
Okay, it isn’t often I post three times in ONE day… We are in the midst of one hell of a rain/hail/thunderstorm. Wow! Brandy of course is barking and trying to attack the lightning at the same time she hides from the thunder. Silly MUDDY dog!

Of course, I will have fun cleaning up the Wendy House. We still have a few leaks. Dan is reorganizing the office and back porch, so I am staying out of the way. 🙂

A year has passed

A lot has happened in a year.

A year ago today, Dan got his divorce. 🙂

I re-purposed a blog for writing fiction.

Morgan has grown into such a beautiful young lady.

Brandy is an only dog.

Bryan and Katie got married.

I achieved my own divorce and will celebrate that anniversary next February.

I am now the CEO of LoboSavvy Technologies.

I’m on the State Youth Council.

I write for the Huerfano World Journal.

Between weddings (Bryan’s), Thanksgiving and Christmas I have seen all of my family this year.

Survived another winter in a construction zone. (520 Pennsylvania)

I’ve been writing this blog for 3 1/2 years.

I have a bunch of goals left to accomplish and hope that the next 12 months will be just as interesting.


Oh my gods it is cold!

Last  night when we went to bed it was -2F outside. We stayed up long enough to welcome in the new year and then crawled in bed! Hot water bottles are a blessing. This morning when we got up it was 30F in the house. BRRRRrrrrrRRRRrrrrrr!

We started a fire and turned up the electrical heaters and by 5pm, we got the house up to 50F. (16F outside) This happened just in time for the couple from Falcon to come meet Spike. They came in and met him and decided that they would take him home. I hope that all works well for Spike!

I made pinto bean soup for dinner. The ham bone from Yule dinner is cooking away in it, and will be Brandy’s as a treat. Now to decide whether to make corn bread or just heat up tortillas.

I’m waiting for that heatwave of 46F tomorrow!!!

And the month rolls by… with a whiff of skunk

Geeze! I keep waiting for life to slow down. Guess that won’t happen any time soon. Last week was busy with cooking more pies than I ever want to do again. At work I did 46 pecan tartlets,  4 pumpkin, 3 coconut cream, two pecan pies and one chocolate cake. Oh, and I helped with about 15 more pumpkin pies.

Plus, I had my baking to do on the day. We had roast pork with green chilies and garlic, stuffing, sweet potatoes with pecan crumble on top, brussles sprouts, green chile relish, and pecan pie for desert. Yum.

We also took care of my parents cat Elway, did two computer jobs -one of which involved a trip to Denver and back in a day- and all the normal everyday stuff.

I thought this week would be quiet. However, for a Monday, it was hell. Woke up sick. It snowed And…. At 6pm, Brandy went charging out the back door to defend Ian and Emma against…. a skunk. She got it full in the face at close range. Awwwwgh!!!! Two hours, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and VO5 shampoo, lots of water and towels and she smells better. Granted, the house still stinks. Gaaaahhh!!!

Tomorrow I have a school board meeting to cover and then Wednesday thru Saturday we will be gone. What a week.

Morgan Shines


Here is Morgan all dressed up in her pretty clothes. We got her a new outfit so that she could feel pretty when we went to the Fountain Valley Reception for new/prospective students. She looked so good.


This is Morgan being silly, and de-stressing.


Morgan and her Dad.


Morgan, Dan and Brandy. 🙂

We had a great evening with the Fountain Valley students, parents and admission clerk. Now to get Morgan into the school.

Cold, quiet and queesy

Today was one of those typical Colorado weather days. Wait five minutes and the weather will change. We’ve had snow, sun and wind in various combinations all day. Oh, and Cold! My fingers nearly froze trying to get my resume ready this morning. I applied for a secretarial job out in La Veta today. Took Pauline with me so that we could catch up on each other’s lives. Turned into a nice girl’s day out.

We went to lunch out at the Rambler, and then went to a couple of shops. One of them being Collection Corners. Lots of antiques. I was so good. Looked and didn’t buy anything! I dropped her off around 5pm and came home. Dan had a meeting to go to and I decided to just curl up with my cup of mint tea and the computer. My lunch didn’t set very well. uggghh….

Sunday Dan and I took Blanca and Brandy to Pueblo and Petsmart. We needed to get her a body harness as Brandy keeps escaping the yard. We figured that fitting one would be better than just guessing. So, off we went. Blanca was very good. In fact, she was better than I thought she’d be. Brandy was good, but she yammered ala coyote at the other dogs and scared some of them. I teased Dan that there was a language barrier. Dog vs Coyote. Maybe I wasn’t so far off.

However, the girls had a good time.

So far, I have three resumes out. One to the local hospital, one to La Veta high school and one out to a gentleman wanting data entry work done. Now for the wait. sigh…..

I think I’ll go to bed.

Wildlife adventures

Life has been interesting around here. We’ve had deer so close that Dan has smacked them on the butt to get them out of the stairwell. Dan took these pictures without using the telephoto setting.  This buck was less than 8ft from our house.

