INside sports for Snowy Days

Not what you think! Geeze some people have dirty minds!

It finally snowed. So, none of us have felt like going outside. Not even Brandy.

So, today was rearrange the furniture day. We did this 6-8 months ago, and I had one plan and Dan had another. Guys won that time. This time, we did what I suggested a while back. I think it looks good. Dan is happy. The house looks much more open.

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A rough week

Last week was horrid. Rough. Buzy. However you want to slice it.

Sunday. Hectic. Kayla arrived back to spend the week with us. She was moving and needed a place to stay in order to finish up school. So, we had her stay with us.

Monday we had the meeting in Trinidad with the workforce people. I think that in spite of the hectic start to that day including being late, it was the best day of the week. I got home early enough to go do the school board meeting in La Veta.

Tuesday. Hell day. My friend Mickey’s son Eric died. He was in a roll over car crash, and ejected, because he didn’t wear his seat belt. The accident happened in the early hours of the morning, and the paramedics figured he died some time after the crash. He was 17.

Of course, this colored the rest of the week. The RE-1 school board meeting that night was full of tears and very quiet people. I think it was the shortest, quietest meeting I’ve been to there in years.

Wednesday. Gardening with the vets out at the veteran’s nursing home. I pruned 10 rosebushes in need of serious help and then dug and planted a 4×8 raised bed by myself. I got home, got changed and we all headed out to Gardner for the 8th grade graduation. It was a good yet slightly bittersweet event. Eric had gone to Gardner school, and his family lives just down the block from school.

After graduation, I had the memorial service for Eric to attend. It was at the high school. Very moving. Tearful. Painful. And just right. People told stories, sang songs, there was a slide show that lasted about ten minutes, and of course, lots of tears. His family was there. The principal gave his mom the award he would have gotten for improvement in English. I got to see Mickey and Sal, and my heart broke. At the end of the memorial, we all released balloons. sigh…

I walked from the high school to the library and went to a Town Hall meeting. That was interesting. We got home around 9:30pm.

Thursday. We cleaned the front yard and hauled TRASH!!! Also did a lot of prep work to clean up the rest of the house. I tiled the kitchen cabinet tops too. Used the same tile I did on the bedroom dresser, and they look cool.

Friday. This was run around doing errands day. Paid bills, bought groceries, applied for a job as a cook at a local hotel and did some more garden work in the front yard. Friday evening, I made bread for the cat coalition bake sale. Dan got a call from the family in New Zealand. Mikki had a bouncing baby boy around 9pm our time. 9 pounds, 2 oz and 21.25 inches long! I think Dan said they were naming him Richard. This is Dan’s second grandbaby. Finally hit the pillows around 1am.

Saturday. Took bread to the bake sale, dropped a loaf by the hotel and got a tour of the kitchen and then came home to clean house. Oh boy… Moved LOTS of stuff. The front porch is now tidy. We moved all the building supplies out to the garage. We also moved stuff out of the front and back yard to clean up. I have lots of supplies for the green house project, and will start on that in the next few weeks. I did load after load of laundry too. Where DID all those dirty clothes come from??? We did a huge amount of work, and got finished just in time for Ian’s family to show up. (the reason for the mass house cleaning in the first place.)

The visit went well, and Dan and I had a bit of quiet time as Ian went to see IronMan 2 with his family. Plus, something I ate disagreed with me. Ugh….

Today… I am moving slowly. Still feel punky. However, the house is clean, laundry is done and I don’t think there is anything on the schedule for the next 24 hours….. Wheeeee…. Oh, and my Mom is back from Littleton!!! 🙂

Housework roundup

Yesterday, we went and did some shopping. Ian went and spent time with Jillian while we got a few things here and there. Mostly did a lot of ‘window shopping’ at places like Home Depot. One good thing we did was buy Avatar. OMG! A very good movie. Fern Gully for Adults! I really enjoyed it.

Today of course has been catch-up day. Catch up on laundry, housework, email and writing. I have two stories futzing around in my brain! Must-write-stories!!!!

Went to the Huerfano Cat Coalition meeting today too. I will be doing some of their computer work. Probably a FaceBook page and some general word processing work. They need things like a letter head and such.

This week will be busy with two board meetings, class assignments and general mayhem. Now to go write a bit!

Waiting with varying degrees…

Katie, Bryan’s SO keeps going into labor. She isn’t due till later in the month, but apparently, this baby really wants to arrive. Like last week. They live in Searcy, AR, which makes it difficult to deal with the whole long distance Nana thing. They live next door to Stefan, so I have a cluster of grandbabies right there. Anabell, Gavin and this new one. sigh…. Bryan has called every time they’ve gone to the hospital, because it is driving him nuts that she is in pain and he can’t help her. The dr. is doing an amniocentesis to see if the baby is ready or not. I just hope things hurry up before Bryan looses his cool.

