Update on life, part 2

I ran out of hours in the day…  I didin’t get to the fun of Thursday. We got Morgan off to school and I started to get ready for the day. Spike, Daniel’s dog, went tearing into the house and scared the kitten, 5. 5 ran and Spike gave chase. He caught the kitten and started to shake it, when the kitten planted all twent claws into the dog. Meanwhile, Dan and I are trying to get the dog to let go. Spike is a pit bull… I thought that we were going to loose the kitten. However, Dan pulled Spike’s gums back and popped him in the jaw. It worked, and We got the kitten free and out of the way. Spike went out on the back porch, and we took 5 to the vet. Just a puncture in the jaw from what the vet could tell. So, we came home. Cleaned up the blood and looked at Dan’s hand. He broke two small bones when he hit Spike. Ouch!!!!

Then Dan went to work on a computer for a client. Meanwhile, I discover that there is a bat on the inside of the porch. Normally, this wouldn’t have bothered me. However, with everything else, I was a bit nervy about moving the bat. When Dan got home, he moved it outside. I have a picture, but it isn’t very close…

the bat....
the bat....

The other thing that freaked me out is that I adjusted the piece of plexiglass between the bat and the outside world earlier that morning, and I don’t remember seeing the bat!!!!

Then it was time to head off to Gardner and then to Westcliffe, because Morgan had a volleyball game at Custer school. It was snowing of course.  We drove up and watched the game. The girls won!!! After that, we went to Pizza Madness for pizza. Very good! Ate more than I should, but oh it was nice. Then we drove home in snow and fog.

Next day was suppose to be nice and quiet so that Dan and I could get school work done. Hahaahahaahaa….. First Daniel showed up to talk to us about Spike. (7:30am!!) We know he was just being a dog and 5 a kitten. Now we will just take care to lock up the cats before we let the dogs in. sigh…. Finally got Daniel out the door and thought we’d snooze a bit when the phone rang. It was Dad. He had computer problems. So, we got up and tried to get stuff done… Oh yeah….. I think the phone rang 20 times in at least a two hour span. Sigh. Daniel came back with new cables for the dogs and then they all escaped. Dan and Daniel went after them and I stayed put in case they came home. That escapade over, Dan tried again to get his school work done. He finished it just in time to go out to Lathrop park to help my Dad and the park rangers with the computer equipment. Meanwhile, I did laundry, housework and tried to start my school work.

Morgan spent the night and Dan and I got our school work done around 10:30pm….. Off to bed because Saturday was Volleyball tourney time!!!

Up at 6:30am and started to get ready. Dan was a slug….

Dan and Brandy
Dan and Brandy

And Brandy wasn’t helping………

Bed slugs
Bed slugs

I finally got everyone up and fed… and out the door. There was ice all over the car. Brrr….. Dan got it started, but then it died. No idea what is wrong. So, I came in and called Faith Espinosa who’s daughter Madiana (sp?) is on the team as well. She gave us a ride up and we got there just as the tournament started. Wheeee!!!!

The Gardner Team

Gardner B team played Gardner A team first. Then there were games between Primero, La Veta and Gardner. Gardner B team ranked 4th. La Veta 3rd, Primero 2nd and Gardner A team Won First Place!!!!! It was a really good set of games with lots of breath holding. Morgan did really well and we are so proud of her. We got home around 1:30pm and started a fire in the fireplace. It is still bitterly cold. I’ve got chicken in the oven and I figure we will curl up with a movie later tonight. Brrrr!!!!

Autumn heading our way

We had the first snow on the peaks about a week ago. Brrrr!!!!


It had been rainy and cold in town, but when the clouds moved off, there was the snow. It made me a bit nervous as we were due to go up into the Upper Huerfano to pick rosehips and such the next day. Luckily for us, it was just cool. We got lots of rosehips and chokecherries. I’m making jelly out of the chokecherries.

