Ah… back to civilization? Well, maybe. The last two weeks have been nuts. First there was Battlemoor. Dan has been working for the school district as an IT contractor since August. While this has helped the pocketbook, it meant that he had to work the first couple of days of the event. 🙁
So, after sewing a hole in my finger, I packed all of the stuff for the event. Not too bad really. I even figured out how to fill the water butts. I put them in empty and then filled them. I got the last of the groceries and then picked Dan up from work. We got set up, had dinner with the Artisan Lane bunch and then he went home.
Thursday morning, I awoke to a beautiful sunrise. Got dressed, grabbed my fiber tools and after breakfast, went to the Fiber Tent. 🙂 50ft from ‘home’. I had lots of fun. Worked on my socks for the Sock War, visited with friends I hadn’t seen in a year and even managed a few pictures. Dan arrived in time for dinner. It was another pot luck, and we had fun. We went to sleep to the sounds of drums around the bonfire.
Friday was more Fiber stuff. 🙂 Got some pictures of Lothar, aka Dan playing with the forge at the blacksmith’s place. I got lots of comments on my coat and tunic embroidery. We went to Court,had dinner and once again went to sleep to the sound of drums.
Saturday. It was HOT! Steamy. It rained a tiny bit, but it barely cooled off. Lots of time spent in Merchant’s Row and in the Fiber Tent. Grand Court was awesome. I think there were 8 sets of royalty. Sleep was once again accompanied by drums. (If you’re sensing a theme here, you’re right.)
Sunday. Sock War final. I got one sock and part of another one knit. I was knitting for the Golden West side. We won 87.5 inches to 82. 🙂 Woohoo!!! At one of the Courts, I got to help hand out ‘largess’. These are things that the Fiber Guild has made and gifts to the Outland Royals.
Just after Court, it began to rain. Rain really Hard! We were stuck in the cook tent on Artisan’s Lane. The ground got muddy really fast as John found out. Dan went to help him and ended up getting his truck to their camping spot. While there was a party that night, there wasn’t a lot of drumming.
Monday morning… Time to pack and return to the 21st century. sigh… We got home by 2pm. I unpacked most of the stuff and we were off to bed early. It was a wonderful time.
By the way… my pictures are so out of order. In amongst them are my coat with the dragon boats I embroidered, the knife that Dan worked on and the pretties he bought me. Brooches, earspoon, pick, tweezers and omega brooch.
Sounds like you had a great time, love the photo’s.
We did have a wonderful time. 🙂 It was difficult to ‘come back’.