May is a crazy month. Regular school is ending in less than 8 school days. Wheeee! However, for Dan and I, things are going to speed up. Dan is going back to college-CTU. We are also working on our business, and I still haven’t found work. I really don’t want to have to head for 7-11 or the Acorn. To be honest, I’d like Dan to take a turn at being the provider for a  bit.  We shall see how it goes.

The weekend has been crazy. Morgan has spent most of the weekend at 520 with her Dad. That meant cleaning up a bedroom, just as we are getting ready to finish up the drywall in the closets. Then Dad was doing his first evening program at Lathrop park. A slide show on the history of Walsenburg and Huerfano County. Very nice except for one thing. His computer freezes at times, so he borrowed mine. (aieeee!!! withdrawl symptoms!!!) So, we spent a lot of time over the last few days getting my computer up and running. I had just changed it over to a dual boot machine. Uggghh…. Have I ever said how much I detest Windows???? Oh gods….. Never ever realized just how much I appreciate my Linux OS. Ubuntu, Fedora 10, either is heaven in comparison. However, Dad and a few other reasons compel me to dual boot.

We got his stuff all ready and then we went to the El Fandango performance at the Fox Theater. Matt is a dancer in the group. I’m not sure he thought it was the best idea at first, but…. It has turned out to be a great outlet for him. They all did really good. Gretchen, my cousin and her friend Mary Jo run the program. They have dancers from about 5 up to 16 dancing. We all enjoyed it.

Came home long enough to cook dinner and grab Morgan before heading out to Lathrop State Park for Dad’s program. There were about 14 of us, which isn’t bad for a windy cool May evening and very little advertizing. Dad did a great job. It was very cool to hear him give a program. The last time I saw him was probably 10 years ago at the Grand Canyon.  We helped him pack up and then headed home.

After making a cup of tea, we sat down to watch the Hunted with Tommy Lee Jones. Very intense movie.

This morning, I slept in a bit and then got started on the day. As soon as Dan gets back from La Veta, we will start the drywall mudding and taping. I hope….

Oh Where did the week go?

Really! Where did it disappear to? And while we’re at it, where did April go? It’s the 5th of May for goodness sake! Typical May of course. Denver got 3 inches of snow on the 1st, and we had a cold day. No Beltaine nudity in this state! At least not outside! brrrrrrr!!

Life as usual has run over me, leaving it’s footprints across my back. Monday was my 30th wedding anniversary. Didn’t feel much like celebrating. Not exactly sure why, but it didn’t help that I had a Strategic planning meeting to go to. Not much choice to avoid it either. John has something going as well, so it ended up being one of those days when neither one of us saw much of the other.

The rest of the week seemed to scream by. Totally lost Tuesday. Wednesday Dan and I met with Gaye Davis and discussed grants and the USDA. Wednesday night was Family Math and literacy Night at Gardner School. We made hand puppets, did puzzles, and had lots of fun.  Work has been busy because we are getting more customers by the day. wheeeee! Of course that means more paperwork and such, but I knew it was coming. Thursday we had lunch with this insurance agent. He was just creepy. Friday I had lunch with Pauline. We caught up one what we both were doing. It has been way too long since I’ve seen her and she lives in town! gads… Friday Daniel also went to Canon City with some friends for the weekend. Saturday was spent trying to catch up on various bits and bobs.

By the time I got home most evenings, I was too tired to do much, but I did get some sewing done. I’ve been working on a fleece blanket for John. Bears of course. I’ve had the patchwork and fleece pinned for probably three months. This week, I finally had a chance to do some quilting work. I did sort of a freehand bit. Followed the stronger lines in the panel print and did some stitch-in-the-ditch around the edges. Hope to get the binding on it later. I also did some repair work on the autumn quilt that Dan has on his bed. Oscar chewed it last winter and it needed some major repairs. I have some fabric that matches what is in the quilt and have been doing freehand cut leaves to scatter across the quilt where there are holes. I probably have 10-15 more leaves to add to it before all the tears are covered. However, it is whole enough to use again. Last but not least, I’ve been knitting on my bed shawl and started playing with a wild yarn that’s all slubby and multi-coloured. I’m making a scarf out of it.

Sunday was our grocery trip to Pueblo. John and I headed up around noon. On the way up, we decided to go see a movie. No idea what was playing, but… we checked out the marquee. We decided on Ironman. Grabbed a quick bit of lunch at SouperSalad and then headed to the theater. Umteen gillion previews and then finally the movie. I have to admit that I was ready to be disappointed. Wrong! It was fantastic! Lots of computer geek stuff in it and I was having a wonderful time looking at it. Especially when I realized I really understood exactly what the programs were and where CGI fit in, etc. At one point the main character is being fitted into this robotic exoskeleton and I sat there thinking that that was the sexiest “robot” I had ever seen. Then I started giggling, because I had that realization of just how g33ky a statement that was. John turned to me and asked what on earth I was giggling about as it was not a funny part of the movie. I explained, and then he was giggling. Oh gods I’m turning into a 1st class geek! When I told Dan about this geek epiphany, I thought he was going to split his sides laughing.

