Yes, it has been forever since I last wrote. A month in fact. Sheesh! Let’s see…
Shadow had another litter of kittens… 6 this time,
Had a fun Halloween,
A good Samhain with Morgan here to celebrate with Dan and I,
A very mellow 50th birthday. A lovely romp, breakfast in bed and an easy going day doing what I wanted,
Applied for jobs,
Had a job at a coffee house for two weeks… until the owner decided that he couldn’t cope with the bills the previous tenant left,
Applied for a job as a dispatcher,
Oh, and I’ve been doing theater on a train! A melodramatic version of A Christmas Carol. I’m the narrator, Dan is Scrooge, and there are three other people acting out the rest of the characters. It is on the Rio Grande Scenic Railroad and we will be doing that until Christmas.
And of course, we did the big family Thanksgiving dinner at my parents house. Lori, Bill and Shawn came down from Littleton, Aunty Toni and Uncle Karl came up from Las Cruces and Daniel and I went as well. Lots of good food, wine, and of course, dessert! It was really good to see everyone and as soon as Dad and Toni send me pictures, I’ll post some.