Can I buy a Day?

I know it is Monday, but… I think I need a few extra days this week. I simply can’t figure how to get everything done this week. While there seems to be plenty of time, I keep feeling like I’ve forgotten to write something down and that it will sneak up on me with a resounding thump when I least suspect it. Part of it is the whole Autumn Cleaning Urge. Second of course only to the Spring Cleaning Urge. Part of it is also trying to find places to put bits of furniture, decorations and the like. I picked up more stuff from the other house today. There is also a shuffling of the office to be done once Ian heads off to the Air Force. We are still in limbo about that. argh… I am so sorry that he has to deal with ‘hurry up and wait’.

Work is driving me a bit nuts too. While I don’t mind doing prep-chef work and pastry chef work, I want to be making bread! Pastries! Biscuits! Oh well. I could do with more hours as well. 6 to 9 hours a week just isn’t going to cut it once the winter bills set in. Aieeee!!! I don’t want to have to look for another job, but I might not have a choice. Or, I may have to have a second job. That would be equally frustrating.

Tomorrow, I’m going to Denver with Dan. More as company than anything else. Oh, and an excuse to get out of Walsenburg for a bit. A day in Denver reminds me of ALL the reasons I like to live in a small town. 🙂 I may hit the book stores or the big fabric stores. 🙂 I haven’t been to Denver Fabrics in ages. I could certainly use a new couch cover.

Well, I had best get my arse in gear. Dan should be home in about 15 minutes and it is off to the bank and the store. Wheee…..

Oh, and my computer, while better, is still having some funny glitches. hmmmm….. I may have to get a new one sooner than I expected and give up the laptop for the bone yard. pout!

BTW, would you wrap that day up and make it a Saturday? I could use an extra one! is us!!!

We now have a domain for service to add to our LoboSavvy website. Wheeee!!!! We’d been debating what to do, as LoboSavvy Technologies is so broad in it’s abilities. So, we decided to make LST, the teaching arm of things, where we do classes and philanthropic type things and have ADT for the repairs, service and other $$$ things.

We are working to ‘revve’ up the business at the moment too. Now that Dan has a brain after his divorce, and can concentrate more on business, we hope to get things moving more. Dan and Ian are working on A+ certs and that kind of thing. Meanwhile, Dan and I are about to change colleges too. Poor professors and classes that are not challenging us. So, we are ‘shopping’.

Dan and Ian are working on the truck as well, since the computer on my car has died. pout! Once we have a bit of cash, they will fix my car. Meanwhile, Daniel is letting me borrow his car as needed.

Well, must go do something! It is cold and damp again today and I must get moving!


It was nearly 65 today!!!! It was soooo nice to open doors and let the air flow through the house. I did a bit of housework and general tidy up. It really needed it. I had to restack the wood pile too. Why? Because I needed to get to the cat carriers.

A friend of Morgan’s lives on a ranch up in Gardner. Liz and her grandparents wanted some barn cats. Now, I know that it helps when you can send a mom and kittens. I had been looking for someone who’d be willing to take seven cats. Then Spike, Daniel’s pit bull which lives with us started targeting Five, our cat. This meant that we had two choices. Confine Five to a life on the front porch, or find him a new home. Liz’s grandma said that they would take all 8 cats. So, today we drove up with them to Gardner. It seems odd not to have the cats and kittens in the den, but there are the two little tomcats that come to the door each morning for breakfast. I will just get my cat fix with them.

I’m plugging away at two classes this session. Personal Finances and Principles of Business. The most frustrating thing is that most of this stuff is aimed at the 18-25yr olds. sigh….Trying not to get bored or cheezed off with the class.

The rest of life is quiet. Dan is working on our website for LoboSavvy. I probably ought to read or do some knitting. Just feel a bit at loose ends at the moment.

A mellow day

It really was. Slept in late, ate breakfast at 2:30pm, and the day rolled on from there. I made these killer scones for Lammas. Oh yum!! Don’t know if I can repeat them, but… I will try. Craisens and Hazelnut Biscotti creamer were in the mix. :> We finished up the last of them for breakfast today.

I did some school work, edited some work and then just played on the computer. Dinner was pork chops, green beans and rice. Then it was off to Lathrop Park for the evening program. Dad was giving his new geology program. Very good! This is the third one he has done. I think I like it the best.

After we got home, I made tea and we’ve played on the computers a bit more.  I’ve got another Gabriel Du Pre novel to finish up too! So, I guess it is off to bed…. Wheeee….