After the movie we did the shopping in record time. Well,… until we got to Walmart. It went a little slower because John cruised through the CD’s and DVD’s. Then I went through the clothes. Found a pair of Mutts sleep pants and a Tink top. Found Dan 4 teeshirts and a pair of black cargo pants. John and I found him a cool tropical print shirt.

We headed home around 9pm. It had been a good day all in all. I did some laundry and actually hung it outside! Then off to bed.

Of course, the alarm went off way too early. I got up, showered and out the door with Matt and Morgan in record time. Got petrol, picked up Nadia, drove to Badito and dropped them off for the school bus. When I got back, Daniel was actually ready to go and met me outside. Good thing! After I dropped him off, I picked up my mom and we headed over to 520. Dan was trying to get a bath, and so we got the groceries in out of the truck while we waited for him. Then we went off to breakfast. After breakfast, Dan went off to Aguilar with the new antenna Dad picked up for us on Friday. Mom and I went to Safeway, Family Dollar and then I dropped her off.

Now it’s nearly 2pm, and I’ve managed to do my ‘morning commute’, write this journal entry and answer the phone. Tonight we have Mom coming over for dinner, a late meeting with the partners and then I’m crawling into bed before the damned alarm rings at 6am!

Sewage and ice and shopping oh my!

What a day… (Saturday) The sewer blocked up again. So, Dan and I headed off to La Veta Tru Value to rent the sewage snake yet again. Gaggggggg! I guess I aught to be grateful that Dan knows how to work the damn thing and actually does it. Two hours later, the laundry room was clean and the sewer was draining properly.

Then we had to drive back to La Veta. The wind was blowing the snow all across the highway and it was slick! Everywhere it looked like water on the road was in fact ice! We stopped and got Dan something to eat as he was exhausted from working the snake. It took forever to go and come back.

Once we got back, we took turns showering and then I headed to Pueblo with John and Daniel. It’s our usual payday shopping trip. Granted, it was a little crowded with Daniel in the back. We did part of the shopping and then went to dinner at Taco Bell. After that we did the last of the shopping at Walmart. Daniel got Logan some little slippers and two shirts. They are really cute. We got home around midnight. Unpacked everything and tried to get it all put away. Sort of hard as there were dishes everywhere. They had forgotten to put dish soap on the list, so of course…. no one could do dishes. sigh… I remedied that this morning with a quick trip to Safeway. What a combo. Trashbags, dish soap and cat food. Wheee….

Today, it is still cold here, but compared to the last few days it is a heat wave. A whole 35 degrees! Snow is melting, pipes thawing and lots of drippy mess that will all turn to ice about fifteen minutes after sundown. Ah well…

So far today, I’ve done laundry, gone shopping, “gone to work” at 520, cleaned up a kitchen, done some dishes and edited two articles for the Huerfano Journal. Oh, and proof-read the website for Dan. Now to wrap a few gifts and do up a Yule Letter. Oh, and write Yule cards. Wheee……

A warm Sunday

Sitting here in my office, I am basking in the warmth of the sun coming through the window. Hard to believe it is November and we are still having days up in the 70’s. It’s warm enough to make me sleepy in fact. Not the best as I have plenty to do today.

After I got this blog set up yesterday, I decided I aught to learn a bit about widgets and CSS. So, I found a tutor on CSS online. Granted, there was a lot of cut and paste technology… (ahem), but I actually understood what I was doing! Can’t promise that I could do so off the top of my head this morning, but…… I have the pages saved and know I can go back to them. Huzzah!!! This is a good thing as Dan has been programing all night long to set up a website place holder for my cousin’s newspaper. They contracted with some French programmers and got bloody sod all for the money they have put out so far. Granted, that doesn’t mean that they won’t get their act together, but they have yet to show anything. sigh….. Getting back to Dan’s effort… Which was beautiful and to my cousin by 10pm last night. :> I at least understand a bit more of what he is doing now. Hell, I even dreamed of programming last night! Darned if I didn’t wake up before it booted! Oh well…

My parents are coming to town on Tuesday. Mom and I will be heading to Pueblo to get fabric for curtains. They are trying to get their house ready for Dad to retire. Matt, Jimmor and Bill worked on the house yesterday. Morgan helped Matt mow the lawn and get it all tidy as well.

I’m going to edit one of my stories today as well as get caught up on some house work. What I’d really like to do is get some stuff done around the office. However, that will just have to wait. Oh well…