Bluebells, cockell shells and sneezes all in a row…

Achooo!!!! I can tell it’s spring when all the little wild violets bloom and I begin to sneeze. However, it was a good day. Nice and warm, and I got to go play in the dirt. After doing some housework, I headed off to the Colorado State Vets Nursing home across from Lathrop park. A bunch of us volunteer to do gardening. We have a small group, and I realized that I get to prune all the roses! Wheee…..  (yeah… just wait til my hands are sore)

After we toured all the garden areas, I came home, grabbed Ian and we ran some errands. I picked up paychecks, did the banking, got my car tags updated, community garden plot checked out, and did some shopping. Cool part is that my spinach from last year had survived and I harvested a shirt full of spinach!!! Then we came home and started working on the front yard. We turned the compost pile, hacked down dead flower stalks, planted irises around my crazy planter and started working on the space I want to turn into a garden.

After that, I made dinner. pork chops, spaghetti and a fresh sauce made with tomatoes, onions and Spinach!!! Oh it was good.

Now I’m a good sort of tired. Granted, tomorrow we will tackle the yard again. After a funeral. 🙁

Our friend Jerry Angely, who was Santa on the Christmas train died. So, we will go tomorrow and then after talking to Barbara Yule about the Celtic Festival it will be time to dig in the dirt some more. The front yard needs LOTS of help.


Even though it is Tuesday….. Oh my gods it is windy!!! So much so that Ian had to rebuild the clothesline as it kept blowing down. Last night was windy too. There was a thunderstorm that hit right after I got home from my meeting.

This week has been productive. We went to Colorado Springs yesterday. Dan beat CTU around the head and shoulders for forgetting to send him the software he needed for his class. We had a lovely lunch at Ruby Buffet, and then we went to Home Depot to check on things to redo the bathroom. Then we drove home via Westcliffe, which was beautiful.

Today, I’ve gotten the house tidy, laundry done and even some ironing. Now to listen to my business class and then head off to the school board meeting that promises to be a real interesting…. in a Chinese proverb sort of way.

If I were…

If I were a month, I’d be September

If I were a day, I’d be Friday

If I were a time of day I’d be late morning in the spring

If I were a planet I’d be the earth

If I were a sea animal I’d be a whale

If I were a direction I’d be west

If I were a piece of furniture I’d be a rocking chair by the fire

If I were a liquid, I’d be a cup of English tea with cream

If I were a gemstone I’d be lapis lazuli

If I were a tree I’d be an English oak

If I were a tool I’d be a computer

If I were a flower I’d be a rose

If I were an element of weather I’d be rain

If I were a musical instrument I’d be tubular bells

If I were a color I’d be forest green

If I were an emotion I’d be the love of a hug

If I were a fruit I’d be an apricot

If I were a sound I’d be giggles

If I were an element I’d be silver

If I were a car I’d be a Subaru

If I were a food I’d be green chile

If I were a place I’d be a library

If I were a material I’d be suede

If I were a taste I’d be wildflower honey

If I were a scent I’d be a forest after a rain

If I were a body part I’d be a pair of warm arms

If I were a song I’d be “This Kiss” by Faith Hill

If I were a bird I’d be a Stellars Jay

If I were a gift I’d be handmade with love

If I were a city I’d be Cambridge

If I were a door I’d open onto a secret garden

If I were a pair of shoes I’d be a pair of moccasins

If I were a poem I would be Kids Who Are Different by Digby Wolfe

what would you be?

Or perhaps, what would you be at this particular moment? For, if I filled this in next week, or tomorrow, or even in an hour, I might be something entirely different.

Borrowed from Laume  who borrowed it from….

A Saturday in April

The sun is shining, my homework is done, the laundry is washing and a gentle breeze is blowing through the house. Ah…. contentment.

It has been a busy week. We started out with taking my parents to Colorado Springs on Monday. Dad has his cancer check up and all was well. We did a bit of shopping and then came home. It was also Morgan’s first day back to school and Dan and I have classes again. Tuesday we taught computer class and then later on I went to bed with a headache. Wednesday I still felt like dreck, Spent most of it curled up with Dan and watched Planet 51. Gods that is a funny movie!

Thursday, we rearranged furniture. We brought the dresser out to the living room so that we could use it for an entertainment center. Then we dragged the big dresser thing out of the bathroom and we put it in the bedroom. I will paint that as soon as it gets scrapped and wood puttied.

Yesterday, I worked on my homework in spite of a headache. Yeah, one of THOSE weeks. I pinched a nerve in my neck and it has caused a referred pain headache. However, I finally got the power point presentation done and turned in. This is a ‘fundamentals of management’ class. For me it is one of those ‘sit down, shut up and pass the class’ classes. sigh….

Today so far has been fun and productive. Dan and I got up at the crack of dawn. Okay, 7am! He went off to Lathrop Park with my Dad, and I went to breakfast with my Mom. Yummmm! Ian woke up with a migraine, so we left him sleeping. After breakfast, we went shopping at Safeway and then I dropped Mom home. A cup of tea and a fruit pie later and I started working on my next class assignment.

