
Last night, it was a balmy 48 or so. This morning, I woke up to ice and snow. Brrrr…. It has snowed on and off all day. Not much accumulation, but the temperature just keeps dropping.

Probably a good thing we got the windows in the guest house done yesterday too. With all that new glass, we are going to have a few feral cats get a rude awakening when they go to jump through what they think are “open” windows. It took 18 panes of glass to repair everything. Most of them were little 6×7 inch window bits. Only one was 15×15.

Dan harvested all the old glass he could first to repair the windows. We still had to buy 8 panes. It also took him nearly all day to repair everything. However, the guest house is better sealed than it has been in nearly two years.

Dan and Matt also hauled tons of garbage out of the guest house and garage. I think that there were 12 old dynamite boxes full of trash. Amazingly, the trash men took everything except the rug. Only reason they didn’t is because they were too full. Said they’d get it next week. Yahhh!!! Guess I’d better pay them!

We are driving this week. Jolene is in hospital again. More surgery on her leg where the break didn’t heal. ewwwww! So, we drive twice this week and twice next week.

At work, I’m starting the packets for chambership renewals. Wheee…. Finally got over to Mike so that he could read through what I wrote up. I did a lot of editing on the Chamber packet info. It needed it! The rest of this week and most of next will probably be spent printing packets, stuffing envelopes and dumping stuff off at the post office.

Oh, and tomorrow evening, we have parent teacher conferences. Dan, Morgan, Beth and I are going. Here’s hoping Divot behaves.

Snow, Trains and Volleyball games.

Sunday was cold.

Monday was cool.

Tuesday I woke up at 6:30am to see huge fat snow flakes outside. Brrrr! Since our vehicles are still down, I walked to work. It felt really funky to be so bundled up when the day before had been warm enough for no jacket.

Of course, the snow meant that I had very few people at the Chamber. I got a bit of work done, and by the time I was ready to go home, my mom decided to pick me up! Wheee!!!!

Wednesday was cold, but by mid afternoon, it was warm enough to carry my coat home. I even hung laundry outside! Today was warm too. You have to love Colorado weather. Or, just go crazy.We also got my car Divot up and running well enough to drive around town. Wheeee!!!

Considering the people I have had in the Chamber/Visitor Center this week, it must be Train Spotter month or something. I have had more people in asking about the station, and trains than anything else. In case I have forgotten to mention it, the Chamber is housed in the old train station in Walsenburg. It makes phone conversations really fun as the tracks are less than 20 feet from my office. My desk is right behind the left middle window in the picture below.

Walsenburg Station
Walsenburg Station
Another view of the Station
Another view of the Station

My problem is that I don’t know enough about the history of the train station and always feel bad when I have to say I don’t know. Oh, and we must have a beacon on top of the station saying, “train spotter here! No Trains Today!”.  Why? Well, on average, we have 40 trains a day pull through town. However, whenever I have a train spotter walk in, I have NO Trains go by. Like today. Quiet all morning, and this gentleman comes in asking about the station. I tell him what I know, including the train stats and the suspicion that there is some sort of consipiracy to keep people like him waiting to see trains. He laughs and goes off to have lunch. Right about 1pm, when all the locals are trying to get back to work after lunch, here comes a train. One of the long ones. I wondered if the train guy had seen it. Sure enough, he came in about 10 minutes later with a big grin on his face. He’d gotten lots of pictures and was very happy. He also told me that the station had been built for the Rio Grande Railroad, which was something I hadn’t know.

Tonight, we had to get to Gardner for Morgan’s Volleyball award dinner. We borrowed Jolene’s SUV and drove up. First though was the Mom-Daughter Volleyball game. Of course, we cheated. Dan played as well. We did pretty good. The first game was close. 25-24, and the girls won. Second game was 25-16. The girls were over the moon that they beat us twice. Afterwards, we had pizza for dinner and awards. Morgan got the most improved beginner on the team. All the girls got medals and certificates. It was a fun evening.

Tomorrow we are going to work on Blue, the old pick up truck, finish up the ‘winterizing’ of the guest house at 520 and then collapse for at least 10 minutes.

Two Ceilidhs, a funeral and a wedding.

The Celtic Festival was magnificent! The music, the people, the fun! Oh gods it was a blast. It was also a lot of hard work. Most days were spent working lights and for me, running up and down the stairs at the Fox theater. Dan worked with David Enke to provide co-ordinated lights and sound.

