What a start to the week.

Sunday we went up to Colorado Springs. We spent the night up there because Morgan had SSAT testing at Fountain Valley. We got there on time and she took the test. The proctor said that they had never had a student so happy when they came in to take the test. She finished the test in record time. Interesting in that she didn’t know that it is the kind of test you aren’t expected to finish. It tests the limit of your knowledge at that level. Now we await the test results.

When we got home on Monday, we were watching a movie when the house began to smell. Skunk!! Two of them having sex under the house. Awwgh!!!! the smell!!!! gag… Have I mentioned how much I detest skunks? It was snowing, so we couldn’t even open the doors to air out the house. ugh. Did not sleep well.

Yesterday was a school board meeting that outlined just how bad things could be. Not pretty. Once again, I didn’t sleep well. On top of the school board getting my dander up, I upset a friend accidentally. So, I tossed and turned during the night trying to figure out how to fix things.

A good thing though is that I am making pizza for dinner.

Snow, snow, snow, snow….

Lather, rinse, repeat. Gads. I woke up yesterday to 8 more inches of snow. Luckily, I did find the snow shovel. It was right where I said it would be. It was hanging on the wall in the garage. Oh well. I’ve had my revenge in that Dan has been shoveling snow with a 12 inch wide shovel for most of the winter.

I did shovel the walks and brought in firewood. I spent the rest of the day watching movies and knitting. I made Morgan a pair of socks, and they fit really well. I think I have enough yarn for a second pair. So, I may knit some more today.

Dan is having some fun and some frustration in DC. I got the Cliff notes version last night. Poor dear is just not use to the bureaucratic bullshit on that level. He had one really good workshop and then the frustrating one. We then got sidetracked about the weather. It is suppose to snow like crazy tomorrow, which means I can’t drive up to get him if the weather is bad. So we are trying to decide if he should stay in a hotel for the night, whether he will even get to Colorado Springs, etc.

Here are some pictures from yesterday.

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Mr. Harper goes to Washington…

All I could think of this morning as Dan got dressed was of the 1939 movie, Mr. Smith goes to Washington. Now, I sort of doubt that Dan will be naive enough to try and change the world in one conference, but… He certainly will do his best to be heard when needed. LOL!

Last night we headed up to Colorado Springs so that we could make sure Dan caught his flight on time. He is off to the National Association of Workforce Boards Conference. It is in DC, so we got him some nice clothes a few weeks ago. Can’t have him heading off in flannel lined blue jeans and hiking boots. Although, that would probably make a real impact on people. Hmmm…

However, he got dressed in nice clothes and the new socks I made him. Brown Fair Isle patterned socks which he got to show off every time he had to board a plane. LOL… I can see it now, all the ladies he’s traveling with are going to want socks. He looked very nice though. Beard and hair all trimmed up, suit coat and trews as well as a wool great coat. I need to get pictures of him and the socks. 🙂

I dropped him off at the airport and then drove home. Made it home by 8:50am and had a nice visit with my Mom. Dad brought me home and I got busy around the house. I let Brandy out and brought in firewood. Then I did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen. Then I made myself some lunch and plowed through most of the email. After that, I decided I needed a treat. So, I made popcorn, got the sock out that I am working on, and watched Peter Pan. This was the version made in 2003. I hadn’t seen it and totally enjoyed myself.

While Dan’s away, I’m relaxing. Movies, writing, knitting and books. I pick Dan up on Tuesday. It’s suppose to snow, so I’ll leave early and drive slow. At least it is only to Colorado Springs. Hmmm… I think I hear a movie calling my name!

A wet but relative warm day

At least in comparison to the rest of the week! It’s 43 degrees and the 6-8 inches of snow we got last night is melting so fast that the streets are flooding. We still have no water, but we hope to have that solved soon. Just have to wait until it thaws.