Dan came home and after a bit of conversation, he sat down to play ‘kill the bad guys’  on the Xbox while Morgan read her book. She is with us this weekend!!!! Ian finally got up and is doing better too. Dan fixed my washer and now I can do laundry at home!!!!! I know that sounds daft, but it makes me much happier to be able to multi task instead of sit at the laundromat for 3 hours doing nothing.

In an hour Dan and I are off to dinner at my parents. Our first one. LOL…. should be fun. Plus, I have this urggggghhhhhhh to write! hmm…..

Midway Thru Spring Break

Gads…. Wednesday already! Four more days of spring break, and then back to school. The weather is still nice and warm too! Argh…. I am really not into the headspace for Fundamentals of Management. Yes, there probably is something new that they can teach me, but in all honesty, I’m 50. I’ve had a spouse and children…. run my own business and have been the business manager for LoboSavvy for 6 years. So, it will be a challenge not to blow off the teacher. Or heckle. Most of them are use to dealing with 20 somethings or kids just out of high school. They are not use to dealing with older students. Oh well.

Meanwhile, I am trying to do some sewing. I did a duvet cover yesterday. Yellow flowers and a boarder print. I’ve had the fabric for years, and never used it. I need to put some snaps on the opening and that is about it. Then there is the mending pile to attack. Oh, and curtains to make to match the fabric in the bedroom. Big problem is that what I feel like doing is taking a walk, or…. jumping someone’s bones. LOL. 🙂 Maybe I’ll just curl up with a good book… I have this one from my mom to read. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society.

To Blog or not to Blog

That’s the question. I am trying to decide whether to delete two of my blogs or not. First one is Digitally challenged, the blog story I have been writing and which has sort of come to an end. The other is one I am thinking of re-purposing. I just have not had the time to update either of them and so have been rethinking them.

Digitally Challenged, I want to turn into a story in book form. However, I need to have it easier to edit, hence the taking it off the blogsphere.

Anyone out there have an opinion?

Meanwhile, Adventures has run it’s course in a different way. Not sure what to do with that one. A friend of mine is doing a story a day thing and I am thinking of trying that with this site. Sort of like DC, only a different theme. Still thinking on that one.

Then there is Pagan Way. Dan and I share that one and it is due to be moved to a website. Once again, similar purpose, but more coverage/access needed.

Lots of thinking…. Sorry for the sound of grinding gears and smoke.

Today was a lazy day otherwise. I got the front porch straight so I can do some more sewing. Wheee!!!! The weather is warming up at last and I will be able to sit out there without freezing.

Ian went to bed early and Dan is playing video first person kill’um games. I think I will work on that pair of socks that needs the heel turned.

Transformation of a bedroom!

For nearly three years, I have dealt with a horrid paint job in the bedroom. I’ve dreamed of various things that I wanted to do with the room. We even found dragonflies lights and pins to use. Worst thing was the wait. Too damn cold.  This week with the warm weather, I finally said to hell with it. We bought paint and attacked the room.

This is what it use to look like:

Now it looks like this:

We did new paint on the walls and the doors. New door handles and then the cloud of fabric on the ceiling. Onto that went two strings of dragonfly lights and lots of dragonfly pins to hold the fabric up as needed. Then a canopy which is tented and held up with ties on the wall. I love laying in bed with the lights on!!!!

Okay, Who Took February???

One minute I was watching the groundhog see his shadow, the next it’s Daniel’s birthday. All I could think was who took February???

It really was a busy month. Morgan one a CCIRA award for a short story she wrote. Dan was already going up to Denver to visit with his girlfriend, so we all went. Ian, Morgan, Dan and I headed to Denver. We stopped in Pueblo and got Morgan a dress. It is really pretty. Two different hotels, one with a pool. 🙂 We picked up Ruth and went out for dinner and then played in the pool. 🙂 Everyone had a great time. Next morning, we got up and after getting lost a few times made it to the Award Ceremony. She got her award, and we then changed clothes and headed to the Denver Art Museum. Lots of cool stuff like a bungie cord maze,  red foxes in a dinning room setting and art… A lovely time.

I got home just in time to turn around and head to La Junta for Census Training. I have a job with the Census. Bad part was that it was SNOWING!!!! We were suppose to take Ian back to Alamosa, but the car died. We decided to turn around and poof, the car stated. So, I borrowed Daniel’s car and Dan and I drove to La Junta. We had a lovely soak in the hot tub and a nice swim before we crawled into bed. Training was okay, and we came home Monday night.

That week I was suppose to have a break from school. I did. I just spent most of it in bed sick. akkkkk!!!!

Caron and Ian came down for Valentines day. 🙂 It was a nice treat. What was really nice was to be taken care of for a day while we both were so sick. The next week, we talked with Ian and realized just how unhappy he was at Adam State. So, we went and picked him up. Moved him right in. 🙂 To say he is happy is an understatement.

The next week, I had more Census training. Which brings me back to this week. Our first day of real Census work was Monday. It snowed. I think we got a good 5 inches. I am an assistant crew leader, so I help with handing out census forms as well as do sort of mid level admin work. The next month is going to be very busy as we hand out a form to every person in the county.

Oh!!!! I made my favorite cake with carob tonight for Daniel’s birthday. As far as everyone else was concerned, it tastes better than the chocolate version!!!! I am so glad, because I have missed my cake!!!!

Now that I have finally caught up, it is bed time!!!