When you are part of the SCA, eventually, you want to upgrade your earth pimple to a real period tent. When you are a Viking persona, the logical thing is a Viking Tent. It’s an A frame, which means either you build it tall enough to stand up in just in the center, or you have this lower back crunching tent where you have to stand up outside to dress. At the same time, it’s easy and you can carve pretty things like dragon heads, etc. This year for Battlemoor, I wanted a ‘real tent’.
Well… I expressed the desire to have a Viking tent and was met with a resounding yawn from Lothar. (aka Dan) He didn’t like the idea off only being able to stand up in a narrow 2ft aisle in the middle of the tent, no matter how cool the posts were carved. Nor did he like the idea of poles sticking out 6 feet longer than the truck bed. (small truck) So, we looked around. The Osberg tent gave him some ideas.
Next thing I knew, he was sketching away, and then presented me with “the plan”. It was a tent, in that it has canvas. It is also a cabin/house. It has 2 x 4’s and a door, etc. It’s 10 x 10 give or take a few inches, and the way he designed it, it comes apart and fits in the back of the truck.
So, we bought the canvas, wood, fittings and everything we needed, including the red paint for the door. Then all the time we had to make it flew out the window. The photos below detail two days of construction. We still have the door to make and finish canvasing the sides. I’ll add those pics when we are finished. If you want plans or a better explanation, contact me. I’ll make him write them out. 🙂