Buck next to the house
Buck next to the house
The rest of the herd
The rest of the herd

Then there is the big cat that was in the backyard last night. Not sure if it was a bobcat or a lynx, but it was not a housecat! The dogs wouldn’t even go outside. Oh, and the skunks have been trying to mate under the house. Ugggghhhh!

Finally, we have been having issues with our one dog, Brandy. She is a mixed breed. German shepard and ??? We figure coyote. Why? Just look at the pictures and see. Our biggest problem is keeping a collar on her! Even the local animal control officer thought she was a coyote. sigh… Oh, and she howls and chatters just like one too!


A Sunny Doggy Day

Work has been quiet, and as soon as I got done, Dan and I headed to 520 to pack up the light camel packs and grab the dogs for a walk. It has been unseasonably warm. I think the high was 64 today. Gads! So, we headed to the park. Lathrop State Park is only three miles outside of town.  Blanca and Brandy have never been there. They really aren’t sure of the whole traveling in cars in the first place. Ah well.

I got our parks pass and then we headed off to one of the campsites. Dan has a new GPS toy. (Garmen Etrex Vista) He says it is smarter than he is. Probably right. It would help if he RTM! teeheehee….. He marked the “spot” with a handkerchief and off we went. Brandy wanted to run and Blanca wasn’t too sure about this whole dirt/cactus/rocks thing.

img_0040Here is Dan and Brandy going cross country. My camera’s shutter keeps sticking. Hence the snazzy black slices in the corners. Blanca wasn’t too sure where Mama was going and told me so.

img_0042She kept doing that whole “Mama! they’re Over There!” and didn’t want to walk alone. So, we caught up with Dan and Brandy. Went down by the lake and walked the shoreline. Brandy tried to attack the waves and was biting at them. Then she fell in. Dan and I were laughing so hard that we could barely stay out of the lake ourselves. Blanca was not going near the lake.  We walked a bit more and then headed up towards the rocks. Brandy was pretty good, but Blanca was not happy. She backed out of her collar at one point and she and I played ring around the pinon pines. Finally got her collar back on and headed to the car. Dan and Brandy were headed back out because we’d been so long.

All in all we managed about a three mile walk. The dogs were tired. We were tired. However, I managed not to have an asthma attack! Huzzah!!!! After weeks of being sick and every little thing making me wheeze, it was really nice not to have to sit and think “Breathe!”.  The laundry room at 203 jsut rips me up at the moment. sigh…

We got back just  about sunset. Oh the girls were tired.

img_0043Blanca was too tired to wag her tail. hpim1610Brandy fell asleep snuggling the sheep.

hpim1612Blanca flopped in the chair. Poor tired doggies….

Now of course I have to get my tired arse out of this chair long enough to go make dinner. Yawwwn….

A cup of Mouse a day

Yesterday, I went to feed the dogs, and had to reach way down in the bag because we are almost out of food. I thought that there was a chunk of lint in the bag and so dropped the cup and started to tear the bag down a bit so that I could get the lint. I didn’t want it mixing in with the food because Blanca “wolfs” her food and if it fell in the bowl, she’d eat it.

So, I tore the bag, reached in for the cup and tried to scoop out the lint.

It wasn’t lint.

It was a mouse. I came up with a scoop of dog food with a mouse on top. I laughed, the mouse freaked and jumped off the cup. Brandy went for the mouse and Blanca just stared at the whole circus as Brandy chased the mouse. The mouse escaped, and then I fed the dogs.

Dan laughed so hard he almost fell off his chair when I told him what the ruckus was about.

The rest of the day was rather calm. We watched a few movies and then went to bed early. It was a real contrast from the 25th.

We did a wiring job on the 25th. Another contractor did the original job. He messed it up so bad that we had to go in and repair it. It should have taken 4 hours. Instead, it took 8 long hours. I was pissed. Dan was really pissed. This isn’t the first time we’ve had to fix this guys work. grrrrrrr!!!!

We did the shopping in Pueblo today. Very windy. Granted, it has been windy all week! I swear we went sideways a mile for every 5 miles we drove. It took us nearly 7 hours to do the shopping. Brrrrr!!! Dan and I were frozen by the time we got home.

sunDay After Noon

Finally, the sun has shown it’s face today. This morning was cold, cloudy and gave me no reason to want to get out of bed. Nor did the sinus headache. However, after a cup of tea, aspirin and french toast for breakfast, I am beginning to feel marginally human.

Yesterday after fixing Blue, the pickup, Dan and I headed to Pueblo to see our friend Carl. Carl is dying, and at this point is in hospice care. We got there at a point where he was semi lucid. He recognized Dan and tried to talk. I’m not sure he recognized me. It is very apparent that Carl will not be with us much longer. We visited with his wife, MaryJane for a little bit, said our goodbyes and then headed to Lowes.

I had to get keys cut for work. Oh, and pick up some fencing material for the back yard. Brandy keeps digging under the fence. We have to re-inforce the back side fence. Wheee…

After we do that, we are heading up in the hills to pick more rosehips. And, if we have any energy left, there is this closet that needs finished up. Drywall, hardwear, shelves and paint. Wheee….