Wheeeee!!!! it’s Wednesday!

The middle of a crazy week too. I went to work this morning and figured that I’d be sewing on my dresses for the trip by the afternoon. Nope! Almost first thing today at work, and Karen, the boss asks if I’d drive her friend Anne to the airport in Colorado Springs. Her car, paid etc. I said yes! So, had to call Dan and tell him to rearrange the day.

After I got off work, we drove up to Gardner and registered Morgan for school. While Dan filled out the paperwork, Morgan got her school physical. Now she can play sports. Wheee!!!!
Then we drove home and dropped her off. We got to the restaurant with about 15 minutes to spare. Then it was off to Colorado Springs.

We dropped Anne off and headed to Pueblo. Petco, Chilie’s for lunch, Sam’s for supplies for the restaurant, and then to the Mall. Gads, it is such a tiny mall, but it is all we have. I went to JoAnne’s… We finally have one in Pueblo again, and I am so happy!!! I got stuff for the dresses and drooled over fabric. Then it was off to find sandals. Payless had nothing. Unless I wanted itty bitty strappy things with a 4 inch heel. Nope, not this girl. So, we headed over to the high priced sensible cool shoe shop. I found a pair I liked. A little expensive, but these will last for a couple of years. Plus, they are nice looking and will do for dressy occasions. They have about a 2 inch heel. Funny to feel so tall!

Then we drove home, dropped the stuff at the restaurant and Ian picked us up. Wheeee… Now for bed as I have to be into work at 8am again. It was a busy night at the restaurant, so I will be doing lots of baking. ๐Ÿ™‚


It’s Friday!

The B&B was hopping this morning. All 15 guests came down at once for breakfast. I helped Karen plate food and get it served.ย  Then it was time to bake bread, make pies-coconut cream- and get stuff ready for lunch.ย  I was out the door, with paycheck in hand by 12:45pm. I normally work about 4 hours. Sort of wish it was more. Then again, unless I’m working the lunch hour, baking only takes about 4 hours. It does leave me time for other things. Plus, I know that the schedules will change again mid August. I’m just happy to have a job!!!!

I’m almost done with my first class at Ashford as well. So far, so good. It was an easy get to know the University style class, which is fine. Next up is statistics. Has me a little nervous.

We’ve been getting the LoboSavvy site updated. Much better than it was. Dan is working on AlphaDogtechs.com now. That is the sister site to LoboSavvy.com. We are still using the paw print, only ADT will have a surround. I’ll post it when we have it up.ย  I just got a peek at the first page, and it is pretty!!! Probably shouldn’t say pretty, as it is a computer services website, but thenย  I’m a geek, and seeing techy things is pretty.

Dan gets to update the La Plaza website. We are thinking of asking Dad to take the pictures as he has a better camera and ‘eye’ for these things.

We did some shopping after I got paid, which was a good thing. We needed a few groceries. I’m spending the rest of my day relaxing, doing a bit of laundry and then writing. I have one story half done!!! Plus, two or three more begging to be written. ๐Ÿ™‚

Someday, Sun day

Well, it was suppose to be my day off. However, Karen called around 10pm to see if I could come in to bake bread on Sunday morning. They had a good night at the restaurant, and had gone through 7 of the 8 loaves I’d baked. I said yes.

So, I woke this morning to cool cloudy skies. It was so cool, that I had to shut the door to the kitchen to get the bread to raise! It rained. The peaks were shrouded in these very cool cloud strands. I baked bread and came home. Whee….

However, I didn’t get the stuff done that I wanted to. There were too many people in the house, and I couldn’t concentrate on school work. So, Dan and I took a drive. Daniel had been nice enough to let me borrow his car, so we drove up to Cuchara and had lunch at the Dog Bar. Yum!!! It wasn’t a long drive or a long lunch, but it was good enough to refresh me.

Dan had a gig to go to in La Veta with David Enke tonight, so Ian and Morgan went with him. Ian will go hang out with friends and Morgan will help her Dad. They dropped Kayla off at 203, so I’d have time to get my school work done without interruption. Kayla has been staying with us since the 16th, which is a long time. Her parents are picking her up around 11pm! Gads. I don’t understand why they are coming down so late.

I have all my school work done now and can relax a bit. Wheeeeeee!!!!! All I need to get done now is a skirt or two for work and some dinner. Maybe a story written too. I have this idea in my head…

Trying Tuesday

Or how life got really hectic at La Plaza.

