Return from Battlemoor II

Yesterday, the 4th, we packed our camp up and returned to the 21st century. sigh…

Battlemoor was great! Probably should have been called BattleDUST, but we had a wonderful time. The rain on one day did help, and madeΒ  the dust/powdered cow patties settle. I swear we inhaled/ingested at least a pound of that dust. Ughh! However, the Stroh Ranch is a working ranch and there are cattle!

We arrived Wednesday and set up camp in a lovely little dell. Amazingly, it was only 50 yards from the Town Hall. There was a cool tree that had fallen and it looked all the world like the Pi symbol or a henge. While we were all part of the Shire of Villaleon, we were also in three separate areas. So, there was the main camp, Persia where Arty and Nyusha lived and then ‘the Savages’,… us. πŸ™‚ Rather appropriate as I’m a Viking and Dan is um…. Lothar de Savage. This lead to many jokes. “Oh, that isn’t Viking,… Oh. Wait… you plundered that didn’t you…”Β  and “I’m a Viking. You going to hand that over or shall I just take it?” It was a lot of fun. We teased Lothar as his era didn’t write…. “Don’t worry dear, I’ll teach you how to write…” and other bits. “He’s a savage, be glad he’s wearing clothes… eats with a spoon… cooks his meat…”

The week was busy with a number of tourneys and classes. I learned how to tablet weave and to spin!!!! Oh, and how to write/send a letter. πŸ™‚ That was fun. I took tons of pictures and they can be seen on my Facebook page. I really enjoyed the spear tourney. Dan of course was watching most of the tourneys. Between answering questions, making comments on fighting, patching up a few fighters and other bits and pieces, he got offered belts three times! So, while he didn’t accept a belt to be a squire, he will be getting his armor together and will be getting his heavy fighters card. He teased me at one point calling me his armor bunny. I about spewed with laughter. (an armor bunny is someone who helps their knight with armor, spotting weaknesses, etc.)

There were also courts every night and revels. (parties!) Thursday night was Hafla. Rolling Thunder played drums until probably 4am. Women belly danced, people chatted, good beer was consumed and everyone enjoyed themselves.

Friday night was Halls of Valhalla. There was a Viking ship where you could memorialize someone and then the boat was burned. We payed homage to Sir Starhelm. Once again, there was great conversations and lots of beer. I had one called Vikings Drool. It was a lovely dark stout. OMG! Oh, and there was a non-alcoholic ginger beer that was heaven, as well as a sarsaparilla to knock your socks off.Β  I drank more of those than the beer. πŸ™‚

Saturday was the Medieval Red, White and Blue celebration. Everyone tried to dress in red, white and blue and still stay in character. It was a riot. The drummers played again and it was about 1am before I got to bed.

Sunday night was the Farewell Siege Revel. It was a time to eat and drink all the leftovers, say goodbye to people and unwind. It was another late night, but well spent.

Monday of course came Way Too Early. However, we broke camp in about 90 minutes. We said our goodbyes and headed home. Once we were home, we unpacked, showered, checked a few things on the computers and then crashed. I even got my article written for the Huerfano World Journal and pictures sent. πŸ™‚ We napped from 4pm to nearly 10pm. We got up for a little bit of food and were back to bed by 1am. Damn we slept heavy! I have to admit that about the only thing I missed was my BED! So, we are planning on making a Viking bed for next year. Whether we make a Viking tent or a yurt is still being discussed.

Today we are putting stuff away, cleaning and washing things and trying to move. All the aches and pains have come home to roost. We didn’t get too badly sunburned, but there were lots of bites and Dan got all itchy from bucking bales of hay used at some of the battles. Yes, we clean up after ourselves so that the ranch can be a ranch.

Only a year till Battlemoor III. πŸ™‚


A drippy Monday

Well, it was warm and sunny when I started out this morning. In to work at 8am, and done by 11am. Sort of short hours, but at least it is a job.

Then, ο»ΏDan and I went to the bank and the community garden to check on the squash bed. Got two squash!Β  Then it was off to lunch and a quick trip to the library. I picked up two books and Dan talked to John about the classes tomorrow. It was pouring rain by the time we got home. Brrr!!!