I’d be hard pressed to say who I liked the best. It was just so amazing. Friday’s concert was light in attendance, but we blame it on the presidential debates. The best part was where Jack Yule was cracking jokes. He is normally so dower in demeanor that you really do a double take when he makes a joke. The concert was intitled “From Tango to Jig”That night we listened to Alfredo Ortiz, Kevin McElroy, Jerry O’Sullivan and Aine Minogue.

On Saturday, I was up early to go out to La Veta and help at the mining museum where Joe Lang and my dad, Jon Sudar were talking about coal mining.

Joe Lang at Gardner School
Joe Lang at Gardner School

I no sooner got back from La Veta then it was time to get ready for Carl Holzhauer’s memorial service. It was at the Baptist church my great grandma, Nanny went to. I remember going there with her as a child. Remembered getting in trouble too, for playing on the little organ’s foot pedals. The service was really very nice. However,  I do wish they had sung the hymns in something other than the key of off! After being around such beautiful music all week, it really stood out.

We went home, changed clothes and headed back for the concert. By this time, I had gotten us each a tee-shirt. Saturday was really packed. The concert was “An Irish Hooley at the Fox”. This time the artists were Liz Carroll, Shannon and Matt Heaton, Jerry O’Sullivan. Kieran Jordan performed Sean-Nos Irish step dancing while Shannon and Matt played.

Liz, Shannon, Matt and Kieran
Liz, Shannon, Matt and Kieran
Jerry and Liz cooling off a foot... each
Jerry and Liz cooling off a foot... each

Sunday, I was up early again and out to La Veta. We were at the Methodist church this time talking about… yeah, you guessed it,…. Coal! Dad was there again as well. Joe Lang gave a slideshow on the Roselyn Chapel where he is a docent. Lovely pics, but we ran out of time. I literally raced to the Fox Theater, as the concert was due to begin at 2:30pm. I had just enough time to learn where to aim the spotlights and the concert started. This was the “Coal Mining’s Heyday”.  It started off with some of our local talent singing. (Oris, Bob, Gary and George)

16 tons, wada ya get.... deeper bass voices...
16 tons, wada ya get.... deeper bass voices...

Then Ed Miller, Jennie McAvoy, Patsy Seddon, Alison Bell, Kim McKee, Ken Willson, Anne Enke, Frank Manning, Heather Yule, some of the Ceilidh Peppers performed.

Calum and some of the crew
Calum and some of the crew
Girls Night Out, Alison, Anne and Kim
Girls Night Out, Alison, Anne and Kim

Lots of songs and poems about coal mining. Joe Lang read one of his poems. It was a really good time. At the end, the audience was promised a special and unique encore.

After the houselights went up, we had a wedding!!! Kim McKee and Ken Wilson got married on stage. They had been together for years, and decided it was about time they married. Kim’s daughters were her maids of honor. The Celidh Peppers were Ken’s Band of Honor. :>

Ken and Kim getting married
Ken and Kim getting married

It was sweet, wonderful, tearful and funny all in one big lump. At one point, I got the giggles… why? Well, my mind played a weird association… Four weddings and a funeral is one of my favourite movies. Meanwhile in real life, I had just had two ceilidhs, a funeral and a wedding!

After the wedding, we packed up all the sound equipment and moved to the Blue Rooster in La Veta. There we ate, listened to the Ceilidh Peppers, and a lot of the other artists until nearly 11pm. Dan worked sound for those playing. It was awesome! Got home at midnight.

The Ceilidh Peppers at the Blue Rooster
The Ceilidh Peppers at the Blue Rooster

It was a long week full of hard work, but oh so worth it. Lots of new friends, work experience and plenty of good music.

Ceilidhs and poets and stagelights OH MY!!

This has been a whirlwind of a week. Each night I think that I am going to get a chance to sit down and write a post. hahahahaha !!! What a silly woman I am!

Monday and Tuesday were filled with music, story telling and lots of children. Monday was Peakview K-8, where the Ceilidh Peppers played, and Joe Lang and I told stories as well as dancing and drama. A long day. Joe is a sweet Scot. About 78, and full of wonderful tales. Speaks Lowlans… a dialect of Scottish, and sometimes I had to remind him of an English word. Tuesday was La Veta and Gardner Schools. K-8 as well. Lovely time.

We went to the Fox Theater to see about the lights. Barbara had finally decided that she needed help with the lights and took Dan’s offer. Barbara is a dear sweet woman, but has a hell of a time delegating. She tries to do too much and then gets overwhelmed. As the driving force of the Celtic Festival, it really is more than any 10 people ought to handle and she tries to do 90% of it.