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These are a series of pics out the front and back door. If you look carefully, you can see the river of snowmelt running in front of the truck. There are snow plumes coming off the Spanish Peaks and a lot of snow in the back yard. We watched the city plow the slush and water out of the way for probably an hour. At least we will have a clear spot to park my Dad’s truck. We are borrowing it to take Dan to Colorado Springs in the very early am. He is flying to DC for a Workforce Conference.


The last two days and nights have been bitterly cold. -22 last night. We have about 3 inches of snow from the storm, but it is the cold that is really annoying.Our pipes froze last night. I’m just glad we have firewood.

We are working on thawing the pipes and staying warm. Morgan didn’t go to school yesterday or today as it was just too cold to be out on the roads. She has a 26 mile one way trip to school.

I had planned to do lots of cooking/baking today, but with no water, I’m stuck. Here’s hoping the pipes thaw soon.

I know we need the moisture…

But damn I’m ready for warmer weather. Not sure what it is this year, but I have just not been in the mood for the below freezing weather. Today for example, we’ve had sun, snow, more sun, more snow and it never got above 31F. Brrrr…..As it is, we started a fire at 2pm.

Meanwhile, we are working on the business plan yet again. Dan has done the financial data and I’ve done the narrative. I’m seeing business plans in my sleep.

At least I’m not outside shoveling snow.

BRRR! Can we say cold?

This week has been frigid!  30+ degrees colder than normal. We got 6 inches of snow on Sunday and not a lot of it has melted, because it has been so cold. -10 Monday night. 4 last night and right now at nearly 2pm, it is just barely 35 outside. BRRRR!!!!! Only good thing is that my parents bought us half a cord of wood. Otherwise, I’d be in bed!

Last week was hectic. We took a trip to Trinidad and visited with Economic Development and the local Chamber of Commerce. Depending on how a meeting goes tomorrow, we may be changing our business plans for 2011. Exciting and nerve wracking all at the same time.

This week isn’t much slower paced either. Lots of work stuff, and Dan had to go to Denver for some Workforce stuff. He will be home tonight. Oh, and to top it off, Ian’s truck hates me. It died on my half way to the school board meeting last night. I left it there, as I couldn’t get it started.  I had to walk home from the meeting. BRRRRR!!!  Dan gets to deal with it when he comes home. Not exactly what I would have wanted, but… oh well.

As I said, we have a meeting in Trinidad tomorrow, Dan has two computer jobs and on Monday we take Morgan up to Fountain Valley School for an introduction day. It should be interesting. There is some other stuff next week too, but I have to get it all down on the calendar. I just hope it warms up soon.


Oh my gods it is cold!

Last  night when we went to bed it was -2F outside. We stayed up long enough to welcome in the new year and then crawled in bed! Hot water bottles are a blessing. This morning when we got up it was 30F in the house. BRRRRrrrrrRRRRrrrrrr!

We started a fire and turned up the electrical heaters and by 5pm, we got the house up to 50F. (16F outside) This happened just in time for the couple from Falcon to come meet Spike. They came in and met him and decided that they would take him home. I hope that all works well for Spike!

I made pinto bean soup for dinner. The ham bone from Yule dinner is cooking away in it, and will be Brandy’s as a treat. Now to decide whether to make corn bread or just heat up tortillas.

I’m waiting for that heatwave of 46F tomorrow!!!


We got about 6 inches of the stuff by morning. Morgan was disappointed that school was not canceled. She had great hopes of watching Babylon 5. Oh well.

Here are some pictures. The cat is one of the ferals we call Red Tom. The rest were taken from the top of the stairs or on the sidewalk.Dan of course is doing the shovel work.

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INside sports for Snowy Days

Not what you think! Geeze some people have dirty minds!

It finally snowed. So, none of us have felt like going outside. Not even Brandy.

So, today was rearrange the furniture day. We did this 6-8 months ago, and I had one plan and Dan had another. Guys won that time. This time, we did what I suggested a while back. I think it looks good. Dan is happy. The house looks much more open.

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