Morgan had a birthday on the 10th. She had a volleyball game the day before and I sent cupcakes up for her birthday.

Yesterday was Dan’s birthday. He’s 46 now. LOL…. I tease him and call him Old Man. 🙂

Dan and Morgan
Dan and Morgan

Morgan had a volleyball game yesterday too, and after the game we all went to Taco Bell where the whole team sang Happy Birthday to him. Oh the glow on his face!!!! It was a riot.

Today we went to do some work at the Catholic Church, ran errands around town, went to Morgan’s conferences and found out that she is doing well. Figured out some strategies for her expanding education. 🙂 If she can pull it off, and turn in her work with good grades, they may skip her to the 8th grade mid year. She was very happy about that.

After that, we came home had dinner and called my Dad to wish him happy birthday.

Teens, drama and dogs

We’ve had Morgan and Kayla at the 520 house for the last three nights. We had Matt here last night as well. That wasn’t too bad, but we also babysat Spike for Daniel. The house was full of noise. Squeals, barks, hisses and noise from the TV and computers. We got a short break when they went swimming and out for pizza, but the rest of the time was rather loud. They watched vampire movies until nearly 2am!

Morgan and Kayla planning world domination
Morgan and Kayla planning world domination

Here are the girls. Giggling and being silly on the computer. This morning I made bacon, eggs and biscuits for breakfast. It is Matt’s 16th birthday. Tonight the kids are working at the move theater and treating Matt to the movies. Wheeee…. Then they are here again for the night.


I have to admit that it will be nice to have a bit of quiet while they are at the movies.

In other news, Lyra had five kittens on Tuesday. That brings the number of cats up to fifteen at 203. Gods! I have possible homes for three of them.

School wise, I’ve got all A’s. All points too. Now if I can keep that up when the subjects get harder. Intro into online learning isn’t that difficult. Biggest issue is not dissing the instructor during Live Chats. I’ve made a few friends too. Daphne in Louisiana and I have struck up a good beginning friendship. We have fun chatting back and forth. There are a few others I want to get to know better.

The library is getting ready to shut down and move into their new building. I get to go help pack boxes later next week. Wheee….. At least I am not swamped by classes at this point. I took out a stack of books to read while they are closed. The idea being to get all the patrons to take home at least 10-15 books each. This way there will be fewer to move. It makes it interesting on the other end, when they all get checked back in, but… it does make fewer to pack up.

John is in Denver today. He had a VA appointment. Dermatology. His skin is doing better. He is waiting in town to pick up some caviar for the grand opening. I hope someone likes the dammed stuff. I sure don’t. Bleckkk…. Tarmasalata is good, but totally different. I have a dress made for the grand opening. I need to make a waistcoat to go with it to finishe out the outfit. Plus, as I like this pattern, I’m going to make a few more in different materials. I also have a surprise… 🙂 Can’t wait to unveil that one. Of course, the grand opening coinsides with the end of the first chunk of classes. This shall be interesting.

Well, best go tackle the laundry.

Waiting with varying degrees…

Katie, Bryan’s SO keeps going into labor. She isn’t due till later in the month, but apparently, this baby really wants to arrive. Like last week. They live in Searcy, AR, which makes it difficult to deal with the whole long distance Nana thing. They live next door to Stefan, so I have a cluster of grandbabies right there. Anabell, Gavin and this new one. sigh…. Bryan has called every time they’ve gone to the hospital, because it is driving him nuts that she is in pain and he can’t help her. The dr. is doing an amniocentesis to see if the baby is ready or not. I just hope things hurry up before Bryan looses his cool.

May is a crazy month. Regular school is ending in less than 8 school days. Wheeee! However, for Dan and I, things are going to speed up. Dan is going back to college-CTU. We are also working on our business, and I still haven’t found work. I really don’t want to have to head for 7-11 or the Acorn. To be honest, I’d like Dan to take a turn at being the provider for a  bit.  We shall see how it goes.