Well, there was some sort of mix-up, because instead of a lighting run, there was some sort of Christian church gospel night going on. Dan was already working on the lights, and one of the gospel guys who said he knew lighting was “helping” Dan. The idiot KICKED the big spotlight and broke the bulb. Grrrrr!!!! What you need to understand is that the Fox Theater is OLD. Most of it’s equipment if not “original” is new circa 1930’s. Some of it might be as new as 1970, but… the spot hails from the 40’s or 50’s and did not take kindly to being kicked.

Meanwhile, while Dan tried not to give into the urge to kill the guy, we went backstage to work on the lights so that they could have their gospel hour… As we got the lights up, they started to perform. Now this might not have been too bad had we been on the right hand side of the stage. However, we were on the left and trapped. 2 hours of Gospel later,… they finally quit!! (hallelujah ???) Dan had recognized one of the guys as a scumbag he knew from Nashville and therefore wanted to kill him twice over. The guy didn’t recognize Dan, and actually gave us three of their CD’s. We donated them to Rev. Tinsley, the minister hosting the music program.  We were so grateful to get out of there!

Wednesday, we had to be up and about early. I to work by 8am to make up lost hours and Dan to the Fox Theater for lighting work.  So, while I worked at the Chamber, Dan played ladder monkey. After I got home and just started sipping a cup of tea, Barbara called. So, off we went to the theater. There was a rehearsal going on, and Barbara was getting frazzled. Dan and I dealt with the four men rehearshing while Barbara went off somewhere. Hopefully to rest.  We got the whole thing straightned out and headed off home.

Thursday started up easy and then the phone rang. Any Guesses?  Yup…. Barbara. So, Dan dropped me off at the Chamber and headed to the Theater. I’ve been doing a lot of work on the Chambers’ website and the various files. I went down to the Theater after work and Dan was just wrapping up the lighting when I got there. I got to meet John Carlson (?) the gentleman who helps the library with movies. A very nice man. We chatted and then headed over to Mike’s Coffee Bar.

Mike Hurley is my boss, and runs the coffee bar. We went over there to pick up tickets for the three shows in town as payment for all our work. Funny thing is that every time we go in there, the shop is dead quiet. The minute we start to talk to Mike, it gets busy. The guys joke that I need to come in at least once a day. While we were there, Heather Yule and her hubby Davy came in. (Barbara’s daughter) We chatted with them for a bit which was lovely. Then it was off to the Business Finance Round table. Wheee…

That was a spaghetti dinner and speakers talking about where to find info on financing your business. It could have been better. Dan asked a question that the one guy really didn’t have an answer for and flubbed it. sheesh ! We left around 7:15, because we had to be at the Ceilidh up in Gardner.

The Ceilidh was the opening salvo of the Celtic Festival. A preview of all the acts to come. Plus, I think it is the one time that Jack Yule relaxes that dour Scots demeanor. He was cutting up and smiling!!! The various acts were wonderful. Dan and I really enjoyed ourselves. Got home at 12:30am!

Today, I’m working the chamber office till 3pm, then after a few errands, it’s off to the theater to learn how to run the spotlight. Whee…..  Tonight’s concert is “From Tango to Jig”. A Paraguayan harper, Alfredo Ortiz starts out followed by Jerry Sullivan on Uilleann pipe, Aine Minogue and Kevin McElroy on harp and mandolin and banjo. Should be very good.

Hippo Birdies two Ewe!

Today is Little Morgan’s 12th birthday. She took a lovely sticky candy covered cake to school and shared the sugar high with all of her friends. For supper, she had yet another piece of cake and then home made pizza that Beth made. I had a piece of cake sans frosting and candy. Very chocolaty!

I gave her a pentacle necklace with a lapiz lazuli pendant on it, a small medicine bag, a tin with a cat on it and a turquoise/agate necklace and bracelet set. Her dad gave her a box, a deerskin leather bag with hearts, coins and stones in it and lots of love.

She is getting so big! Taller than I am and still growing.

Morgan (l) at her first volleyball game
Morgan (l) at her first volleyball game

She is having so much fun in school this year. Not sure if it is just the age, lack of Matt or what. However, she is so happy.

