dad and I went down as press representatives for the Huerfano World Journal.

We had a great time watching the rapier melees, the tournaments and the heavy weapons melees. I took tons of pictures as did Dan and Dad. Links to the pictures are here:





The rest of this week has been a combination of working at La Plaza, working around the house and trying to keep caught up on college work. Last night my parents took Dan and I to the Wonderful House in Trinidad. Oh it was good! Once we have the transport issue taken care of, we will have to go there again. Yummmmmmm!

Tonight we have an ‘open mic’ event to go to in La Veta. Promises to be good. I think we will take a bit of a picnic supper. It will be Dan, Ian, Morgan and myself. ๐Ÿ™‚

Silly puppys

It has been a bit of a strange week. Nibbler got sick, and I thought we were going to loose him. Figured it was a spider bite. Poor dear. He is better now though.

Here is Dan and Nibbler the first week he was here. 5 weeks old.

Then Nibbler outgrew his puppy bed.

Then Nibbler found a bed that was just right…

Nibbler will be six months old at the end of July. he is going to be a bruiser like his brother Spike.


This week started out a little crazy. All sorts of new projects up and running, including college classes. I switched universities after CTU started driving me nuts. I’m now attending Ashford Online University. Changed my major too. I’m now a Public Administration major. Sort of a mix between political science and business management.

My first class is a psych class, trying to assess the students and their learning styles. Well…. amongst the tests to play with is the Meyers Briggs type and temperament test. Now for whatever reason, I have never taken this test. (please faint over by the couch. the floor is already full). Discovered that I am an INFJ, which is rather rare. Dan who is taking the same class with a different instructor took the test too. He is an INTJ, another rare bird, and oddly enough, we are well suited to each other, LOLOLOL!

At the bottom of one of the links, was an email list. I checked it out and the webpage that goes with it and decided to talk with people like me. The list has been great fun. Yes, it is busy, but I’m enjoying myself. I shared links on the blog here to a few of the pics of the dogs, so I suspect that is why my stats have gone through the roof today. ๐Ÿ™‚

Dan and Ian are off to La Veta for a concert. David Enke is doing the sound and the guys are doing the lights. So, I’m all alone except for the dogs for a while. Nice time to turn my music up and disappear for a while. Recharge my batteries and dance around with Nibbler. Tomorrow I have to crack the books for a bit, make banana bread and probably cook dinner.