I made a decision.

After looking at the number of posts with pics and other media, I figured that it was time to move to a .org blog. We have purchased a domain,  and I will be moving the blog over. It won’t happen right away, and I will let you know what happens before this one goes quiet.


A Question…

I realized that I am eating up my media allowance something fierce. I have a few choices. Stop posting pictures. (okay, stop laughing!) Split the SCA stuff off of the main blog. That only slows down the storage issue, and does not fix it. Pay WordPress for more storage at a rate of about $8.25 a month. Or, pay .99 for a domain and then transfer the contents and host on our own server.

My big worry is that I will lose all my pictures that I have posted, and so the transfer will take ages. Then of course working things out so that people know where I’ve gone. I’ve got about 188 followers at the moment.

Thoughts? Ideas? If you like my blog, and read it, Please give me some feedback!

Battlemoor Pics 4

Last, but not least… The John Mall School Tour! The tour was fantastic. The kids were great.

Battlemoor Pics 2

Artisan’s Lane and the surrounding area. The Autocrats changed things around on the populous this year. At first it felt a bit odd. However, we got use to it and I think it was a good change.

Battlemoor Pics

Court. Ah the fun of watching squires made Knights. Students made Pelicans or Laurels, and best of all, populous receiving awards. King Kolgrimr and Queen Danielle are lovely. They arrived in court on horseback.

Battlemoor VII… Ahhhh!

Battlemoor was lovely. We started taking stuff out to site on Saturday, August 27th. It was a good thing, as it took us three trips to bring everything out this year, and two trips to bring it all home. Yes, I am the queen of truck tetris!

It rained. The wind blew. We had a lot of fun, including playing an SCA version of Cards Against Humanity. Oh that was a riot.

I did some shopping and received gifts as well. The rest of the pics here are of our Tiny Viking Long House and camp.

I will be doing more posts with pics.