One minute I was watching the groundhog see his shadow, the next it’s Daniel’s birthday. All I could think was who took February???
It really was a busy month. Morgan one a CCIRA award for a short story she wrote. Dan was already going up to Denver to visit with his girlfriend, so we all went. Ian, Morgan, Dan and I headed to Denver. We stopped in Pueblo and got Morgan a dress. It is really pretty. Two different hotels, one with a pool. 🙂 We picked up Ruth and went out for dinner and then played in the pool. 🙂 Everyone had a great time. Next morning, we got up and after getting lost a few times made it to the Award Ceremony. She got her award, and we then changed clothes and headed to the Denver Art Museum. Lots of cool stuff like a bungie cord maze, red foxes in a dinning room setting and art… A lovely time.
I got home just in time to turn around and head to La Junta for Census Training. I have a job with the Census. Bad part was that it was SNOWING!!!! We were suppose to take Ian back to Alamosa, but the car died. We decided to turn around and poof, the car stated. So, I borrowed Daniel’s car and Dan and I drove to La Junta. We had a lovely soak in the hot tub and a nice swim before we crawled into bed. Training was okay, and we came home Monday night.
That week I was suppose to have a break from school. I did. I just spent most of it in bed sick. akkkkk!!!!
Caron and Ian came down for Valentines day. 🙂 It was a nice treat. What was really nice was to be taken care of for a day while we both were so sick. The next week, we talked with Ian and realized just how unhappy he was at Adam State. So, we went and picked him up. Moved him right in. 🙂 To say he is happy is an understatement.
The next week, I had more Census training. Which brings me back to this week. Our first day of real Census work was Monday. It snowed. I think we got a good 5 inches. I am an assistant crew leader, so I help with handing out census forms as well as do sort of mid level admin work. The next month is going to be very busy as we hand out a form to every person in the county.
Oh!!!! I made my favorite cake with carob tonight for Daniel’s birthday. As far as everyone else was concerned, it tastes better than the chocolate version!!!! I am so glad, because I have missed my cake!!!!
Now that I have finally caught up, it is bed time!!!