We had a busy lunch. That was both good and bad. Good because we had lots of people. Bad because we ran out of stuff and trying to prep to catch up killed us. It was a learning experience to say the least. We have some things we need to improve on and will need to work out so that we don’t have such delays again.

I have tomorrow off!!!! Wheee! We are having my Aunt Toni here for dinner. ๐Ÿ™‚ I thought that chicken curry sounded good and made a batch of tomato apple chutney to go with dinner. It came out fantastically. Tomorrow I plan to work on classwork for college, do some sewing and clean house! I should go do laundry, but that isn’t going to happen tomorrow. Maybe on Friday. I have enough work clothes and the guys are fine.

We still have Kayla as a houseguest. She came down for the Relay for Life, a cancer walk thing in La Veta. That was on Saturday. She goes home on Thursday. Morgan is with us this week too!!! I do love her so much. I’m just glad that I have another ‘daughter of the heart’ in my life. Speaking of which, Natalie is going to Nigera with Medics Sans Frontiers any day now. Geeeppppp!!!!

We had the most awesome thunderstorm this afternoon too. I was really glad that I had gotten home before the storm hit. Thunder and lightning and buckets of rain for probably 30 minutes. At least it helped wash the skunk stink off the front porch and off of Spike.

Oh, and I’m going to bed early tonight!!! Wheee….ย  or is it sad that I look forward to going to bed early? A commentary of the fact that I get up way too early most days? That I work hard, or that I just stay up to late most nights. Hm…. Okay, all of them. LOL!

La Plaza Inn opens!!!

For lunch and dinner… It has been a really busy week. We did a soft opening on Monday and Tuesday. We are now open for lunch and dinner every day now. Wheeee!!! It has been busy and dead, and no rhyme or reason other than it is the first week. I am exhausted. A good kind of exhausted though.

I am baking breads, desserts and cooking lunch and dinner. Slowly, I will become the lunch chef and baker. The Wilson’s are working hard to run the hotel and the restaurant. So far, so good. I have two chefs working with me, Gordon and Tony. They are fun guys to work with, and we all work well together. Phew!!!

Now we have to get into a routine with scheduling and remembering what we are cooking. No one except Karen are use to the menu. So, life is a bit hectic as we try to remember what we are cooking or how we are plating something.

Must go! Spike just got skunked…. awgh~

Cooking in the kitchen!!!

‘Cause it is HOT!!!

Wednesday was the potluck. That was great. Had fun, talked with people I hadn’t seen in a while and listened to good music.I got home around Midnight.

Thursday. I went to work at La Plaza Inn, and Dan went to the Fox Theater. Old Blind Dogs were playing and he was doing the lights. Meanwhile, I cooked and helped at the kitchen. We had food ready for after theater crowd that came over for the jam session. Apparently while the theater was crowded, there were maybe 50 people at the jam session. Sort of sad, as we’d cooked lots of nice food. I got home at 2:15am. Yawn.

Friday, I wasn’t suppose to work. However, Karen called wanting my help. She hadn’t been able to get into the kitchen all day and felt behind. So, I went in at 5:30 and finished at around 9:45pm. Yawn. Luckily for me, Dan walked down and walked home with me.

Today, I slept in a bit, but was still to work by 11am. Lots of stuff to do for the banquet, and we got it done with about 30 minutes to spare. Morgan came down and served at it because it was being sponsored by Huerfano County Youth Services. The evening went great. The food was good and everyone was happy.

We started to walk home around 9pm, and then discovered that the guys were headed to Carl Jr’s for dinner. So, we met them there and then walked home. Oh gods was I tired. I think I will head to bed soon. Yawwwwwwwwn….

Oh, and Ian’s Grandma will let us borrow the van for Sunday. She got panicked about us using it on Friday. A bit of Sturm und Drang operatic soap opera, but… we will borrow it at least this one time. Otherwise, I hope to have a car of some sort working soon. I am truly tired of having to bum rides.

5am was too damn early

And I told my body that when I woke up at the crack of dawn. Yawn… 45 minutes later, Misty was up and thumping around the kitchen getting coffee and trying to wake up enough to head out. She had to head home this morning. pout! Ah well, at least we had a really good six day visit. I don’t envy her going back to hot Arlington Texas though. phew!!! And, miracles of miracles, she only left on thing! It was in the freezer, so I’m not too surprised. ๐Ÿ™‚

However, since I was up so early, I made a second batch of biscuits in preparation for the La Plaza job. They came out really good this time and I will stick to it. Yum… I’ve got to do dishes again and then make a carob cake for the potluck tonight at David Enke’s. The Old Blind Dogs are playing at the Fox tomorrow night. Dan gets to work the lights and I will be cooking at the La Plaza for the after dinner party. Wheeee…

Life is just about to get really busy! Work starts tomorrow and college classes at Ashford start on Friday.