I had fun at work today too. Got the office tidy, worked on the computer files and have most things running up to speed. Tomorrow I meet the other volunteer. I get to see just how shocked she is at the changes. teeheehee…. Dan and I are headed to Pueblo too, to see Carl. It’s been a while and I feel bad about it, but there wasn’t much else we could do. It has been so busy.

Tomorrow is also the day that Larry Patrick is suppose to talk to me about the website and email. Hopefully, we will get that all fixed. I am going to do my utmost to keep the email out of AOL. (which one of the members thinks is the best way to go)

Well, off to bed!

Foggy, foggy Tuesday

This morning, the clouds were at the 6000ft level. Walsenburg is at the 6185ft level. So, we were fogged in! Not that cold damp kind of fog, but the cotton candy whispy stuff. The sun was trying to peep through the clouds with rose coloured rays. It was a very pleasant drive taking Munchkin Morgan to the bus stop. Keep in mind that this is a rural Colorado bus stop. Morgan goes to school up in Gardner, Colorado because the school is very very good. So, we have a 16 mile trip out to the bus stop.

These photos were taken last October, and the place is a little greener due to all the rains this last couple of weeks.

Looking towards the east
Looking towards the east

However, as we drove into the bus stop, there were tendrils of fog everywhere. What light came through was rose tinted. My trip home was not as beautiful as the sun had begun to burn off the clouds.

Today was also my second day of work at the Huerfano Chamber of Commerce. I got hired as the secretary on Monday. It’s partime work at the moment. However, I worked there as a volunteer 11 years ago. It is going to be very interesting. It also pays $9 an hour!!!! Wheee!!!

Happy endings, birthdays,and background music

Friday was my last day at the D.A.’s office. Part of me was rather sad that it was my last day. The rest of me was glad I was getting out of that nut house. My replacement… Oh My Gods! She certainly was not hired because of her ability to work. In a week of “training”, she managed to learn maybe 10% of the job, and I am being generous. She spent more time yakking with the HR person who is a friend than learning the Job. On Friday, she wasn’t there 20 minutes when she started to complain about her back. She spent more time on the phone than she did working. She was gone by 10:30am. This left Pattie and I to do all the work. Pattie left for a job interview at 3pm. I was by myself most of the afternoon. The A.D.A. and the HR person asked me what I thought of the job, etc. I didn’t tell them much of anything, except that their file security was rotten. I pick up my paycheck on Tuesday.

Saturday was a lazy day. We slept in! Around 2pm, Dan and I went to Pueblo to do the regular payday shopping. It took forever! Not that there were tons of people or that it was hectic, we were just sloooow. We ate dinner at Chile’s. Yummmmm…. There was also a stop at Barnes & Noble. Yeahhhh!

Sunday was another lazy day. I think that my body did the whole “ok, I’m not working so now I’m going to flake out.” My feet were so sore! You’d think I’d run 90 miles. We spent most of the evening watching Babylon 5. It was also Erin’s 26th birthday.

Monday… Woke up with a headache. Finally got up around 10am. I wrote my articles for the newspaper, ran down to the D.A. Office to see Pattie. I helped her copy her private files and then headed off to Pauline’s. She is trying to move out of her house. I helped her pack about 20 boxes… I came home around 6pm. This headache and I are going to bed early. It is Jimmer’s birthday today.

In the background I’ve got Dan choosing the music… Freebird, Nightwish, Asia, Godsmack. A rather odd mix as he is looking for specific music. Good thing I’m not too picky.

Of skinny cats, quiet afternoons and work

Last night Dan and I went to Aguilar to see the Holzhauers. Carl is one of Dan’s computer clients. An older gentleman who messes up his computer from time to time due to age and unsteady hands. I went along, because 90% of the time it turns into a social call as well. Carl and his wife MaryJane have sort of adopted us. When Dan hurt his back a few months ago, Carl called every morning to check on him.

So, out we went. I visited with MaryJane, and Dan fixed the computer. We sat on the couch and watched tv for a bit. Their cat, a 20 year old tabby normally ignores me or hisses at me. Well, last night she decided that I was the perfect lap to lounge on. I petted the cat, which is about 5 pounds of scrawny fur. She purred. Of course everyone else couldn’t believe that the cat was sitting on my lap. When it was time to go, she hissed. Silly cat.

Next scrawny cat… Tosoto. She decided that when we got Brandy, that she was no longer going to stay in the house. Plus there were tomcats about. She always aborts, so we’ve never fixed her. Probably should have. However,… the last few days she has decided that eating was better than starving. She too now weighs about 5-6 pounds. I had been trying not to put food outside as we have lots of feral cats and skunks in the neighborhood.  I ended up doing it anyway. sigh.