Rainforests, classes and computers

It has been busy in other ways around here. The Monsoon season kicked in early and is still going strong. I think we have had more rain storms than we did snow storms last winter. Nice, but frustrating when you try to dry laundry.

I’ve been working hard this last month on my math and english comp classes. Math has been a booger trying to remember things I learned 32 years ago. However, in spite of my fears, I am actually getting some of this! Dan put this poster up on my wall behind the computer that reads What yould you attempt if you knew you would succeed? I look at it every day. I admit that there are days when I want to curl up and cry, and others when I just get so frustrated that I walk away from the computer. Last test was a 90% though!!!

Then there is my english class… I am suppose to be in it to learn APA formating, even though it is an english class. However, I am peeved about being in a 101 class and still not learning APA style! Grrrr….. I write for a living!!! sigh….. As it is, I am teaching 3 other students how to write because they don’t get what the teacher is trying to do.

Last Thursday, we got a call that the library had finally gotten their computers from Tech for All. 25 of them. Dan and I went down and started helping Rose Keating, from Tech for All, to set them up, etc. 12 hours later, we still weren’t done. The contract tech worker and Rose went round and round. He choked the network and delayed us on end. Grrrr….. Not happy. However, we are going back today to finish up some stuff. Then, we will be able to have compute classes at the library! Wheeee!!!!

Dan went hiking with Dad yesterday. They had a good time. Half way up one of the Spanish Peaks. They came down because of the rainstorm headed in. On top of the peaks is not a good place to be in a thunderstorm. Mom and I went to lunch at George’s. Yummm.. It has become our date when the guys go hiking.


I had two challenge tests to take for college. One English, one math. I’m horrid at math, so I decided to do it first. English should be easy, right? So, I sit down, start the math test and panic. It was all Business Math, and “story” problems. Dan walked by and saw me glaze over. So, he gave me a few words of encouragement and reminded me that I could do this. Lots of blood, sweat and tears later, I passed. I was amazed.

I took a break, had some lunch and then in the afternoon, I tackled the English test. Now, the advisor had said that the test had a few questions about APA in it. (apa is the style of writing a paper the college requires) I studied a bit and figured that I’d be ok. (insert laugh track) The test wasn’t an English test. It was an APA citation test. A good 2/3rds if not 3/4ths of the test was about APA. Sigh… I failed.

Couldn’t believe it. Oh well. Class wise, I am making straight A’s with no points lost. This is an easy class though. All on how to take an online class. Not sure what’s next besides English.

I’ve been playing on Facebook a lot. Its been fun. I’m finding all sorts of people that I haven’t heard from in years.

Summertime, and life gets hectic!!!

Here I am thinking about how I won’t have to get up at the crack of dawn for three months to drive Morgan to school. Then I got to thinking about all the garden work (two houses, community garden bed and the vet’s nursing home beds), house repairs, LoboSavvy, college and maybe, just maybe… I might get a job. Damn! There went my free time. Oh well. Not that I really had any to begin with.

My day so far…

  • 6am. Alarm went off, I got dressed, made sure the kids got up, threw a load in the washer, folded the load in the dryer.
  • 6:30am. Drove to Badito, dropped off Morgan, drove home.
  • 7:30am. Showered, got dressed, and grabbed the garden gloves and tools. Oh, and shuffled more laundry. Worked on the front yard and side yard dead heading all the plants that needed it, pruned the Russian sage and some of the roses, cleaned some of the beds and totally cleaned the herb bed.
  • 9am. Went to the office. tea, breakfast and then started on stuff for LoboSavvy and my college classes.
  • 4:30pm, decided to take a break.

Now, I still have dinner to make, dishes to wash, more laundry to do and start all over again at 6am. Last day of school. Then I can sleep until 7am. Wheeee!!!

We have another pregnant cat. Lyra the one tabby. We moved Shadow over to 520 in hopes that she isn’t preggers. I’m not betting on that one. Not sure what we are going to do with all the kittens. Stella had 4 and one is spoken for. And when it comes to stupid animal tricks, my dog Blanca howls every time the train whistle blows. Not fun as there are an average of 30 trains a day… And Blanca is afraid of thunder and lightning. (can I go home now???)

I’ve had to get use to dual booting my machine. Not happy about it. Really not happy about using Windows, but… CTU only supports Windows. grrr… Probably would have had to do it anyway. Dan wants to do training and that means we need to be able to work in all computer operating systems. sigh.  I now run Windows XP and Ubuntu 9.04.