We’re Hoooommmmmeeee!

Dan and I went to Denver for the weekend. We had a client to visit on Friday. Computer work. She is a lovely person to work with and we have no issues with driving up to Denver.

Then we had a business meeting Saturday morning. We met for breakfast and hogged a table for probably an hour while we discussed stuff. Dan got himself elected chairman of the workforce board, so he now has to do the whole politically responsible thing. LOL!!! It was a really good meeting and I think we got a lot accomplished. Oh, and I got roped/voted/convinced into being his ‘aide de camp’ also known as Girl Friday and any other nickname you can think of. Was I surprised? No. Did I expect this? Yes… about 30 seconds after he got elected. ๐Ÿ™‚ Still nice to hear him ask though.

After the breakfast, we went to REI and looked around. I found a gardening/hiking hat that is so cool. Then we drove up to Boulder and bummed around there for a while. WEnt to see Ironman 2. Very cool movie. More sexy geeky technology.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚

We were suppose to meet up with friends, but it didn’t happen. Two got stuck in a meeting. Who in the hell does 12 hour meetings? Gads!!! By the time they got done, we were all too tired. We will try next time we are up in Denver.

Sunday we did a bit more shopping, drove around and waited to see if our friends were free. Nope! One got sick, so we just gave up. Headed home and stopped at Red Robin’s in Castle Rock for dinner. I had a really nice burger. Chilies and guacamole on it. Yum.

We got home at a decent hour. Dan did some tutoring with Emma on math. We were in bed by 11:30, and it was really nice to sleep in our own bed.

Now this is what May is suppose to be like!

Warm days,ย  cool nights and lovely breezes. Okay, Winds. Then again, when isn’t it windy in Walsenburg? Oh well. The weather is warmer, I can wear skirts, sandals and light tops again. Wheeee!!! Can you tell I get tired of jeans?

Life has been busy. It was suppose to be a relaxed week. HA! It got really busy really fast. Not only were Dan and Ian trying to fix the Neon and the Nissan, but they had computer work, and then the Lights at the Fox. Oh gods. They wired the theater in 9 hours when it normally would have taken 3 days. They also discovered that there was a piece missing called a terminator. (stop laughing) Without it, nothing would work. Dan and Ian about had a seizure. Checking online and on the phone, and discovered that they cost $300. Or, you could ‘build your own’ for about $5. Guess what we did? Yup! We built it.

The reason it was so necessary to get things running this week was that El Fandango was performing for Cinco De Mayo. One performance on Wednesday, one tonight and another one on Saturday if I remember correctly. Practice went well, so hopefully the shows will as well. Dan was happy the way the new light board worked too.

We let Nibbler play with the big dogs this evening. Daniel was here, so I figured that he and Ian were strong enough to pull the dogs apart if anything went wrong. No problems. Wheee!!!! Now to just rebuild the fence.

Tomorrow I have to buckle down and write an essay for school. Oh, and return about 20 phone calls.

Tuesday, Birthday, Meeting day…

It is a WARM day today, which is a really nice change from the cold and Snow of yesterday. I have the doors and windows open and I’m letting the air warm the rest of the house. I’m also glad that it is warm, because Dan is working on my car yet again. sigh…

Today is Ian’s 20th birthday. He’d planned to go to Pueblo, but with the car not working right, he just hung around the house. I’m making him a carob mayo cake and barbecued beef for dinner.

Plus, tonight is the RE-1 school board meeting which will probably be a LONG meeting. The alcohol issue, drugs at school- Peakview, and a bomb scare at the high school. Not exactly what most school districts want just before the end of school.ย  We had an irate member of the public try and tell me how bad Morgan’s school was too, because Gardner was letting students shadow at both RE-1’s high school and Re-2’s. Gee, where has he been for the last 20 years?ย  Oh well. It should be interesting.

We went to Walsenburg lumber and got glass, caulking wood putty and sandpaper so I can fix the back window and my dresser. Wheeeeee!!! I got a new story up too. I’ve managed just about a story a day on that blog. Also got a power point presentation done yesterday for college. Here’s hoping the professor reads and grades the right one this time. Yes, I’m still irritated over that.