At work today, I probably goofed off more than I have in the entire month I have worked there. Partially because I’ve gotten most of the stuff caught up. Partially because we just took a break. The new woman who is taking my place is…. Umm… Not going to cut it. She may be intelligent, but has yet to show she is organized or competent in learning tasks. Most of the time when Pattie or I try to show her what to do she walks off and visits with the HR person who is her friend. Not the way to learn things. Plus, the HR person is having her learn how things are done in the Trinidad office. That would be great if they did things the same way in both offices. Oh well… It will be a right cluster of chaos after I’m gone and Pattie finds a new job. She has had enough of the assistant DA. In many ways, the proverbial is about to hit the oscillating blades.

However, we took it fairly easy most of the afternoon. No one rushed. At least not until the assistant DA called in a panic at 4:30pm. He’d forgotten to do some paperwork! Yet it was Pattie’s fault. grrrrrrr…. She got some of it done, but at 5pm, we left for the day. The rest will have to be done in the morning.

Now I’m waiting for Pauline to show up. Oh, and get my computer work done. Dan is backing up my files tonight as I am suppose to move over to a Linux operating platform. Wheeee!!

Soap Opera Week

Where else can you find drama? Embezzlement? Fraud? Office backstabbing and kindergarten behavior? Easy… Right here in Rural Colorado. Yep! And that’s just in the DA’s side. We won’t even think about what goes on on the jail side of the building.

Monday… the air conditioning is acting up. It recycles the air and so smells from one part of the building invade other sections. This would have been fine except for the fact that some one in the staff area bathroom had the bowel movement from hell. Ten minutes later, you could smell it in our office and at the front door. Awwwgh…

Tuesday’s saga…. The “HR/Victims advocate” walked in wearing a perfume that just ripped my lungs up. Asthma. I had to call Dan to bring me my inhaler. Meanwhile, the ADA was dodging phone calls from lawyers, and was late for court yet again. I think he’s been on time once. I dealt with my asthma, Pattie goes off for an interview because she wants out of this office, and life is quiet for a few hours.

We have a 17yo that stole a car in Texas, and got caught here. We can’t hold him because he’s a juvenile. So, we send him to Pueblo Youth Center. We tell Texas where he is. They can’t understand why we can’t hold him, because in Texas, he’s an adult. (sigh) They are on the road to pick him up in Pueblo when we get a call that he is now in Colorado Springs, as they ran out of room… I get a half assed message to that effect, and tell Dee, who tries to call Texas in route. She finally gets a hold of the Texas base who relays the info to the traveling sheriff.

One of the ex-DA’s stopped in to visit. He is now a private lawyer. They were chatting about what idiots the ADA and DA were. He of course left crayons and a a coloring book on the desk of the ADA who plays solitaire instead of working on his cases. Oh that went over like a lead balloon!

After lunch, I get back to find that Pattie has laid into the HR gal about the perfume while I was gone when she asked rather snottily where I was. (I left a little early for lunch) When I next see the HR gal, it is obvious that she has “washed off” her perfume. She tried to tell Pattie that she had worn the same perfume all the time. I told Pattie, no, and that she had washed, as my nose is rather sensitive to scent.

Meanwhile, we are working on cases that the ADA has ‘finished’. He let an arson case go, dismissed almost 20 tickets without fines being paid, (keep in mind that the DA’s office generates money via fines) and

allowed felonies to be pleaded down to misdemeanors. (One of them had 4 separate files generated in 2 days) Pattie gets a phone call from the woman who had from the job I have. The benefits company won’t pay her as the DA’s office hasn’t paid them. (although the DA’s office took out the money from their paychecks) Apparently, this is history repeating itself. In fact, the CBI was here the other day to get testimony on the previous time that this same thing happened. Pattie and Dee are going to be monitoring their pay stubs to see if they are being robbed of the interest that should have been accruing if the benefits had been paid. The DA prior to the one in office now, spent 3 of his 4 years in office screwing up the budget to the point where people couldn’t cash their paycheck, bills weren’t being paid, etc. Oh, and this guy is running for office again and is the BEST candidate for the job!

The local sheriff and all of his staff detest the DA and ADA. They hand them case after case that should go straight through the court system and end in convictions, and the lawyers botch them. Which means that the same offenders are out on the street faster than we can process the paperwork. Remember that comment I made that the same 4-5 families do all the crime? Well, part of that same bunch got off scott free Tuesday.