Last but not least, the library is having it’s grand opening June 25-27th. As John is assistant director, that means I get to put on fancy dress clothes. Haven’t decided if this is a good thing or not. What it does involve is me hauling out dress patterns and making myself a nice Formal style outfit. Hmmm…. maybe that velveteen and chinese silk print might have a use after all.

Waiting with varying degrees…

Katie, Bryan’s SO keeps going into labor. She isn’t due till later in the month, but apparently, this baby really wants to arrive. Like last week. They live in Searcy, AR, which makes it difficult to deal with the whole long distance Nana thing. They live next door to Stefan, so I have a cluster of grandbabies right there. Anabell, Gavin and this new one. sigh…. Bryan has called every time they’ve gone to the hospital, because it is driving him nuts that she is in pain and he can’t help her. The dr. is doing an amniocentesis to see if the baby is ready or not. I just hope things hurry up before Bryan looses his cool.

May is a crazy month. Regular school is ending in less than 8 school days. Wheeee! However, for Dan and I, things are going to speed up. Dan is going back to college-CTU. We are also working on our business, and I still haven’t found work. I really don’t want to have to head for 7-11 or the Acorn. To be honest, I’d like Dan to take a turn at being the provider for a  bit.  We shall see how it goes.

The weekend has been crazy. Morgan has spent most of the weekend at 520 with her Dad. That meant cleaning up a bedroom, just as we are getting ready to finish up the drywall in the closets. Then Dad was doing his first evening program at Lathrop park. A slide show on the history of Walsenburg and Huerfano County. Very nice except for one thing. His computer freezes at times, so he borrowed mine. (aieeee!!! withdrawl symptoms!!!) So, we spent a lot of time over the last few days getting my computer up and running. I had just changed it over to a dual boot machine. Uggghh…. Have I ever said how much I detest Windows???? Oh gods….. Never ever realized just how much I appreciate my Linux OS. Ubuntu, Fedora 10, either is heaven in comparison. However, Dad and a few other reasons compel me to dual boot.

We got his stuff all ready and then we went to the El Fandango performance at the Fox Theater. Matt is a dancer in the group. I’m not sure he thought it was the best idea at first, but…. It has turned out to be a great outlet for him. They all did really good. Gretchen, my cousin and her friend Mary Jo run the program. They have dancers from about 5 up to 16 dancing. We all enjoyed it.

Came home long enough to cook dinner and grab Morgan before heading out to Lathrop State Park for Dad’s program. There were about 14 of us, which isn’t bad for a windy cool May evening and very little advertizing. Dad did a great job. It was very cool to hear him give a program. The last time I saw him was probably 10 years ago at the Grand Canyon.  We helped him pack up and then headed home.

After making a cup of tea, we sat down to watch the Hunted with Tommy Lee Jones. Very intense movie.

This morning, I slept in a bit and then got started on the day. As soon as Dan gets back from La Veta, we will start the drywall mudding and taping. I hope….

Hippo Birdies two Ewe!

Today is Little Morgan’s 12th birthday. She took a lovely sticky candy covered cake to school and shared the sugar high with all of her friends. For supper, she had yet another piece of cake and then home made pizza that Beth made. I had a piece of cake sans frosting and candy. Very chocolaty!

I gave her a pentacle necklace with a lapiz lazuli pendant on it, a small medicine bag, a tin with a cat on it and a turquoise/agate necklace and bracelet set. Her dad gave her a box, a deerskin leather bag with hearts, coins and stones in it and lots of love.

She is getting so big! Taller than I am and still growing.

Morgan (l) at her first volleyball game
Morgan (l) at her first volleyball game

She is having so much fun in school this year. Not sure if it is just the age, lack of Matt or what. However, she is so happy.

I had fun at work today too. Got the office tidy, worked on the computer files and have most things running up to speed. Tomorrow I meet the other volunteer. I get to see just how shocked she is at the changes. teeheehee…. Dan and I are headed to Pueblo too, to see Carl. It’s been a while and I feel bad about it, but there wasn’t much else we could do. It has been so busy.

Tomorrow is also the day that Larry Patrick is suppose to talk to me about the website and email. Hopefully, we will get that all fixed. I am going to do my utmost to keep the email out of AOL. (which one of the members thinks is the best way to go)

Well, off to bed!