The weekend has been crazy. Morgan has spent most of the weekend at 520 with her Dad. That meant cleaning up a bedroom, just as we are getting ready to finish up the drywall in the closets. Then Dad was doing his first evening program at Lathrop park. A slide show on the history of Walsenburg and Huerfano County. Very nice except for one thing. His computer freezes at times, so he borrowed mine. (aieeee!!! withdrawl symptoms!!!) So, we spent a lot of time over the last few days getting my computer up and running. I had just changed it over to a dual boot machine. Uggghh…. Have I ever said how much I detest Windows???? Oh gods….. Never ever realized just how much I appreciate my Linux OS. Ubuntu, Fedora 10, either is heaven in comparison. However, Dad and a few other reasons compel me to dual boot.

We got his stuff all ready and then we went to the El Fandango performance at the Fox Theater. Matt is a dancer in the group. I’m not sure he thought it was the best idea at first, but…. It has turned out to be a great outlet for him. They all did really good. Gretchen, my cousin and her friend Mary Jo run the program. They have dancers from about 5 up to 16 dancing. We all enjoyed it.

Came home long enough to cook dinner and grab Morgan before heading out to Lathrop State Park for Dad’s program. There were about 14 of us, which isn’t bad for a windy cool May evening and very little advertizing. Dad did a great job. It was very cool to hear him give a program. The last time I saw him was probably 10 years ago at the Grand Canyon.  We helped him pack up and then headed home.

After making a cup of tea, we sat down to watch the Hunted with Tommy Lee Jones. Very intense movie.

This morning, I slept in a bit and then got started on the day. As soon as Dan gets back from La Veta, we will start the drywall mudding and taping. I hope….

Hippo Birdies two Ewe!

Today is Little Morgan’s 12th birthday. She took a lovely sticky candy covered cake to school and shared the sugar high with all of her friends. For supper, she had yet another piece of cake and then home made pizza that Beth made. I had a piece of cake sans frosting and candy. Very chocolaty!

I gave her a pentacle necklace with a lapiz lazuli pendant on it, a small medicine bag, a tin with a cat on it and a turquoise/agate necklace and bracelet set. Her dad gave her a box, a deerskin leather bag with hearts, coins and stones in it and lots of love.

She is getting so big! Taller than I am and still growing.

Morgan (l) at her first volleyball game
Morgan (l) at her first volleyball game

She is having so much fun in school this year. Not sure if it is just the age, lack of Matt or what. However, she is so happy.

I had fun at work today too. Got the office tidy, worked on the computer files and have most things running up to speed. Tomorrow I meet the other volunteer. I get to see just how shocked she is at the changes. teeheehee…. Dan and I are headed to Pueblo too, to see Carl. It’s been a while and I feel bad about it, but there wasn’t much else we could do. It has been so busy.

Tomorrow is also the day that Larry Patrick is suppose to talk to me about the website and email. Hopefully, we will get that all fixed. I am going to do my utmost to keep the email out of AOL. (which one of the members thinks is the best way to go)

Well, off to bed!

If it’s snowing, it must be Colorado in the Spring!

Yes, it is snowing. Again! In fact, we have nearly 9 inches of sloppy wet snow. Gads! It started yesterday evening with a bit of sleet. Just enough to dampen the sidewalks and let you know it is cold and wet. It was a big change from the last few days.

Tuesday was warm! High 70’s, and maybe even as high as 80. However, we also had wind gusts of up to 60mph!. Dust and grit crept into everything, and there was no escaping the wind. Our business partner Karen was complaining about the wind and dust. We just laughed and told her to wait a day. I knew what was coming, but was enjoying the warmth in spite of the wind. It was hazy with all the dust in the air. There was also smoke as three seperate fires had broken out across the state. Ordway was the worst hit.