Then extradition case to New Mexico. A woman who is 8 months preggers was wanted in New Mexico. So, we were going to send her. However, she had 2 cases here pending that needed cleared before she could go. New Mexico was on their way to pick her up and guess what ADA hadn’t cleared the cases…..

Wednesday. A quiet day. 11 tickets, a hysterical man in the outer office, a report from Dan and Karen and lots of boredom. The hysterical man had a dog which got into a dog fight at one of the bars. The owner of the other dog kicked it and stabbed it in the skull with a knife. Dog gets taken to the vet, and the man waits to see if he is going to get charged with having a violent animal. Unfortunately, the vet is the most expensive one in the county and won’t release the dog until the bill is paid. Someone liked this guy. The cops and DA dropped all charges and some Samaritan paid the nearly $300 vet bill. Then the cops took him out to pick up his dog, which will live.

Dan and Karen came by with a map showing the area they could cover with a cheap repeater and that equaled nearly 95% of the county. The sheriff and head deputy were in heaven. This county has a long history of communication issues due to geography. That may have just been solved.

Today started out ok. Then Pattie did something to piss off the ADA and the next thing we knew, Pattie was being sent home for being rude and childish. (right…) So, I had the office to myself for most of the day. I also learned that my stint of work at the office will be over by July 11th. My replacement comes in next week and will train in Trinidad. (hmm…. interesting….) By 3pm, Mike decided to go home. In order to cover his tracks, he let the rest of us go home too. Wheeee!

Tonight we are having a wake for Tirion/Sir Starhelm. Dan is making his meat roll things. Fun bit is he is in the kitchen pounding away with the meat tenderizer in beat to the music. Tomorrow Dan and I are invited to a 4th of July party that will be as much business as fun. Pauline lives up on this ranch with Mike and Gloria, and that is where the party will be.

Oh! Almost forgot. Dan and I both got paid today. I had my Starry Skies column in the Huerfano Journal, and Dan had both his Tech Savvy article as well as one about the ARRLS field day. (ham radio play day) http://huerfanojournal.com/extra.php

I’m really enjoying writing for the Journal. Dan is also publishing his articles on his LiveJournal. http://ujoronen.livejournal.com/

See ya!

A not so lazy Saturday

I did manage to sleep in, but after a week of late nights, an extra hour or so isn’t much. Ah well. Went to sleep last night with Daniel’s new puppy in my arms. He was out being a boy and the puppy needed company. Somewhere around 2am, Daniel came in and got the puppy. I really wish he’d hurry up and rename him. I don’t like the name Fatty for a dog. I’d rather call him Baby for the rest of his life. Oh well.

I showered, dressed, hauled laundry off the clothesline with Morgan’s help and threw more in the wash. Then I headed over to 520 to get some stuff done. Mostly clean up. In a bit, I’ll be moving desks around. I am loosing my office with a corner view. Needed to happen so that we can lift the porch up and make it level. It has about a 5 degree cant which means that I always feel like I am sliding down hill. Ah well. I get the next spot in the living room, just across from the door. Not a great view, but it will have to do for now. We have to do something fast as the front door doesn’t want to latch correctly. The house is built on a hill that use to be riverbank a few million years ago, so it constantly shifts…. Downhill!

Once I get all the stuff moved, Dan will have to do some rewiring. sigh… He only just got it straightened out from removing the office stull. I’ll have to be very sweet to him since I’m making extra work for him.

I’m still a bit of a wreck from the events of the week. I’ll be just fine and then something will remind me of Tirion and the tears well up. It probably seems sort of silly for someone that I only knew through lists, email and chat, but… it isn’t.

Combine that with not getting the job at the D.A.’s full time and my stress meter is just about pegged. Sort of hard to qualify what bugged me about it, but Dan just about hit the nail on the head. It isn’t that I couldn’t do the job or didn’t do it right, but that I did above and beyond expectations, improved the office and did do an excellent job of it. However, for the woman choosing the new secretary, it wasn’t enough. Nothing I could have done would have been enough. That’s what hurts. She was condesending, and didn’t even want to tell me that I didn’t get the job. Pattie had to force her to do her job! Oh well. Dan also said that if they didn’t choose me, they screwed up. I guess we will see. Now I have to wait and see if I get the Housing Authority job or if I call Marge Durham.

I guess I’ve played around on the computer long enough. I need to get these desks moved. It’s either that or curl up in a ball and cry.