I have tomorrow off, and hope to get some stuff done. wheee…..

I got to talk to Stefan today too. He is 26 today. πŸ™‚ Happy Birthday Stefan!

Trying Tuesday

Or how life got really hectic at La Plaza.

We had a busy lunch. That was both good and bad. Good because we had lots of people. Bad because we ran out of stuff and trying to prep to catch up killed us. It was a learning experience to say the least. We have some things we need to improve on and will need to work out so that we don’t have such delays again.

I have tomorrow off!!!! Wheee! We are having my Aunt Toni here for dinner. πŸ™‚ I thought that chicken curry sounded good and made a batch of tomato apple chutney to go with dinner. It came out fantastically. Tomorrow I plan to work on classwork for college, do some sewing and clean house! I should go do laundry, but that isn’t going to happen tomorrow. Maybe on Friday. I have enough work clothes and the guys are fine.

We still have Kayla as a houseguest. She came down for the Relay for Life, a cancer walk thing in La Veta. That was on Saturday. She goes home on Thursday. Morgan is with us this week too!!! I do love her so much. I’m just glad that I have another ‘daughter of the heart’ in my life. Speaking of which, Natalie is going to Nigera with Medics Sans Frontiers any day now. Geeeppppp!!!!

We had the most awesome thunderstorm this afternoon too. I was really glad that I had gotten home before the storm hit. Thunder and lightning and buckets of rain for probably 30 minutes. At least it helped wash the skunk stink off the front porch and off of Spike.

Oh, and I’m going to bed early tonight!!! Wheee….Β  or is it sad that I look forward to going to bed early? A commentary of the fact that I get up way too early most days? That I work hard, or that I just stay up to late most nights. Hm…. Okay, all of them. LOL!

Sun, Sand, and Snow!

Or, just another week in April in Colorado.

Tuesday, Dan’s divorce was final. We were really busy with class and meetings, so on Wednesday, we went to the Sand Dunes! Got up early, drove to the dunes and cooked breakfast. Granted, the stove didn’t want to work, but… we managed. Then it was off to the dunes. While Dan and Morgan climbed the highest dune, Ian and I waded up the river to my favorite spot. We played in the mud, water and sand for a couple of hours. Afterwards, we went to the visitors center and then drove home.

Thursday was weird and wonderful. I tried to drive Morgan to school, but the car died half a mile from the turn onto HWY 69. (yeah, it really is numbered that!)Β  Jolene took Morgan to school and Dan and Daniel towed the car home. Half way home, we hit a bump just right I guess and the car started working right. sigh… However, that meant that I could still do everything else I’d planned for the day.

First, bake a cake…. I was going to KnitWits and wanted to provide a treat. Once that was done, Ian and I piled into the car. I paid the water bill and then we headed to Colorado City. KnitWits was quiet, but we had a good time. Around 2pm, we headed to Pueblo. Ian was going to spend the day with Jillian and go to a concert with her that evening. I went to the library, did a little shopping and had dinner. I spent most of the evening reading. Ian met me around 10pm, and we drove home.

Dan of course had spent the whole day sick in bed. He had gotten the same stomach bug Ian had had earlier. Yuck!!!

We headed to bed around 1am, just as the thunder/electric storm from hell started. A lightning bolt hit a transformer somewhere and we lost all power. So, we went to bed. It had started to rain really hard. Then it turned to hail which covered the ground in about an inch of ice. The lights came back around 4am. Yawn!!! When we finally did get up, there was nearly 4 inches of snow on the ground!!!! BRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrr!!! The whole day has been cold and clammy.

Dan is feeling better. I got two papers written and had to argue with my professor, because he gave me a poor grade. Why? Because he didn’t read my paper!!!!! I was pissed! However, he regraded it. Went from a C+ to a B+. Still…… grrr……

Tomorrow, I don’t think I have anything to do except write what I want to write!!!!