Wednesday, I decided to wear jeans as we had to move scrap metal. Dan and I filled up the truck with all the metal and copper we had in the back yard and headed to Pueblo to sell it. Too many bills and not enough paycheck. sigh… We got about $400 for the whole load. After we did that, we had lunch at the Mongolian Grill and then headed home. Half way home, Dan felt ill. We stopped and he went to the loo while I filled up the truck. Lunch had not agreed with him. I wasn’t feeling as bad, but not good either. Mental note,…. don’t eat there again! We got home, and I stuffed Dan in bed. While he slept, I went to the store and got some gatorade for him. I also took John to the new library site so he could take construction pictures. Progress is so slow, and it is driving him crazy. It started to rain/sleet while I waited for him to finish. Brrr……..

Dan slept for about two hours, and then decided to get up. Good thing, as Little Morgan called to tell us all about her day. They went to Historic Williamsburg. She got to see a court case and a hanging. Really enjoyed herself. She has also developed a severe case of “Ohmygod! little girl chatter accent. LOL! Meanwhile, I grabbed some firewood to bring in because I wasn’t sure how long it would be before it started to snow. With all that wind and dust the day before, I wasn’t surprised at the change in weather. We had dinner and watched a couple of Babylon 5 episodes and then went to bed.

This morning, I woke up at 6am, and looked at the window. There was at least 6 inches of snow! No way I was going to drive. I asked Dan to drive, and he was ok with that. The school called and said that there was a two hour delay, which was fine by us. Dan cleared off the truck, and I crawled back in bed! Not often that I get to sleep late, especially on a week day.

I slept till nearly 9am. Got up, had a bath and was at work by 9:45am, which was just about the time that Dan got back from taking Matt and Nadia to school. As it was still snowing, we didn’t think that our 10am appointment would show up. His name is Philip, but we call him Santa Claus, because he looks like him! White hair and beard with the belly to match. A very sweet, lonely man in his mid 70’s. I think he comes over more for the company than to have his computer fixed. Sort of like another client of ours, Carl. Good thing that Dan is so very gentle with both of them.

The sun has finally come out, but the odd flake is still falling. We got at least 9 inches of wet snow out of this. Tower hill is going to be a mudbath on Saturday. Blehhhh… Oh well. Nothing like a bit of Crudability to make you look like you work for a living. Wheee….

Oh, and it is suppose to be nearly 70 on Saturday!

Saturdays here in the West,….. think it was supose to be Spring!

Honestly, you’d think it was still midwinter! Woke up to 2 more inches of snow and the temperature was 28 degrees! Brrrr! Had to climb back into long undies and pull the heater into the bedroom last night. I am so ready for warmer weather!

Last night Dan and I watched Sweeny Todd. Good movie. We watched it in between calls from Karen and Carlos. Figured it was the best use of the oddball bits of time between business. Johnny Depp sounds like David Bowie from Labyrinth when he sings. Lovely voice!

Woke up this morning, and while I don’t know what I was dreaming, my brain was thinking in Deutsch. Ja, ganz und gar Auf Deutsch! Es war sehr interesant sein! Und, ein bisssen unglaublich.  Ich denke auf Deutsch, Ich spreche auf Deutsch. Sehr lange war die Morgan.

Today we are starting to get Morgan packed for her trip to DC. She is so excited! Dan stuck one of his flannel shirts in her bag for her to snuggle when she’s gone. I think that the only thing she is really missing is a raincoat or light jacket to take with her. Granted, if it doesn’t warm up, she’ll have to take her heavy coat with her as well.

Must be off to rotate laundry, and do boring household bits. Unless of course Dan and Karen call saying that they will be doing tower work. If that’s on, I’ll be grabbing Erin and heading off to Aguilar. Wheee…… We tried yesteday, and the weather was bad enough that we canceled yet again. Had a premonition about Dan falling, and there was just no way we were going to go down there! Nope! Not even going to watch that happen if I can help it.