Rainy hikes, college grades and flying dogs

It has been a busy month! I finally had enough of a break in classes to go hiking with my Dad and Dan. Wheee!!! We headed up to Apishipa Pass. Of course, it was rainy! In fact, it got worse. Dan and Dad hiked down one trail and I took a shorter hike up to Vista Point. The idea being that you can see for miles. Well, not in the rain. So, I headed back down a trail that was turning into a stream. I found a spot under the trees that was dry and curled up. I read my book and ate my lunch. Bliss!

my view from under the tree
my view from under the tree

It was a well deserved break. I really enjoyed my day up in the mountains. We followed it up by being absolute slugs for the next 36 hours. There are times it feels really good to just lounge about, talk and snooze.

Especially as I worked my butt off on classes. English class was difficult in that I wanted to strangle the teacher. I have not been so frustrated in a long time. However, I got an A out of the class.

Then there was Business Math. Lots of tears, frustration, gnashing of teeth and LOTS of help from Dan and Cindy the Math Tutor. Without them I’d have failed miserably. I appreciate their translations of Mathese into English. Best of all, I got an A!!!! Not bad for a 32 year hiatus from Math. To put the icing on the cake, that gave me a 4.0 GPA! I’m on the Dean’s list and the Chancellor’s list. πŸ˜›

I took some time this week to finish a pair of socks I’ve been working on for a few months. If I had just knitted solidly, I’d have had them done in about a week. Oh well… they are LOUD!!!

My Wild socks!
My Wild socks!

Another milestone today was letting the kittens out of seclusion. We figured that they were finally big enough to survive the dogs. Not that Blanca or Brandy are mean, they are just huge in comparison. They are nearly two months old, and we have actually found homes for three of them. This leaves Squeak and Squeaker.

Blanca and the kitten
Blanca and the kitten


It was a real three ring circus as the dogs tried to sniff the kittens, etc. Brandy tried to herd them. Blanca bathed them. Fun part is that the kittens wore out the dogs.

Blanca was laying on the couch with her back to the living room. She stretched to wash her tail and the next thing we knew, there was this THUD! that shook the living room as Blanca fell off the couch. She had that sheepish grin on her face like she had meant to do that. Such a Tollpatsch! (klutz)!

Rainforests, classes and computers

It has been busy in other ways around here. The Monsoon season kicked in early and is still going strong. I think we have had more rain storms than we did snow storms last winter. Nice, but frustrating when you try to dry laundry.

I’ve been working hard this last month on my math and english comp classes. Math has been a booger trying to remember things I learned 32 years ago. However, in spite of my fears, I am actually getting some of this! Dan put this poster up on my wall behind the computer that reads What yould you attempt if you knew you would succeed? I look at it every day. I admit that there are days when I want to curl up and cry, and others when I just get so frustrated that I walk away from the computer. Last test was a 90% though!!!

Then there is my english class… I am suppose to be in it to learn APA formating, even though it is an english class. However, I am peeved about being in a 101 class and still not learning APA style! Grrrr….. I write for a living!!! sigh….. As it is, I am teaching 3 other students how to write because they don’t get what the teacher is trying to do.

Last Thursday, we got a call that the library had finally gotten their computers from Tech for All. 25 of them. Dan and I went down and started helping Rose Keating, from Tech for All, to set them up, etc. 12 hours later, we still weren’t done. The contract tech worker and Rose went round and round. He choked the network and delayed us on end. Grrrr….. Not happy. However, we are going back today to finish up some stuff. Then, we will be able to have compute classes at the library! Wheeee!!!!

Dan went hiking with Dad yesterday. They had a good time. Half way up one of the Spanish Peaks. They came down because of the rainstorm headed in. On top of the peaks is not a good place to be in a thunderstorm. Mom and I went to lunch at George’s. Yummm.. It has become our date when the guys go hiking.

It might as well be winter!!! Brrrrr…..

Yesterday, it was almost 55 degrees. And let’s not forget the rain…. Lots of it. With more to come. Makes me wonder if it would be prudent to build an ark…. Oh, and of course there was snow on the Spanish Peaks this morning. It warmed up briefly, but…. I’m still running around in a long skirt, denim shirt and wool socks with my sandals! Brrrrrr.

All jokes aside, it is wet, with more rain due later in the week. Not our normal end of May weather. In some ways, this is good, because I have been indoors doing college work. I have my first class in mid session and I think I’m doing alright. Even learned how to do power point programs yesterday. I have one to do for class next week.

Right now though, I think I’ll curl up with a book, a blanket and a cup of tea.

I’m not ready for this! Brrrr!!!

After lovely days of warm weather and the wind yesterday, I know I shouldn’t be surprised that it is cold today.

Woke up to gray skies and light breezes. It never got really warm, but by 11am, it was about 65F. Then, the clouds really rolled in along with thunder, lightning and rain. At first I thought the noise was the trains bumping cars. We can hear that fairly well even though the train yard is about a quarter of a mile away. Nope… Ten minutes later, there was no denying that the noise was thundery. Dan and I looked at each other, said “Tent!” almost simultaneously.

Heading for the back yard, we stuck the tent and dragged it to the front porch to dry. Brandy thought we were nuts!

Here it is four hours later and a chilly 43F! Brrrrr!!! Still raining, accompanied by rolls of thunder and flashes of lightning. I am so glad that we got Mike and Brittany headed south yesterday.

I keep trying to think of nice warm foods for dinner. Plus, I think I’ll pull out my knitting and watch a movie. Brrrrr!!!!

Back at LOOOOONG Last!

Oh my gods! We lost our phone line on August 21st. Our ex-business partner would neither turn the phone off, nor give us access to do it ourself. sigh… So, when she didn’t pay the bill, Qwest turned it off. We got the phone back on rather quickly, but it took them until yesterday to turn the DSL on. They forgot it on the first order and I had to redo the whole thing. Grrrrr……

Meanwhile, we’ve wired my parents house for telephone service. That was fun.. NOT! Dan had to crawl under the house in the crawl space. Not a fun time. He did however zing my mom. Told her that she really needed to dust down there. She told him to “bite me!” I laughed.

We’ve also dealt with tons of rain. Yesterday’s storm was so heavy with lightning that I nearly got hit. I had just gotten my feet out of the inch deep puddle at my mom’s house when there was a Flash/BOOM! That blast was so loud that all I could do is yell “Shit!” and watch the sparks from up above fall into my parents yard. We think the antenna next door got hit. It rained hard enough that the arroyos flooded and several low spots on the frontage road parallelling I-25 were full of mud. Dad and I saw this on our way to Pueblo today. In fact, one area washed out the road. At least 65 sq. yds of road and land next to the road were gone.

As mentioned, Dad and I went to Pueblo. He and Mom needed a pantry cupboard for the kitchen. Their house is sadly lacking in storage. It was really heavy, so when we got back, I dropped off Dad and picked up Dan. This way they could put it together. At one point, Dad was saying that he was use to being precise like they were on missles when he worked at Martin Marietta. Dan, who was putting on the hinges turned to him and said, “Jon, this isn’t rocket science!” They both laughed.

They got the cabinet together, and we took home a dresser that they didn’t need. Wheeee! Dan now has a place to put his clothes! As Mom and Dad unpack boxes, she is sorting through things and deciding what she doesn’t want any more. I of course get first pick.:)

Dan and I have also been working on lots of information for our other blog, The Pagan Way. We are getting ready to formally start a coven. I’ve been working on by-laws, book lists and other bits and bobs.


Summertime, and the Weather’s been Freezing!!!

30 degrees lower than normal. Brrrrrrr!!! Another day of cold rainy weather in Southern Colorado. So cold that there was snow on the Spanish Peaks. All above the 10,000ft mark. It was cold and damp all day.

I woke up to Daniel bringing in Fatty the puppy. He wanted me to snuggle him because the dog was cold. Oh, and he wants me to knit the dog a sweater. Then Erin woke me up because he needed to get into the house at 520 and Dan had locked the door and wasn’t answering the phone.

No sooner got to 520 when my mom called. Could I take her to the store? At 10am? Of course. So, I shuffled laundry, took my mom to the store, shuffled more laundry and then headed back to 520. Morgan and Matt are here today too. Since then we have worked on the house, played silly spray the stuff in the cans game, had an asthma attack, cooked dinner and now I’m headed to bed. Wheee…. Oh, and Matt and Morgan went to the movies.

Tomorrow will be interesting. Mom & Dad’s furniture arrives. Wheee…. we get a dresser, a tv and a washer out of the deal. Wow…